What exactly is wrong with ethnic nationalism? I'm Polish and I appreciate that everyone in my country is Polish. It's like 98% ethnic Poles. I believe that Polish people are the only ones capable of maintaining Polish culture, and after the last few hundred years of European history I value the sovereignty of the nation. Why should I share my country with people that are radically different from me, say Pakistan or Somalia? I am not advocating for genocide or ethnic cleansing of whoever lives there now, but why is it frowned upon that I want the current government to focus on the Polish people raising strong and healthy families instead of importing brown people to replace the native population?
What exactly is wrong with ethnic nationalism? I'm Polish and I appreciate that everyone in my country is Polish...
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There is nothing wrong with it, only traitors and their useful idiot supporters think otherwise.
>, but why is it frowned upon that I want the current government to focus on the Polish people raising strong and healthy families instead of importing brown people to replace the native population?
because Hitler and his autism ruined any real right wing effort in Europe. Even now, they are all retarded and belligerent bafoons
>being Polish
>not realizing your family tree is probably full of Turks, Germans, Cossacks, and Jews.
>family tree is probably full of Turks, Germans, Cossacks, and Jews.
Maybe your you germ.
>ethno-nationalism always seems to attract retarded and belligerent people.
Think through why this is.
>being American
>not realizing your family tree is probably full of Mexicans, Niggers, Jews and Amerindians
you'e right, that means I shouldn't mind that the country becomes Africa 2.0. Thank you for your thoughtful contribution to the thread.
but educated and sane people should understand that nationalism is only a problem when its blind and results in literal mass murder. I shouldn't be expected to have my ethnicity die out in 150 years because Hitler ruined it all
I'm not an ethno-nationalist so that wouldn't bother me in the slightest.
>implying that is not upgrade from kraut and anglo blood
>be Dutch
>Be Germanic without being an Anglo, Kraut or cucked Scandi
Feels good
>should understand that nationalism is only a problem when its blind and results in literal mass murder.
Except it almost always results in that in the end. I can think of precisely one partial exception to this rule of history.
but it bothers me and makes me feel helpless that I'm told because theres a possibility of violence happening on my end, that it justifies my people and culture being replaced. I would rather be personally involved in a holocaust type event than be on my death bed knowing 45% of my country is foreigners, for example. I can't get over feeling like "my people" matter more than others, especially if it means mine will disappear
>be swamp kraut
>get colonized by Moroccans and Turks
>be too stupid to realize it
This is your brain below sea level
>because Hitler and his autism ruined any real right wing effort in Europe.
>implying any right wing effort in Europe would have been allowed in the first place
Hitler was a rebel against the zionist empire and he lost now we are all fucked but hey lets take in refugees and kill ourselves whoo whoo.
This is fundamentally correct as multiethnic societies always ghettoize themselves, and the groups vote only in favor of themselves, rather than the well being of the country, and there is no real universal sense of country men. This is the reason only white people are patriotic in america in any real sense, but there are a good number of non white who are, simply because of our idea of "being american" as an idea or philosophy. There is no real way this shit is going to work in europe. Muslims are just going to make pockets of sharia law and vote only in favor of that, and euros are so plagued by white/colonial guilt that they wont do shit to stop it
Cossack is not an ethnicity you bumbling retard.
>What exactly is wrong with ethnic nationalism?
Ethnic nationalism was the 2nd most deadly ideology of the 20th century, with communism being the 1st.
When Danny Devito enters a room, the average height of the room goes down, yet no person previously there is made shorter.
Ethnic Nationalism is always based on fairytales conjured up to fit the narrative.
>This is the reason only white people are patriotic in america in any real sens
Fuck off.
Because it legislates features of people they have no control over
Ethnic nationalism doesn't mean you believe in 100% racial purity.
>sausage is minced meat and spices and flour
>so it shouldn't matter if you add feces to it xDDD
Having control is a meme.
then the statement "Only X people can preserve X culture" is a tautology.
It seems idiotic to throw away loyal and hardworking people on the basis of them being of a different race than you.
then how is ethnic nationalism any different from regular ol' cucked civic nationalism?
