>Absolute state of Byzantine Empire
Absolute state of Byzantine Empire
I really have a hard time accepting that the Byzantines assembled a hundred and fifty thousand soldiers after the apocalyptic war with the Persians less than a decade earlier.
t. retarded byzaboo
This. Also, wasn't the region just ravaged by the plague not too long ago
Don't blame the Byzantines, the armies of the caliphate were blessed by Allah.
Sorry. 2 primary sources and a reasonable estimate trump your speculation and lack of any other evidence.
>The black plague started around 1338
>700 years after this battlet
Yep. The Byzantines and Persians decimated each other for centuries - eventually leading to easy pickings by the Arabs. At their height and without the weakening by incessant war, the Arabs wouldn't have had a chance.
force recruiting peasants with pitchforks who run at the sight of horsemen then get slaughtered on the run
>No way the Byzantines were that strong
>Hurr durr Byzaboo
>What is Plague of Justinian?
>What is there Plague of Justinian?
Not the black plague, which was SPECIFICALLY mentioned. If he had meant a plague caused by Yersinia pestis then he should have said that. The plague of Justinia isn't the black plague or it would have been called the black plague.
He never said black plague, retard.
Oh yeah? Well fair enough.
Our Romans still put up a fight at Yarmouk. Unlike the Persians.
>my unibrow is on fire
>Be Greeks
>Start out shitposting from city-states
>Spartafags being the most cancerous, bragging about their "Superiority" despite being outnumbered by FUCKING SLAVES
>Get bored and colonize with phoencia
>Persia enters the scene
>Cuck persians
>One day M*cedonians make you their bitches
>They go on to cuck persia to death
>holy fuck the empire
>Why is Alexander such a chad
>Alexander dies
>Generals fight amognst themselves
>Later romans come knocking
>They cuck the Selucids
>Romans take over after cucking M*cedonia
>We roman hellas now
>Later rome starts going to shit
>This is our fucking time
>Claim the East, found Byzantium and watch as Romancucks get raped by b*rbarian scum
>Good times man
>Justanian happens
>Plague of Justanian
>Fugging Sassinids
>Everything goes to hell from there.
TLDR: All good times come to an end, even for the greeks.
>Tfw the byzantine army can't afford to spam greek flamethrowers
PROTIP: Byzantshits didnt organize their military in expensive as fuck manner as Fr*nks did.
Is 60 years not too long ago?
Fucking brainlet. The plague of Justinian was a thing.
The Byzantines had the biggest army in the world at the time, bar maybe China. Problem was, that during the Arab wars they had to fight additional barbarian hordes from the north, such as the Bulgars, the Avars, the Rus, Slavs, Khazars etc. The leadership during this time was also particularly bad, with many emperors being very decadent and shortsighted, the empire was also mired by the Iconoclast controversy that produced several civil wars over the years. It was not until Basil I that the empire saw competent leadership, and that was due to soldier emperors rising to the position like Basil, not unlike the heighdays of the Roman empire.
Eventually they did reconquer quite a bit of territory from the Arabs and liberated all of the occupied islands including Crete and Sicily.
why was everyone lusting after Constantinople
I know it's hard to imagine now that it's a middle eastern slum ridden shithole but it used to be beautiful
controls the only sea passage to the black sea, is the best land route for merchants to get goods east and west unless you want to take the land route through north african berber land or risk getting robbed by steppe niggers circling around the black sea and traversing the pontic mountains, already very rich so owning it and its coffers would be a boon, very defensible, and the source of the only silk production facility in europe.
Because it was the richest city in the world at the time.
Also, after several times getting BTFO by the Greeks and others seiging it, it’s fall became a sign of the apopaclypse to Muslims
even totay its one of the largest and richest cities on the planet. it was perhaps *the* largest and richest city of all during its prime. it also has extreme religious significance and is considered the second most important city in Christianity
Before there was a sea route to India and China it was an incredibly rich trade hub.
how did they manage?