Why do Somalians and Ethiopians looks so different compared to other Africans are they part Arab?
Why do Somalians and Ethiopians looks so different compared to other Africans are they part Arab?
Because Africa is literally the most genetically diverse continent in the world. I think I remember reading somewhere that you can basically pin human genetics down to 4 groups, 3 of which are in Africa and the 4th is everyone else.
literally 80% of the continent is bantu. period
Bantu is a language, comma the genetics of the population vary by location, comma and west Africa isn't Bantu. period
Also that doesn't nullify the diversity. period
Yes. The supervirgin arabs who couldn’t open bobs and vagene even with forced marriages eventually migrated south and fucked the negroids over a thousand years. Some migrated back north which is why many Yemenis look blacker than regular arabs
Wow you really don't know how to meme.
sauce me
They're Caucasians. An albino Ethiopian looks pretty similar to a European.
Because Ethiopians are caucasoids and Somalis aren't
>using the word meme in a sentence
Fucking normalfag newfags need to be executed already
Not necessarily just Arab but Semitic ancestry in general. Probably plenty of South Semitic admixture in the East.
There are probably similar characteristics among all E1b1b carriers or people with Red Sea and African admixture, from the horn to the Sahara to the Levant and the Middle East to Europe.
Darker skinned Berbers, Egyptians, and Sudanese peoples are probably also similar. Ibn Battuta reportedly referred to the people living in Mogadishu as "dark-skinned Berbers".
Genes don't exist in a vacuum exclusive of each other and skin tones and physical features are more like the gradience of the pebbles and stones and varying shades found on weathered slabs of concrete sidewalks or other comparable gradient stone surfaces.
Bullshit, all niggers are the same
>implying Adencore not breezy
Yemenis are light skin.
my family doctor is a Nairobian and is much smarter than most nogs
Not him but I thought this was pretty common knowledge by now. Here's one article regarding African genetics.
Khoisans don't look like Egyptians who don't like look Maghrebi Berbers who don't look like West/Central Africans who don't look like people from the Horn of Africa.
>next level of phoneposting
>Neolitich Levantine admixture.
>completely missing the point.
>An albino Ethiopian looks pretty similar to a European.
They don't.
I think it was a study that showed that every non-african group is descended from one particular group that migrated out of africa about 50,000 years ago.
Is that Lindybeige pre-balding?
they have lot of semitic genes and mixed with arabs by conquering them
alot of arab and asian admixture, islam use to have kingdoms there
also sort of sheltered via topgraphy from the rest of the unga bunga shitfest that is africa
plus benefactors of egyptian and kush empires to the north (some trickle down), again also trading with arabs and indians
>t. yemeni
80% of the continent is Negroid, the Northern Area Semitic/Caucasoid.
The only other race were the Capoids and they were btfo by invading Bantus (Zulus) when the Dutch started settling.
That're purely because african also includes non negroid caucasian populations in north africa, some of them being relatively close to southern europeans.
If it weren't for north africans the whole african continent would be very genetically proximate, much more so than asia.
>Talking about actual science in a place neo-nazis categorize people in a pseudoscientific XIXth century manner.
Regarding your post, here is further information ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
>larps as arabs
Lmfao. Somalis always do that, I’m actually dead
>not even & Humanities
Somalians and Ethiopians are originally Middle-Easterners who fucked Bantu women.