Why did we kill god

why did we kill god

Because you touch yourself at night.

>killing something that never existed

It was his plan to save us. He knew we could never take charge of our own existence while there was an all-powerful god watching over us, so he had himself crucified that we might be free, the ultimate act of loving sacrifice.


Save your tears, user. It's what he would have wanted

Which god are you referring to there are several

Because God is a massive faggot and only enemy humans have left.
Fuck God and fuck angels ok? praise humans!

It was self-defense.

truly epic

>send human souls to hell for all eternity if the jerk off once
>expect not to be killed
what a miserable faggot...

We humans should not be fucked with while we are living on this earth.

Not even Satan or any demon has the amount of bloodlust or vices humans have. Satan revolted against God because he believed he was doing good, he fell because of his pride and regretted it and wallowed in misery because of his fall, he is a nobody on the scale of evil. We humans go to hell proudly and with no regrets , see Caine, Lot or Herod in the bible.

In the narrative of the New Testament , Jesus legitimately believes while his human nature is trumping his divine one, that humanity can be taught goodness by example and by showing the error of their ways through parables. Only at the garden of gethsemane does Jesus realize the evil humans can do, and by realizing it this his divine nature is realised by drinking the bitter cup that seals his crucifixion.

Also even though he knows he is God, and he KNOWS he takes on the sins of humanity, and he wants to beleive that humanity is deep down good, his last words are "Father why have you abandoned me".

Real horror show.

Wasn't he resurrected?

>not wanting to kill the demiurge.

That faggot created this miserable reality. All the suffering of existence is his fault.

>no regrets

Because we suck.

He only felt regret because god found out and punished him.

We didn't, we simply decided to leave Him.

> All these fucking atheists.

why do brainlets visit this board? dont you have some awesome le reddit threads to get back to?

They've really been shitting up this board recently with their autistic arguments and Hitchens quotes.

If YHVH stepped into the room I would arrest him and put him on trial for crimes against Humanity.

If god's all knowing and all powerful he created every living being already knowing what decisions they will make in life - basically deciding, because he created them, rendering the concept of free will pointless. Literally destining people either to hell or heaven + making them suffer terrible things in this life. Why is your god such a psychopathic sadist and why would you want to worship him?

We didn't. He had the power to lay down his life, and the power to pick it back up again.

If you don't like the truth, perhaps you'll like The Green Mile better.

We killed him with his love for us.

You have manacles that can bind God?

You should really get back on whatever medication you were put on, ASAP.

Can you read God's mind?

Does God tell you everything he knows?


Then your agency is intact, isn't it. You just simply lack the power to surprise God.

I have the manacles of justice, and the shield of righteousness

Isn't there some sub-category you should be posting at?

My agency is not intact if he created me. He created me and knew what I would chose while doing so - isn't that basically predetermining what you WILL do? Your argument would make sense, if he wasn't my maker, just some all-knowing deity, but not an all-powerful all-knowing creator of the universe who also judges his creations. That's like making something and judging it for being the way you made it. Completely arbitrary.

Fanfic. The real story ends with them taking him to his tomb. I mean seriously, his coming back to life would make the whole thing pointless, it would turn the ultimate act of loving grace into nothing but a scam to trick the gullible humans.

He wanted us to.

This. Judas Did Nothing Wrong, he was an integral part of God's plan and should be recognized as the first Christian saint, who risked eternity in Hell that we could all be saved.

Your complete lack of theological knowledge is showing

Except I'm right. the earliest versions of story said NOTHING about him coming back to life, this was added literally generations later.

If Pontius Pilate can be considered a saint in some churches so can Judas.

Pilate did much less than Judas, he was just doing what his job demanded of him, Judas literally knew he was betraying God himself.

The main problem I have with this statement is that you seem to view GOD as if he has the mind and nature of a man, which he doesn't.

>If god's all knowing and all powerful
Thats the thing, Yahweh is not all knowing or all powerful.

>coming back to life would make the whole thing pointless

I'm not arguing that the resurrection story wasn't added later. I'm saying that it doesn't make the sacrifice somehow invalid if it took place. You'd know this if you actually understood the bible.

He created you and gave you agency. It's intact. You are responsible for what you do with your agency.

That's the hand you were dealt, and no amount of bullshit is going to get you out of your predicament.

If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then nobody will, and your life is hopeless and meaningless, and my worship of God pointless.

He was a tool, the son of satan, a man who watched God work for three years and couldn't figure it out. A liar, thief, and murderer.

Except he is, and you're nothing.

No he isnt.

How do you figure? If Jesus never ate a tootsie pop, does that mean no-one will? Maybe survival after death is just the default, maybe there's nothing after death, this is true whether or not Jesus died or came back to life, and in fact whether or not there is a god at all.
> my worship of God pointless.
I don't see this, either. You're honoring his sacrifice, and while he may be dead, he's STILL god, and so worthy of worship. I mean I wouldn't bother asking him for things in your prayers, but then I think most sophisticated christians already understand that praying for things is a superstition.
>your life is hopeless and meaningless
Meaning is something we give to things and events, its not an inherent property. Hope for eternal life is compatible with god being dead, its even compatible with atheism, its just a metaphysical claim, not a specifically theistic one.

But he did accept Jesus as God, that's why he did as Jesus commanded him and betrayed him, expecting Jesus to use his god magic to save himself and thus prove to everyone that he was god. Of course Jesus did no such thing and Judas killed himself thinking he had ruined everything, when in fact god's death was the whole point of the incarnation in the first place.

>Worshipping a God
>Ignoring a God
>Not seeking a way to transcend and surpass godhood

Wait, at what point was the Ressurection not included?

How can you kill that, which has no life?

First centuary Christianity. It was Paul's idea if I recall, since his sect won out it became standard cannon.

Because we didn't need him anymore.

>a high degree of discourse