There is a problem thought. They are not.
We have no problems with our Tatars minority.
On the other hand Chechen scum should get kicked out.
>be polish
>leave country to dedicate yourself to your passion of plumbing
>We have no problems with our Tatars minority.
Congratulations, you're a civic nationalist.
The mixture is already the race.
>We have no problems with our Tatars minority.
And do you want to kick them out of the country?
Thing is they speak polish, look polish and are polish. Not even mention that they prove their loyalty to the Poland many times. So no, they are ours and stay.
Fuck off.
There is difference with keeping small minority that prove to be loyal and assimilated and letting in large group that as western example show do not want to assimilate and cause problems to the natives.
>Thing is they speak polish, look polish and are polish. Not even mention that they prove their loyalty to the Poland many times. So no, they are ours and stay.
Then you are a civic nationalist.
Ameriblobs please go, "civic nationalism" is an oxymoron. Nationalism is by definition ethnic.
>adopt to our culture and serve us loyally and we will consider you one of ours
That's what civic nationalism is. If you don't want to kick out the Tatars then you aren't a fucking ethnic nationalist because you don't want an ethnostate and aren't nationalist on the basis of race.
>America is mixture of mutts descended from all types of yuropoors
I am ethno communist. And at this point they are ethnic polish
Fuck off.
So you're not a nationalist at all.
>And at this point they are ethnic polish
So it is not their race, but rather their actions that determines whether they are Polish. Which means you aren't an ethnic nationalist.
I understand why someone would want to preserve German or French culture, but why is Polish “culture” worth maintaining, exactly? Is it really that much better than, say, Mexican “culture”?
what the fuck is "mexican culture"? beheading people while eating a burrito?
They are almost 600 years here and mixed so well that they are ethnic at this point.
Communism can be only build by nationalist society in pure ethno state.
Fascist get out.
Exactly, third-world shitholes like Mexico and Poland don’t have their own distinct “cultures” which are worth preserving.
>They are almost 600 years here and mixed so well that they are ethnic at this point.
That's not what ethnic means. If they aren't racially Polish, then they aren't ethnically Polish.
>Communism can be only build by nationalist society in pure ethno state.
Communism is stateless.
How about no new immigrants, especially ones from Africa and the Middle East. Does that make more sense to you you autistic fuck
It might seem not worth maintaining to you, Hans Pierre, and you won't be the one maintaining it. Each people may rule themselves, their country, and their culture, not some higher world power you think you represent.
They are tho.
They were bleached and polonized.
If you keep the existing racially non-Polish people within the nation then you're still not an ethnic nationalist.
So Tatars don't actually exist within Poland then.
Not really.
They are Muslims but thats all.
>hurr durr words mean their etymology
90% of the time you cant even tell the difference so who cares
being dogmatic about a completely contrived identity is retarded
congratulations, you're not a nationalist at all.
thanks for the compliment
Civic Nationalism is an oxymoron.
What multicultural state entities have is patriotism. Often allegiance to a universalist ideal as opposed to Nationalism's tribalniggery.
you're playing semantic games frankly. None of these terms have precise set in stone definitions and pretending like they do is retarded.
When the tall people in the room don't want to have more than 1-2 kids, if any, and Danny wants 5-6, and if these trends continue generations on (which cultural trends indicate) then in less than 200 years everyone in the room will be as short as Danny Devito except for maybe 1 tall person who will be replaced soon
>Polish """culture"""
Double penetration isn't considered as culture, polak.
>what's wrong with ethnic nationalism?
it gives poles a nation. Very simple problem.
