Looking for some assistance - the best kind...financial.
When my wife was a teen, a black guy attempted to rape her. She had enough self-defense training to resist - but she tried to hold him instead of just beating him up and letting go, and he ended up stabbing her in the stomach to get away.
In my 1st year Uni, thinking I was invincible, got into a fight with 2 black guys at a bar. I was winning until a 3rd cracked me on the back of the head with a pool cue. Once I was on the ground, all 3 tore into me pretty good. I suffered many groin kicks, and a testicle ruptured.
Fast forward 5 yrs, I meet my to-be wife. We have an immediate connection based on those events.
Fast forward 5 more yrs, and we are married, graded, employed. Both have jobs that involve protecting children. Wife longs for her own as a result. Docs say that with each of our injuries it will be very difficult. All our extra $$ going to pregnancy options. About $50k over the last 3 years.
Fast forward to September. Wife is 14 weeks pregnant.
We live in Canada, and I worked for a company, owned by an American company, contracted to a Canadian province. An audit uncovered a vast amount of mismanagement from my company, and so their American owners have shut it down, and now I'm out of a job. I can get re-employed in this industry without moving to Vancouver for 4x the cost of living for the same wage. I can't get student loans to go back to school (still paying old student loans), and we can't get approved for a business loan to start our own business).
So we finally achieved what we'd put all our money into - but not in the position we were supposed to be. Trying to figure out what options we have now.
Then, I woke up this morning to see Gord Downie passed away. I'm pretty much at the lowest point now.
Here's my bitcoin wallet. Anything helps really. May Gord sing down at you from the heavens forever.
Quads gets to name the kid