Fucking how...
Fucking how
spoked wheel invented by aR1ans
Seriously thats what opened both Americas .
And thanks to Ameridis that were dying like flies Europe get superior plants that allow them agriculture and thanks to that industrial revolution.
And that is not first time when germs open door for invasion.
Age Bronze Collapse was probably cause d by similar event and it opened way for Indo Europeans to move in the place.
reminder that l1 ubermensch from hyperborea withstood the r1 subhuman zerg rush.
nordic supremacy
should add chinese too
>reminder that l1 ubermensch from hyperborea
the oldest to date l1 is from hungary you dumb snownigger rape. ancestors of r1 are hyperboreans.
nordics are subhumans.
R1 supremacy.
Does this mean that Indians are Nordic Aryans?
I find it amusing how the area around the Volga delta where IE originated doesn't have the same density as many other places.
Different climate back and then.
It was probably much more hospitable and with greater population density.
>implying all those people are actually related.
Nah, more like it's some of the least defensible terrain on the planet. Too many nomads went through and settled there.
mediteranian was condusive to tech expansion having to cross progressively harder environmental elements, this innovated travelers and expansion type epigenetics
I1 is native of Scandinavia. I1 farmers were enslaved by R1 warrior nomads and brought to Scandinavia to work the land.
*Not native.
Why does US get it's red spike so early in the day while Europe/Latin America/Asia get online in the evening?
no idea. america uses net for business, peaks in middle of day
china uses net for recreation, peaks after work
This is the power of the NORDIC man :)
Aryans who invaded India were Nordic indeed :)
Muh pseudoscience
>hurr durr everything I don't like is pseudoscience
Indo-Europeans (or more correctly: Indo-Germanics) were NORDIC, get over it.
They werent tho.
They were. Just like EHG.
> "The earliest known morphologically Nordic types (characterized by long narrow skull and tall slim face) evolved in Northern Russia, perhaps in the Boreal Climatic Period (11,000 - 10,000 years ago), when climate in Northern Russia was warmer than today in the winter (-12°—8° C in January), but cooler than at present in the summer (6°-18° C in July). The 10,800 years old skull from Peschanitsa to the south of Lake Ladoga (in Lyubytinskiy Rayon, Novgorod Oblast) and a 10,300 years old skull from Popovo to the north east of Lake Onega (in Arkhangelsk Oblast) are among the oldest known specimens of Nordic type skulls. Around that time took place the first of prehistoric migrations to Scandinavia from Russia."
It wasn't even invasion most of the time. Indo-Europeans were the original merchants. They were also pretty lucky. Many big civilizations and cultures declined before their arrival. Probably due to environmental factors (Harappa, Cucuteni-Trypillia, megalithic cultures from Britain and so on).
Biggest fucking meme ever
The only two organic areas on the map are the Indo-Iranian area and the European area. Everything else is the result of colonialism which is neither surprising nor miraculous.
What did you say, sw*rthoid subhuman?
So do: French, Spaniards, Poles, Czechs, Russians etc etc speak Germanic dialect?
Get the fuck out silesian subhuman.
No. They speak an Indo-Germanic dialect :)
"Indo-European" is a politically correct name. Real names are Indo-Germanics or Aryans :)
Trips of truth, non-Silesian Poolackoids btfo.
>They speak an Indo-Germanic dialect :)
The fuck you're talking about you imbecile. Slavic, Baltic, Latin languages have nothing to do with Germanic mongrel language.
It's Indo-Europeans not Indo-Germanics. Germanics didn't even exist up to Iron Age, yet you piece of shit, still jerk off to Denmark being Indo-European homeland. Just get the fuck out, you're stupid, smelly and swarthy. Just like rest of your Silesian brothers.
All the assortment of the languages in it sound so smooth too.
It was called Indo-Germanic only before it was discovered that Slavic, Baltic, Hellenic and Latin languages belong to the same language family. Nothing to do with political corectness.
>The fuck you're talking about you imbecile. Slavic, Baltic, Latin languages have nothing to do with Germanic mongrel language.
They do. They all come from a bigger Indo-Germanic family :)
In German: Indogermanisch.
Germanic didn't exist yet, you utter fucking cretin.