>Pakistan or Somalia
>Implying any Pakistani or Somali wants to go to Pooland
>Germans are a minority in Frankfurt
>Ethnic replacement isn't real
>It's just a fairytale
>you're wrong because I'm illiterate
I want /pol/ to leave
This simple statement of self-preservation triggers the lefty/pol/ subhuman
>having a brown neighbor means I am literally dead
Inside the mind of a /pol/tard
Just because half of all people who live in Frankfurt weren’t born in Germany doesn’t mean that ethnic Germans are a minority in Frankfurt. The overwhelming majority of Frankfurters with a migrant background are Europeans, and many of them are ethnically German. And yes, ethnic replacement isn’t real: m.youtube.com
Most of these migrants aren’t even brown, they are white
>being polish and not having any german, cossack, jew, or turk in you
desu Hitler was a warmongering asshole but at least he got rid of that problem in our gene pool, even if by the most brutal means possible
Yes? Who said that Africa cant be for Africans as well as Germany being for the Germans? Of course relations between different ethnic groups makes total coexistence between some to be difficult, it doesnt mean that multiculturalism is therefore a good alternative to ethnocentric socieites
>Germans are a minority in Frankfurt
>basing your existence on the accumulation of capital solely
i rather have productive assimilative people in my society than scums and dredges
means shit if you have a 100% white if its going to be mediocore
Racism and nationalism are holding back humanity from uniting as one.
Is there any reason we should unite as one? I'm no ethno-nationalist, but whenever I hear about uniting under one government the only way I could possibly see said state holding together is either by decentralizing so much that it is no more powerful than the United Nations is today, or by embracing totalitarian measures and trying to dictate every minute detail of how people live their lives.
>What exactly is wrong with ethnic nationalism?
you kids are too young to understand
>uniting as one
under what exactly? Your secular, egalitarian, and humanistic traditions that are ultimately founded on christian morality?
yeah actually.
>Your secular, egalitarian, and humanistic traditions that are ultimately founded on christian morality?
because its a moronic concept thought up by people who cant or wont understand the difference betveen tribalism, nation states, ethnicity or denomination
these are complicated things, and when things get complicated stormfaggots like to hamfist everithing into neatly defined color coded heaps
on the other hand this wouldnt happen so often if people were free to articulate what they percieve as problems, but since this gets censored and smeared over with liberal bullshit a lot of people just default back to simple tribal logic, which is fine, but then this has to somehow ''affirm'' itself trough some concocted political concept, and so we get shit like ''ethno-nationalism'' and ''identitarianism'' and so on
>he doesnt know that the morality of western atheists comes christian morality
until you find murder morally justifiable, you arent a true atheist
Humanism comes from christian morality, sorry fedora tipper. Unless you go full Stirner your athiesm is just a watered down version of christian morality
then youre an idiot because all of those thigns are wrong and you will never get all people to conform to them :D
>be me
>understand the difference between tribalism, nation states, ethnicity and denomination
wat do
Nationalism is specifically ethnic everywhere aside from America where you have to have your snowflake redefinition of every established word
>but liberal actually means communist xD
No, fuck off.
>until you find murder morally justifiable, you arent a true atheist
nice straw man "huur atheists have no moral"
Calling me a fedora tipper makes you look desperate and pathetic not right.
Christian morality:
>“Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us – he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.” (Psalm 137:9)
Laughs in reality, keep telling yourself that your imagianry sky daddy makes you moral in fact you are less moral even if you act decent you don't do it for the well being of others you just do it because you are told and a big part of morality is understanding WHY doing "the right thing" is good not only following orders.
Western ideals predate Christianity by centuries you mong
underrated post
they protest muslims as if muslims were dying to come to poland
nevermind the fact they migrate to uk etc alongside the very muslims they hate.
nobody migrates to uk
It is a dead country.
Actually ethnic nationalism as a concept is much younger than civic nationalism. Like, the idea of nationhood based around "ethnicity" only sprung up in the 19th century.
So why Germans try force us to take them if they do now want to come and we do not want them there?
>problem thought.
I'm hoping this is a type, or you're really bad at English.
There is nothing wrong with it initially. It becomes wrong when you think your nationality is some crowing achievement that entitles you to some amount of greater respect or other people’s stuff.
Ethnicity and race are two different things.
>I'm hoping this is a type, or you're really bad at English.
>a type
>or you're really bad at English.
You mean typo?
That's because you have a hardon for Germany. The expectation is that Poland does not only reap the benefits of the EU but also shares part of the burden. And so far Poleland takes cash and tells everybody else to fuck off.