I'm hoping to understand the political layout of this board, so I've created a poll.
Also: historical ideology discussion thread.
I'm hoping to understand the political layout of this board, so I've created a poll.
Also: historical ideology discussion thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
>fascist twice
>"ethno-nationalist" as if that's a cohesive ideology in and of itself
>"progressive" and "liberal" which could mean any number of things
>no social democracy/democratic socialism
>what even is Natsoc
Shit poll. This thread will probably get axed but I might as well post what I think is the best political quiz I've seen
do unironic monarchists exist on this board? can someone explain what they actually believe? Who determines the monarch? Is the rest of society structured in a feudal fashion?
>Who determines the monarch?
Hereditary, other forms a shit.
>Is the rest of society structured in a feudal fashion?
Parliamentary monarchy, with the monarch not having absolute power, just being able to dissolve parliament, adding another layer of checks and balances in order to ensure the interests of the people are actually enforced.
Sadly, I'm not edgy enough to be an unironic absolutist.
I'm a libertarian, but I have some respect for absolute monarchs. What could be more capitalist than owning a whole country?
I get the heredity part, but in something like the US of A, who would determine the first monarch?
>using force should someone not wish to enter into a voluntary contract with you
crazy how that happens
Relation to the previous monarch, of course.
>two fascist options
absolute monarchy is just democracy where I have the vote
>Only leftist options are "Progressive", communist, and anarchist (which isn't necessarily left wing)
>Fascism twice
Shit poll and shit thread
>I'm a libertarian, but I have some respect for absolute monarchs. What could be more capitalist than owning a whole country?
I'm not sure I could have come up with a better description of modern libertarianism if I tried
Left-wing Libertarianism/Minarchy isn't listed either, which bothers me. Shit thread op, kys
>no distributist option
Shit poll
>no moderate/centrist option
For what purpose?
Classical Small-Government Liberal reporting in. Frustrating to know that I don't fall neatly into the left or right and the extreme of both would hate my guts.
Libertarian is the most memeshit idea to have ever gained traction.
Thanks for proving my point.
>no Socdem
>no radical centrist
What definition of Liberal? Classical Liberal, Leftist, American Democrat, Anti Totalitarian?
I fall right about here (pic related) but I'm starting to think nationalism is better the more I see leftists such as antifa being tards all the time
rate me fellas
here's my flag since everyone else's looks roughly the same
Thanks Doc
What type of communism would you consider yourself?
gomrade Joseph Jong Mao :DD
This is my flag
And this is my scales. I'm a big fan of Distributism.
>6 people checked monarchist
Rev up that guillotine
>>using force should someone not wish to enter into a voluntary contract with you
user, Monarchists are vast and have different beliefs. Who says that user's King would force anything?
Anyway, I'm willing to answer a few of your questions as an Ancap monarchist, though I'm going to sleep in a few moments.
In all honesty I don't consider myself a communist. I'd say I'm a democratic socialist. Anyone subverting democracy in the name of socialism isn't worth supporting, imo.
What is the function and the powers of a king if the king does not use initiate force?
they must be punished
Flag I forgot
Unironic absolutist here. Hereditary monarchy is the only way to go, because all other methods take away from the core tenants of and reasons to adopt the monarchical system. I like the idea of a parliament too, but the monarch needs strong control over it to ensure that it listens to the living representation of the nation and the people who elected it.
>liberals are more present than commies
the absolute state of Veeky Forums
So how would this royal family be decided initially in a land without a current monarch? Why is Monarchy a better system than any other?
My flag was blank yellow and my motto was Work · Humanity · Justice
To govern. Just like a president.
There would likely be two houses on congress, one popularly elected, and one appointed or elected by the upper classes. The populists would represent what the commoners want, and the aristocrats would represent what the nobles want. The King would have powers similar to a president, perhaps.
Now, why is this superior to democracy? Because the masses aren't good at governing or choosing governors. Most democratically elected leaders are just silver-tongued demagogues, anywhere on the popular political spectrum. They work for their own benefit, not for the benefit of the fools who elected them. But they also don't care whats happens after they leave office. They can rack up debts and increase taxes, and they will, because they're only there for four, eight, maybe twelve years. After that, they simply can't profit anymore. They don't care about the consequences, since they won't have to deal with them. A King needs to care, because he'll have to take care of those debts later in life, or his children will.
That's one example.
You can read some of this, just the first bit, which represents my ideology pretty well.
Bring someone over from Europe. Some Danish Prince, or something.
