Is there really a white genocide going on in South Africa? This has been going on since the 80s why didn’t Apartheid do anything about it?
Is there really a white genocide going on in South Africa...
dutch look like blonde chinks
Not genocide. Just killings
Fuck South Africans they literally do this to all minorities. I’ll give another example
>South Africa’s economy in ruins after apartheid
>Immigrants from Ethiopia starts to arrive
>The Ethiopians start opening up businesses
>The economy starts to grow again
>South Africans become jealous that Ethiopian immigrants are “stealing jobs”
>Xenophobia becomes prevalent
>Soon South Africans start looting Ethiopian shops and businesses
>Ethiopian business owners are dragged out of their stores and fucking burned alive in the streets
>Any Ethiopian that has not been killed gets the fuck out of the country
>South Africa’s economy once again is in ruins
Also pic related Ethiopian immigrant after being burned alive in South Africa
The Eternal Bantu. West Africans destroyed SA. San people and Boers were bros
Bantu aren’t West African
Ethiopians were burned alive in the streets in Johannesburg I don’t deny that, but that pic looks so fake
Just dispossession and random killings.
Also story time.
What are mass murders of ethnic minority if not genocide?
>blacks are noble savages who live peacefully with nature :)
Niggers chimping out over not getting paid on time, armed robberies gone wrong, personal butthurt. Actual racially motivated killings are a minority of cases, otherwise all the Boers would have been dead years ago and they'd have torn down the big gay memorial to the Voortrekkers
Murders? It's not like they're going through the streets and rounding up white people to execute simply because they're white. Just because a dindu kills a white man while robbing his farm doesn't mean RACE WAR NOW IT'S A GENOCIDE REE when blacks are still killing more blacks proportionally.
t. Worked for a western company in a township outside Capetown for 2 years.
>Boers were bros
Boers are up there with French Canadians in being insufferable cunts constantly whining about slights perceived and imagined
If this isn't genocide then Srebrenica wasn't either.
I wouldn't call it a genocide but whites are definitely being disproportionately killed. These aren't just petty crimes either. There are tons of cases when they kill and toruture families without stealing anything
When was the last time a black South African paramilitary confined around 8000 Boers in a prison camp and shot and raped them?
Bantus are Congoids and related niggas, West Africans are a different breed although still part of the Niger-Congo superfamily. Honestly West Africans at least created semi-civilized societies at some point (Ghana, Songhai) while Bantus are literal jungle savages who fuck up everything they touch.
I absolutely hate the "Race REALISTS " who keep beating this drum and say it's gonna happen in the US next. Spics arnt Bantu and you can't compare a country which was always a minority oppressing a majority to the demographic shift the US is experiencing.
>Spics arnt Bantu
Yeah, they're even worse.
Is losing your privileged status in society really genocide?
>getting massacred is just "losing privilege"
The absolute state of SJWs
I always hear the opression meme when it comes to blacks. And yet blacks living in white run society are enriched and better off than inside a black run society
fuck Ethiopians tbqhwy
I think that we should increase oppression then.
>The Virgin Islands are that high
The Chad Republic better watch out
So its a country run by /pol/
youre a fucking mong
who cares about their skin colour. they're savages because they come from the shithole called west africa.
Liberals are still acting like it's the 1920s in Alabama or something. Even when we had a black president and attorney general, plenty of black mayors and congressmen and powerful media personalities, they kept screeching about how oppressed blacks are. They're literally the most spoiled people on Earth.
I wouldnt call it genocide as much as its extreme persecution of a minority group that is ignored by the government and the world alike.
This also happened with Nigerians who came to South Africa and opened businesses there.
Wh*te subhumans do not belong there, either they fuck off or die
IRL I hear poor trashy white and black people bitch about How the police are out to get them , thier boss is mean, etc. External vs Internal locus of control.
I have never met a poor Arab l, chunky dink, or pooloo, but who knows what they are saying when they switch into BAKKABAKKABAKKA with each other.
Yeah, but /pol/ imagines that their fantasy authoritarian state would be ruled by people like them, whereas in reality it would be ruled by whichever gang of political opportunists was the most brutal and cunning.
t. Somali
>afrikaners don't use bidets
There's no difference between them and the blacks desu
And what skin color is prevalent there? :^)
Skewed because of extremely low population (tho non-whites there are pretty shitty)
t. St.Thomas resident
>Ethiopian business owners are dragged out of their stores and fucking burned alive in the streets
how the fuck can they tell the difference, the language?
They look very different
That's one of the milder cases btw. The more graphic images would get me banned if I posted them.