Common Indo-Germanic language existed though :)
No, it didn't. Germanic evolved out of Italo-Celtic, Balto-Slavic and some native substratum. No such thing as Indo-Germanic has existed, ever. Period.
"Indo-Germanic" comes from theory that IE came out of Denmark, Holstein, which was proven wrong ages ago. You're just a clueless piece of turd.
>No such thing as Indo-Germanic
What is your proof for common vocabulary between German and Sanskrit then?
It's because both these languages used to be one thing. A common, INDO-GERMANIC, thing.
>What is your proof for common vocabulary between German and Sanskrit then?
>It's because both these languages used to be one thing. A common, INDO-GERMANIC, thing.
No, you iittle fuck. It's because both Indian and Germanic are Indo-European.
>It's because both Indian and Germanic are Indo-European.
Indo-European is a PC name for "Indo-Germanic".
In fact, Germans still use "Indogermanisch" name to this day :) Why can't we?
>Indo-European is a PC name for "Indo-Germanic".
It isn't. Indo-Germanic would mean that: Latin, Balto-Slavic and other Indo-European languages are Germanic dialects, that's simply not the case. You brainlet fuck.
>In fact, Germans still use "Indogermanisch" name to this day :) Why can't we?
Because rest of the people aren't wewuzzing mongrel autists. Move with the times grandpa.
Scandinavia got first invaded by Corded Ware R1a Satem speakers, which assimilated l1 natives, or perhaps took them from Europe to Scandinavia with them, that created Battle-Axe, which was R1a and l1, yet a mix of Satem language and some Pre-IE language. Then, they got invaded by R1b-heavy Central/Western European overlords, which were Centum speakers and that's how the mongrel known as "Germanics" came to be.
Here, that easy. Now stop wasting my time and stick to your skulls, faggot.
>In fact, Germans still use "Indogermanisch" name to this day :) Why can't we?
I have noticed this, they still do it while claiming ancient greeks spoke "indo-germanic", damn are the germans an arrogant people.
>It isn't. Indo-Germanic would mean that: Latin, Balto-Slavic and other Indo-European languages are Germanic dialects, that's simply not the case.
Nope, this would mean that these languages are spoken from India to the land of Germanics.
An it's actually... MORE ACCURATE than "Indo-European", because Germanic English language is also spoken out of Europe.
>Scandinavia got first invaded by Corded Ware R1a Satem speakers, which assimilated l1 natives, or perhaps took them from Europe to Scandinavia with them, that created Battle-Axe, which was R1a and l1, yet a mix of Satem language and some Pre-IE language. Then, they got invaded by R1b-heavy Central/Western European overlords, which were Centum speakers and that's how the mongrel known as "Germanics" came to be.
Why do you tell me something I know? Both Cordeds (R1a) and Hallstatts (R1b) were NORDICS. And they gave Scandinavia not only their noble race, but also their noble languages.
Nowadays Germanic peoples are both the purest Indo-Europeans in term of "aDNA" (which I am not fan of, but that's a fact), and by race (the Nordic race) :) This is also why they need more living space.
>Nope, this would mean that these languages are spoken from India to the land of Germanics.
>An it's actually... MORE ACCURATE than "Indo-European", because Germanic English language is also spoken out of Europe
>Nowadays Germanic peoples are both the purest Indo-Europeans in term of "aDNA" (which I am not fan of, but that's a fact), and by race (the Nordic race) :) This is also why they need more living space.
>Why do you tell me something I know? Both Cordeds (R1a) and Hallstatts (R1b) were NORDICS. And they gave Scandinavia not only their noble race, but also their noble languages.
We already know you're retarded. Don't need to go overboard to prove it even further.
don't africans also have some r1 admixture? It seems to have spread very far and wide during the neolithic period.
>Latin, even though older than any Germanic language comes from Indo-Germanic family
>dude, like Greeks languages were in fact Indo-Germanic, i ain't shititn you dawg
>being this buttmad
LOL, pathetic sw*rthoid. You are probably envious of not being a GERMANIC man.
It's Indo-European, not Indo-Germanic. Deal with it. Linguists shit on your XIX century wewuzzment.
Why is it spoken outside of India and Europe then?
Really? That's your big argument? I don't know you fucking moron, maybe because of Colonialism, you know?
Yeah and? South America and other places colonised by Spaniards and Portugese speak their languages, which have nothing to do with Germanic ones.
