So ugly. Should i take some of my crypto gains for plastic surgery. I'm a very ugly man and im very insecure about it...

So ugly. Should i take some of my crypto gains for plastic surgery. I'm a very ugly man and im very insecure about it. Avoid going out in public because i get stared at and even laughed at on occasion by normies. No, i will not post my pics. Thinking about going overseas and spending 20k USD to get my mug fixed up.

post pics

Nah, you should see a therapist (regularly) for a fraction of that cost. Your perception of yourself is flawed. If anything, get your teeth fixed (if needed), clean & groom yourself on the regular and get fit. You'll be surprised about how much better you feel about yourself and other will notice that.

Appearance matters. Surgery wont make you completely normal since it's obvious when people get facial surgery but it may make you less disgusting to look at.

Die in hell freak

Cmon dude. That's another human being.

Hi fella,

I would recommend you learn to love what was given to you, it might feel hard or unfair, but you're 1000000 times more beautiful if you can overcome it and stop worrying.

Instead find something to love, take care of yourself, get fit at the gym.

If you have something that is a facial disfigurement like a hare lip, ok I get it people get those things fixed, but suck it up, try not to worry and find your passion instead.

Here's a good idea - try skydiving

You are 1000 x more exciting to women when you start living out your dreams, because you become the best version of you

And that's when you meet the person you were meant to be with

Your probably not as ugly as you think you are OP

Threads like this really reveal the pathetic liberal cucks.

>Can't get a gf and lose my virg until I hand Yaremchuk over $10k to fix my nct
>Can't get a decent quality gf until I go overseas and get the bog package

The sad part is I'll probably never do it unless I make a TON of money and by then I'll be too old to bother


Hello brother, I'm also in the same boat as you. I'm saving for max fac surgery due to incorrect skull growth. What's wrong with your looks? Is it tiny flaws that can be fixed via plastic surgery or do you need long term skull work? If it's the former consider yourself lucky, I'll be on this hellish ride for 3 years. Orthoptic work followed by maxilla surgery + CCW jaw rotation. Maybe even a box osceotomy due to low IPD. Will also need a dose of GH and vitamin k + d max. Maybe estroegen inhibitors as well, or some dht dosages. Life is truly hell.

How ugly are we talking? Are you like, legitimately weird looking or are you obsessed with your maxilla and zygos because some internet forum told you to. If it's the former, and you really feel like changing your appearance will improve your quality of life, go for it. Otherwise, save your money.

However, if it's the latter, I'd recommend a therapist. There's a lot of unchecked body dysmorphia among incel types on these corners of the internet, and you'd be surprised how much your body image affects how other people see you. Creates kind of a negative feedback loop and before you know it you see a different person in the mirror and you think everyone hates you.

May as well. Spend on whatever makes you happy, OP.

No, I'm objectively ugly and painfully aware of it.

For starters, my jaws are fucked up, my upper jaw protrudes over my lower, have a weak lower jaw/chin. My side profile is all kinds of fucked up. What makes it even worse is my huge deviated nose with hump. To top it off, i have terrible skin from acne/scars. And oh, I'm also fucking balding now. Even just a rhinoplasty alone will bump me up a few points.

Did you even google what I said? The solution is fucking there you little shit. Medicine is crazy advanced now. Look at fucking Tom Cruise aged 20-25. Take your crypto profits and put it into looksmaxing. I hope to see you on the bright side one day user. Really, I know it's tough, some days I break down because I can't cope but I have to at least try.

GOOGLE Dr Raffaini before and afters, his work is amazing. See if you have similar problems as the patients. This should be your goal.

it all sounds good in theory. I can probably even manage to finance it but i'm such a pussy when it comes to going to doctor/hospital.

sad thing is i would love to even look like the before pic in most of those, just realizing that makes me feel like a piece of shit :(

It's not theory bro. This is a legitimate surgery for people who have the exact same facial deformities you have. If you have the money stop being a pussy and start getting your consultations. Their queues are massive.

Yeah pretty much any top notch surgeon will be booked up for at least six months, sometimes years.

>Sad about his looks
>Saves his money to fix it
>Too much of a bitch to actually see someone

How fucking pathetic are you? Seriously, even if you're nervous just get drunk and book a consultation.

pretty sure your top teeth are supposed to go infront of your bottom teeth bro