People from the Horn of Africa have a distinctive look
It's not systematic so it's an ethnic cleansing, not a genocide.
>In 1975, when Ponte Tower was built, these neighbourhoods had some of the most valuable real estate in the whole of the country. By law they were reserved for white residents only.
>When apartheid crumbled in the 1980s under increasing resistance, the authorities rezoned Hillbrow, Brea and Yeoville as grey areas in an amendment to the Groups Areas Act, leading to the immediate redlining of the three neighbourhoods by banks and the spurring of white flight. While the whites settled in the newly developing suburban sprawl of Johannesburg, urban policy entered a period of neglect and divestment from the inner city. An informal rental real estate market developed in often abandoned and hijacked dwellings, catering for rural to urban migrants from within South Africa and increasingly for migrants from other African countries.
>Ponte Tower, like many surrounding high rises, became a vertical slum. Today there are still some hijacked buildings in Hillbrow and policy neglect and inaction remains a central problem. But this is compounded by a prevailing negative perception: considered a no-go area since the late 1980s, few better-off South Africans, whether white or black, dare to set foot here.
Not quite an accurate story but the phenomenon of modern highrise blocks being abandoned and then settled by migrants is pretty common throughout Africa.
Blacks operate on tribal logic meaning they aint gonna stop killing white people at all, if the white South Africans dont fight back well too sad for them, Those stupid fucks are the ones who gave their land to black apes and now wanna cry because they are suffering consequences for their actions?
> Blacks operate on tribal logic
If they operate on tribal logic then they will kill anybody outside their tribe, including other africans, asians, etc (which they do) and not just whites
Take your american race obsession back to /pol/
Israel have a tribal logic, yet is still don't kill at sight. They even have good relations with their Christian minority.
A tribal mentality is when you always support the subgroup you are in, not necessary in war.
>If they operate on tribal logic
Confirmed european who has never dealt with blacks before, they attack anyone in America who isnt black but like whites as victims since they have the most tribal bloodlust directed at whites. Blacks will even attack pale skinned middle eastern people because they think they are white.
t. eritrean
What can you tell me about the San and khoi people?
It's called the founder effect
Afrikaners descend from 900 people in 17th century, and there hasn't been much outside infuence since then
t. Bantu
Afrikaner =/= Boer
There's plenty Afrikaners of non-Dutch background.
I'm a South African. None of this seems to be happening in my city (Durban).
I bet they think that about Europeans
It's not happening in the cities.
sa is looking at doing what Mugabe did with white farmers which will not end well for sa but fuck whitey
You're an idiot.
They basically don't even have the concept of violence in their society.
They are the furthest away from niggers you can get although they aren't to bright from what I've heard
It's not happening the way you describe it at all
>white genocide
>in Africa
>where they were never living in the first place
Some dickhead's going to say Boers were there before Bantus, which really makes you wonder how they could fight the Zulu at Blood River during the Trek
>jewish genocide
>in germany
So they're based?
Hmm I guess I never really thought about it that way
But literally all ooga booga rape and pillage and no civilization Africa, aside from the swahili, is Bantu Africa. But then again, Sub-Saharan Africa had shit-tier colonies for the most part, that's certainly partially to blame for the current day gap.
I prefer cunning and brutal
>B-but they all look the same to me!
And Asians think that about white people
>B-but my hair and eye color whites r unique!
Go randomize everyones appearance in Oblivion and see if it makes them look distinguishable.
They're what leftists pretend Native Americans were (muh noble savage)
I like this reply.
Horners don't look like the rest of south-saharan africa senpai
t. Egyptian
Depends what we mean.
Is there organize violence against white's in South Africa? Probably not.
Is there wide spread acceptance, and not giving a fuck of violence against white's? : absolutely.
But genoicide on a cultural level is definitely happening. They are doing their best to take over everything, and remove Afrikaans. Stellenbosch University is under more and more pressure in this regard. Removing Rhodes' statue etc. is another facet of this. They are erasing the "white man's" history in South Africa bit by bit.
Afrikaners fucking hate Rhodes for being an Anglo
I remember watching a documentary in a rather liberal, university Anthropology class
Apparently one of the oldest anatomically modern humans they found is like 100k years old. The tools they found with him were practically identical to the tools used to San people today. So in 100,000 years, they've made almost no technological advancements. Even if life is relatively comfortable for you, no one in 100,000 is able to make a significantly better version of the tools used? Surely they must be borderline retarded.
t. Derg
t. Mussolini
And yet after 100.000 years they are still alive like the abos while whites are going extinct by not having children and dwelling in void hedonism :^)
t. Ethiopian