Are Silesians really so stupid?
Why do you keep calling him a silesian? Silesians are slavs (today)
Because he's a silesian monkey larper. Too much germanic wewuzzing fried his "brain".
>Yeah and? South America and other places colonised by Spaniards and Portugese speak their languages, which have nothing to do with Germanic ones.
Because it's population is mostly of spanish and portuguese descent?
Oh wow. Indeed. And do you know to which family Portugese and Spanish belong to? DAS RITE, Indo-European, NOT INDO-GERMANIC.
Germans were busy being retarded poor peasants during Colonial era. In fact, they were runing away from poverty to America, even during German Empire time. Especially Bavarians and Westphalians. Scandinavia was even worse, it was a backward and poor shithole.
Why is English called 'English' when it's spoken outside England?
Because it's a traditional name of this language.
He is probably one of those silesian germans who stayed behind
Thats the only place in Poland where germans still live
And there you have why IE is called IE.
Those "Germans" look like typical balkanites. Silesians are the swarthiest polacks in poland. Even Krakow region can't compete.
Stalin should kick them all out. He would be screeching in German now and it would be easier to ignore.
Memes aside most of those people on that picture do look like Germans.
Of course, they're as swarthy as South and West Germans.
Check the guy behind. Literally "Polish" Himmler.
>And there you have why IE is called IE.
Nope. Name "Indo-Germanic" was first :)
They have stronger Nordic traits than the most of poolacks.
Why the fuck are all nationalist women so fat? This seems to be a worldwide trend.
Hush, swarthoid subhuman.
"Indo-Germanic" comes from retarded weuwzzing about Holstein being IE homeland.
Silesian women are german, therfore ugly and fat, manfaced Helgas.
good for him. look how happy he is
That proves my point though. The name given to something is just a tradition. Should English now be called 'Worldish', or Indo-European as Americoindoeuropean'? It doesn't matter.
The polacks originally from Lwow and Ukraine look more like "balkanites" imo
Entire Silesia and modern Western Poland was settled by people from East. The only 'real' Poles are in Central Poland, Greater Poland and some in Pomerelia.
>tfw masovian master race
The poles who i have met from Ukraine were settled in southern Prussia to be specific but i guess it's the same there
I imagine myself in Silesia, leading my Sarmatian Platoon. Our mission is to stop wh*Te g*Rmanoid dogs from advancing. We mow down wh*Te dogs but they keep coming. I shoot wh*Te dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my Szabla and begin slaughtering g*Rmanoid wh*Tes, since wh*Tes are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn’t fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. wh*Tes were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see KARA BOGA (Chernobog) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in Poland, my homeland. My BLACK brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven.. I CAN FEEL THE STEPPES CALLING ME HOME, I'M COMING MOTHER, I'M COMING HOME.
They still have more strongly Nordic features than poolacks )
I'd guess that to be a Tatar myself
That guy looks like a turk
chariots brah
typical sil*sian
Because he is a TÜRAN poolack.
No, he is typical TÜRAN polack type :) Silesians are Nordics
praise Tengri. silesians are swarthoid worms though. silesia is the swarthiest place in poland.
Wrong. Silesia and Kashubia is NORDIC. The rest of what is now pooland is predominantly TÜRAN
No you arent, you look like germans, not us true nordics
since you dug yourself a deep hole, you might as well cover yourself up.
My, Hanysy pracę mamy, a wy co? Co masz na tym swoim podlasiu, małopolsce czy innym lubelskim? Gówno masz, polacke.
Germans are Nordics too, my friend.
Don't speak in polish, subhuman. You don't deserve this language.
Chad does, in very high quantities in some places.
Actually the outdated term does actually apply to the proto-Indo-Iranians, and probably to much of Corded Ware too.
p*lacke schweine
>At the time the term was coined, the Celtic languages were not yet considered Indo-European, and the Tocharian languages were not yet discovered;
Robust Nordic.
I remember reading how butthurt they were when they discovered Baltic and Slavic are Indo-European as well lmao.
Nah, he is TÜRAN
t. expert on rassenkunde
What am I supposed to see on that picture? The potholes?
Some are, but far from all. Still prefer you over the slavshits though.
Germanic Aryan Silesian Cordlet Hallstatt paradise with Robust Nordic face.