Or some descendant of an old national hero, maybe.
Tell me what exactly is wrong with classical liberalism? Why is it wrong for people to live their lives without government interference?
Would a king (or anyone else) governing not contradict the anarcho part of anarcho capitalist monarchy?
Thanks, I finally got a straight answer to the first question. What about the second one? I'm really enjoying this, thank you
>Would a king (or anyone else) governing not contradict the anarcho part of anarcho capitalist monarchy?
Not at all.
>A lot of people don't really understand Ancap, all because of that poor name. Ancap doesn't mean no government. It means that no government has the natural right to rule people. All men have natural rights and are governed by natural laws. They can, however, join a collective for the purpose or organization and defense. A state, if you will. The constitution, which outlines the rights, responsibilities, duties, et cetera, or both the state and the citizen is, in a way, a contract. A citizen can join this state, can enter his land into the state, can become a citizen, and is beholden to certain laws. If he breaks these laws, he can be punished. If other people break these laws, so will they. And if the state exercises more power than it has the right to exercise, the citizens who entered land into it have the right to secede, and even those who entered no land always have the right to leave, to vote with their feet. And if a landed man is unhappy with the state, but they have done no wrong, he can still leave at any time, but might not be allowed to really secede.
>Do you understand? This is just my quick example. Anyway, monarchies are better than democracies.
>Read Hoppe.
This is an older post of mine.
Anyway, I just don't like silver-tongued demagogues in charge of my country, and I also don't like even the scraps they throw for the fools who they tricked into electing them.
Monarchs are born and bred(And yes, some of those good traits are inheritable) for the job, and know what to do for their country.
>royal family
Preferably through existing members of that country's previous royal family (such as in Russia or Austria), or a junior branch of a friendly/mother nation's own royal house. Having an election or contest to decide the royal is against the point. Monarchs are born, not made.
Well, the whole ruler-being-trained-from-birth thing is quite nice, especially in this age of minimally qualified leaders. But more important is the fact that the ruler cannot sell out their country, or rather, their own personal interests are aligned more-or-less perfectly with that of the nation's. Unlike a democratic leader, who realistically only has to consider their ~10 years in office, the monarch is tied to the nation for life. They are tied to their decisions for life.
Monarchy also avoids the pitfalls of the dictatorial system, because it has a built-in succession system. Dictatorial states are tied to the lifespan of their leader. All loyalties are sworn to him alone. Once he dies or loses power, no one has any loyalties to anyone. The result is a scramble for power, like what is happening in Libya, or what happened in Yugoslavia. Monarchies avoid this by having loyalties sworn to a family. This way, it has the (possible) longevity of an institution, but the key personal nature of the dictator.
Hope this helps
Thanks for the response. For clarity: under anarchocapitalism, any individual could voluntarily join a collective. The best collective to join would be a monarchy. Is this correct? Could an individual also voluntarily join a democracy, or an oligarchy, or anything else should they desire?
Pretty interesting stuff. How is inbreeding prevented under monarchy?
>today I learned I'm kind of a socialist
Huh. That's... actually a really nice test, user. Thanks for sharing. It's been enlightening.
>The best collective to join would be a monarchy. Is this correct?
I, personally, believe so. That's what I'd want to live in, anyway.
>Could an individual also voluntarily join a democracy, or an oligarchy, or anything else should they desire?
It's fine by me. I'd like to see these ideologies really compete, barring war.
so many fucking l*berals
Hey that's actually a pretty cool mix
Work. Fatherland. Family.
Thanks user. This has been pretty interesting, but I've got to sleep now. Thanks for the info, and I'll read Hoppe when I find the time
No problem. I'll sleep now, too.
I don't know how to feel, I don't really get into political stuff that much.
>Just brown
Good shit
I was not expecting to be very middle of the road
My flag looks like awful neon Bahrain
>Libertarian/Ancap second place
Hippity hoppity get off my property
It looks like Barney the dinosaur
well it ain't barney the purple dinosaur
pic for the lazy dudes
Fuck, wrong picture! sorry
Meh, i'll probably try it again
Democratic socialism is a buzzword nowadays. It can include literally anything so long it's a bit more to the left than mainstream liberals.
I would consider myself socialist.
fact government is necesarry if you dont want to live in a cave and fearing to get killed by the McDonalds private army
>all those fucking gommies
Almost 100% conservatism even though I would consider myself more of a reactionary than a conservative. The problem with these quizzes is your either one thing or the other.
Sanders is actually a Social Democrat, despite what he claims.