I'm just gonna leave this here
I'm just gonna leave this here
Call me retarded, but I have no idea what this means
>implying that everybody deserves an equal share of the wealth
>implying that communist party leaders/members are subject to the same laws as the general public
looks great on paper!
It means that communism never really happened
Likes moths to a flame, the poor run towards their false salvation
Man, sure does seem perfect, there’s no way to ruin this
>communism is about making everyone equal
>marx was an egalitarian!
The great lies, read marx u negroids.
here you got better version
wait! lets try adding an X factor we call "humans"
That’s okay, humans want to be equal right? I don’t see why anybody would exploit it to further entrench themselves with power
I get what putting foreward and agree in principle but its actually a lot ,ore fucking complicated, wealth isnt the only way to avoid the law, being powerful or well connected also work and allow the elites in communist countries to do the smae as those in capitalist ones
>communism means everyone earns the exact same amount
>Being a plumber means I get paid the same amount as a brain surgeon
Yeah OP this communist thing isn’t a bad thing if I drop out
True capitalism has never been tried, true capitalism uplifts everyone and the free market provides jobs for them. Stop criticizing capitalism when it's never been tried
Fixed it for you
but it has see post Civil War XIX century USA
That's not real capitalism
but it was
and even with several monopolies appearing the average waige kept growing until the XX century
Oh my god read a book, that wasn't real capitalism
Capitalism works pretty well and actually has created the highest standard of living ever enjoyed by humans. In contrast the quality of life under communism was abysmal. I'll never get over the cognitive dissonance that communist supporters display by saying Capitalism is evil and exploitative when it clearly gives them enough free time to sperg on the internet about such things, while under Communism there is zero doubt they would've been rounded up and forced to labor on farms.
t. american/western european teenager
It's extreme arrogance. They think that if they try it this time, and they get to call the shots, it'll work
>hey think that if they try it this time, and they get to call the shots
Oh yeah I forgot that. Every weedy left wing commie who full throatedly supports full communism now inevitably believes they'll be a card carrying party member and not one of the many who are shipped off to factories. It's delusion of the worst kind. "In communist America they'll understand the value of my Gender Studies degree and I will be a philosopher king of the people!"
In gommunism nomenklatura was basically the aristocracy and "above the law". You had access to better cars, better houses, better healthcare, more opportunities to travel and study abroad, preferential treatment everywhere.
Source: I'm from a nomenklatura family
>inb4 not real gommunism screeching
take off the arrows of wealth on "communism" and you'll have the true
its not communism when it doesnt fits in definition of communism
t. fascist
>people use ideology to compensate
holy shit call a fucking reporter we've got a hot story here
I like how all the arrows pointing at wealth are equal. Like a nigger sweeping the floor at the local McDonalds is contributing equally to the wealth of society as a person who creates a successful manufacturing business, lol
>t. fascist
No you aren't. Anyway, nomenklatura popped up as the new aristocratic ruling class everywhere communism was attempted. Russia, East Europe, Cuba, China, Korea.
Tell stories of nomenklature life
yes, iam you Jewish nigger, by your logic I can say that Afghanistan sucks because its communism and i can counter your proofs it isnt by NOT REAL GOMMUNISM XDDXDXDXD
Granddad had big ass house, a luxury and a personal chauffeur, the family was always vacationing somewhere nice mostly in socialist countries (Georgia, Crimea, Yugoslavia, even Cuba) but sometimes also in the west (France, Spain, Italy). Whenever they went west though grandpa was convinced they're being followed by secret police people who constantly monitored their people abroad, I have no idea whether it was true or he was just paranoid but he was always careful about what he says, how he acts etc. The average guy meanwhile had to wait months for a special permission from his own government to travel somewhere, and even then it was only to other socialist countries, usually mass trips organized by trade unions.
Also not many people know this but western consumer goods were actually imported to commie countries, but only in small numbers and pretty much only nomenklatura and their friends had an access to them.
Afghanistan isn't claiming to be communist or trying to implement communism you stupid fuck.
*luxury car
In the first image you have equal redistribution of wealth among the people as well as the people being under the law.
In the second image one individual gets more from the wealth pool than others (inequality) and again, one individual is above the law while the rest deal with it.
That's pretty cool, was the position inheritable? Not in the direct sense of it being passed down father to son, but like did your grandpa help get your dad a job guaranteeing he'd live the nomenklatura life?
Communism doesn't mean equal wealth though. You take what you need.
Communism /=/ equality
its the opposite, it admits people have different skills
Not everyone can plan a successful business and not everyone can be content sweeping floors. They give to society whatever they can regardless
nice version #217 of communism you got there, do you have more?
>True communism has never really been achieved
If you can't reach successfully implement your ideal form of government after multiple attempts then it's completely unfeasible garbage.
I need a whole lot.....my personal harem requires that the men and women in it be in peak physical condition. In addition I'm going to need a lot of fucking funds for my shock troopers.