If the Confederacy won the War of Secession would slavery still exist?
If the Confederacy won the War of Secession would slavery still exist?
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No. It would have probably been economically phased out later.
However, the political and social place of black people on America would have probably been harsher. Or prehaps we would live in a world where the Black Panther start a civil war that they win, leading to the creation of a massive black ethno-state. Really we can't say with alternative history.
One author wrote a scenario of socialist/communist uprisings in the area post establishment if the confederacy won.
Makes sense honestly since the people who turned to those ideologies whether for genuine belief in them or pragmatic purposes were ones that their place in the current system was rock bottom and had the chance of getting possibly even going further down.
Abolition would have to happen, given that it's ultimately not economically viable, plus the the global movement against slavery would only get stronger as time would gone by, the Confederacy would become a worldwide pariah. The issue is, if I recall correctly, the constitution of the Confederacy forbids abolition in its constitution, maybe it'd cause another civil war?
Implying slavery doesn't exist
Not in its traditional form in the US at least.
Dunno. I think the proto-Dorian bond that tied southern whites regardless of class together was strong enough to withstand socialist colorblind appeals. A black uprising, even if it stretched the hand toward white trash, would be doomed to fail. And the southern elite, for all its faults did see the dangers of industrialisation and rapid modernisation, even if just from a traditional angle, so would probably eased the pangs of development with some form of paternalism and white class solidarity, enough to keep white workers content enough
>Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,
shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
>except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted
In the fucking constitution, slavery is entirely legal.
I was referring to straight up chattel slavery, slavery as punishment is a different affair no matter what you feel about the issue.
Chattel isn't the only traditional form.
World wide? No. In the U.S its the classic form of slavery, and what the OP was likely talking about.
The Confederacy was sowing the seeds of abolition during the war. Southern industrialization and urbanization, which had lagged behind the North during the Antebellum period exploded from 1861 to 1864. Both of those are conducive to abolition economically and ideologically. The railroads and industries that were jump-started by the war would grow more powerful in the 1870s and 1880s. Combined with the independent South's growing cosmopolitan culture, the Planter class would eventually be replaced with more reform-minded leaders. We saw a certain element of this during Reconstruction with James Longstreet and Albert Parsons, both former Confederates who broke ranks and became advocates reform. Now imagine what these two could have accomplished as celebrated war heroes who were advocating change in the name of patriotism rather than being perceived as traitors. If anything, the South would've been more receptive to progressive politics by the 1890s than it was in reality because the bitterness of defeat that fueled post-war reactionary movements like the Klan and White League would not exist.
This book really ought to be mandatory reading for any history class on the Civil War.
>niggers winning anything
What's it like having an IQ below room temperature?
What'd probably end up happening would be Whites just being phased out of the Confederacy as Blacks eventually took over all economic roles. We'd probably see Abolition, but not as a freeing of the slaves and more of a blurring of just what a slave is, until eventually "Slave" and "Free Black man" became the same thing. Quasi-Free slaves were already paving the way for Blacks to operate quite far away from the plantation and Whites had been moving north in droves for years due to lack of work and plantations gobbling up their land. Railroads and industrialization could just take that to its logical conclusion.
And the Confederacy may have been a Pariah at the surface level, but every power in Europe (Britain especially) would have loved to have had a North American power they could prop up to check United States' naval power in the Atlantic and Westward expansion.
Slavery never would've been able to last. It had already become far too unpopular in europe and they were basically the confederacy's #1 trade partner.
>It had already become far too unpopular in europe
They had Egypt and India for a source of cotton so regardless of their opinion on overt slavery the cheaper cotton from those places would provide huge competition to the South.
They were getting cotton from Egypt and India specifically because they didn't want to endorse slavery, which showed that the Confederacy was going to have to give it up if they wanted to compete. The confederacy was used to previously having a monopoly.
In a sense yes but the slavery would be purely for tormenting blacks rather than agriculture. Imagine a south where whites would give blacks horrendous labor just to torture them physically and mentally.
Will there be gladiator fights?
The Confederacy would have fallen apart within two decades, three tops. The Union hungry for revenge/reconquest, economic decline (Britain relying more on India/Egypt for cotton), and pressures with most of the rest of the world abolishing slavery. Possible that the US re-annexes the Upper South, Texas goes independent, and a black republic is formed out of the Deep South.
Slavery still exists today regardless.
If you mean as a legal thing, probably not, but it likely would've held on longer.
On a side note, regardless of whether the Union eventually conquered the Confederacy in later wars in such a timeline, the USA would be significantly more anti-british and likely anti-european imperials, as they would prop up the confederacy just to ensure the USA didn't become powerful enough to oppose them.
Well if you want to get technical, as in the pic you posted slavery still exists. The US prison(and the private prison) system is an epic clusterfuck and the prison labor systems that have them earning pennies has them basically reduced to slaves with rather shitty pay.
As to the cotton picking Negroes, probably not as the anti-slave sentiment had been gaining some serious momentum.
The circumstances in which slavery flourishes were fading and as technology has progressed skilled labor with a strong education base has also risen and that tends to not work with slaves.
It would have evolved into indentured servitude, same as most immigrants during the height of the late colonial period... The practice even survived the upheaval of the civil war to become sharecropping.
No, as industrialization progresses eventually slavery would become outdated even with the agrarian nature of the CSA. Segregation would happen immediately afterwards, as i doubt they would just eugenically stop all the blacks from breeding to make sure they wouldn't be a problem in the future.
A lot of the moralization they used to justify slavery was on the basis that black people had to be looked after because they dont know any better
Slavery would have been abolished regardless of the outcome of the civil war.
However, inevitably, like our times now, the outcome of having a group of people who have lower average IQ's due to speciation would have inevitably led to conflict, whether that be from interaction, voting trends or crime. Low IQ populations cause more crime, vote for hand outs and overall hold entire nations back.
Blacks, like any low IQ group, are a detriment to any population they are introduced to. This is an unfortunate but real fact of their race.
but none of the european powers gave a fuck about the confederacy
Isn't there another thing where you were allowed to pay people with like food+drink instead of wages.
>technology has progressed skilled labor with a strong education base has also risen and that tends to not work with slaves.
Not to be that guy buy American slaves actually were trained in skilled labour, especially Urban ones.
Probably not. There had already been a momentous abolition movement among the Southern elites before the commencement of the war. And the war itself increased industrialization.
I should say the slave population would have been forcibly removed from the confederacy after a few decades. Otherwise, it would have become the very last Western country to preserve slavery as an institution.
Some were, but not most. And even after abolition, the black community did not exhibit an encouraging degree of competence.
>black community did not exhibit an encouraging degree of competence.
Because urban black skilled workers were barred from working their jobs due to white labourers bitching to their bosses and training was heavily restricted to that demographic.
I'm talking both free blacks pre and post abolition.
in all likelihood had the confederacy won it would have gone communist all on its own considering its economy was farming and slavery like the soviet union was
a special flavor of cotton, corn, and conquest since the first thing a winning confederacy would do is try to confederate the north or texas or mexico by force
Except the great majority of blacks were not urban or skilled. And your misspelling of labor suggests that you are short of conversant with the subject.
>Otherwise, it would have become the very last Western country to preserve slavery as an institution.
Doubtful, Brazil held onto that shit until the 1880s
No because eventually white women would get the right to vote and everyone knows that they can't resist the BBC.
I said within a few decades u fat fag
True desu
Little known fact: Lee was 3% black, from the waste to the thighs, and had a huge monsterdong
it ws already in decline
McClellan, please don't spread slanderous rumors.