>Murder is illegal
>Murder weapons are legal
Explain this.
>Murder is illegal
>Murder weapons are legal
Explain this.
>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Murder weapons are legal in every country...
>>"murder" weapons
lol this is a hilariously broad category that includes everything from pens and letter openers to assault rifles and light machine guns.
Also, murder is a matter of the legal system. Not all killings fall under the legal definition of murder.
You could kill someone with a piece of fucking crockery.
>knives and axes are legal
>heavy objects are legal
>water is legal
>having arms and legs is legal
Those aren't made for killing. Guns are specifically made to take life
>shooting at paper targets and cans
What life is being taken?
Not to mention that taking a life is not necessarily murder.
Criminals will get them either way. Also, guns are necessary to ensure that power belongs to the people.
That's target practice. Actual targets are alive
the life of those that threaten your life
Everything is a legal murder weapon. A knife, a shoe, an injection needle filled with air. Stop being a dumb ass.
>Arms and legs aren't made for killing.
>Knives and axes aren't made for killing
You fucking what mate.
>Water isn't made for killing.
Water is one of the number one killers in history.
Do you even know what “made for killing” means? I don’t want to believe someone can be this stupid.
>Guns are specifically made to take life
not true at all, they are made for self defence thus preserving the continuence of life
cucks/shills etc please fuck off
>they are made for self defence
I need a proof that first gun in human history was made for self defence
>Knives and Axes were not made for killing.
>Arms and Legs were not made for killing.
You're fucking retarded. Humans used to hunt by hands and legs to kill things to eat before using tools such as axes and knives to kill and eat food, later using them as weapons of war.
No. They were made for killing. What you do with that is whatever.
Ok so you are actually retarded. Not surprising coming from a gun owner.
Well damn, you figured it out. Alright guys, let's all cut our arms off.
Nice samefag
>Gun Owner
I don't own a gun stop projecting, faggot. Now have an axe made for killing by the Native Americans.
That doesn't say you have the right to bear arms outside of the militia.
Shut the fuck up bitch. You want my guns motherfucker come and take them! Until then, shut your fucking mouth maggot.
Yes it does. Learn to read.
Where does it say ONLY the militia is allowed to bear arms?
it does
niggers are the problem, not guns
*calls 911*
first of all second of all, have you ever heard of a deterrent? you can point a gun at someone without firing it.
You don't have to be a /pol/tard to want guns
his point was that this thread doesn't has much to do with Veeky Forums unless you want to talk about history of second amendment and this is clearly not what you came here for
How many gun owners today are in well-regulated militias?
>A well regulated Militia
who or what regulates you fucking hicks larping soldiers in the woods "well"?
>Murder is illegal
Justifiable homicide is perfectly legal.
i've seen people injecting air. how much does it takes to kill you?
First of all, Yes it does.
Second of all, lets say it specified. A militia is basically already everyone capable of bearing arms.
I agree user, they should've been repatriated back to Africa.
So can you all just not read or something?
Also "well-regulated" meant "well-equipped" back in the 18th-early 19th century.