Why did Rome fall?
Why did Rome fall?
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Whichever social, political or religious group a given writer or poster doesn't like.
not enough african qts
italy of course attempted to remedy this in pursuit of its roman empire
Read a book.
lewd user
Attacks from everywhere
More command power to generals
failed to conquer germania
same reason all civilisations fall
when u make pay shit u lose loyalty for a project that size, then comes overextension, and decline/retraction, and other parties start consecuitively taking advantage of a weakening situation and itt capitulates in absolute collapse if reforms arent taken but they will be pretty heavy losses
>when you overextend your empire in the pursuit of vanity but it's okay because you fucked your top general's wife
Finite gods/religion held no foundation civilization.
fucking alpha
We're not your 6th grade history teacher you dingoloid
like, seriously, look it up.
I get that you want to bait people into yelling at eachother about christianity and barbarians, but really, just fuck off.
If i could figure it out without making a post i think you can too bud the answers are out there
Literally everyone has different answers though
But for what its worth its a good question as you see history is about to repeat itself.
>history repeats itself
Immigration, and niggers.
Btw. Kill yourself manlet faggot, posting monkey porn on here.
Why the hostility
All empires fall for the same reason. The necessity and ruinous cost of projecting power at a distance.
Who is this fluid druid
Who’s the girl, can you plz give me name
aj love
Your writing ability is poor.
I wanna colonize African booty
Moral degeneracy
it didn't
Crisis of the Third Century cut the legs out from under Rome, and they never fully recovered. Their economy shrank, they couldn't afford a good military to defend themselves.
Migration waves from Germanics
Political instability after Commodus
Bad monetary policy
Too big? Too divided? Government too strong? Put too much money in their military rather than more important things? Invasions? Natural and human disasters? Simple inevitability? Contested offices leading to in-fighting and corruption? Too liberal, letting degeneracy reign? Too conservative, causing stagnation and inhibiting cultural growth?
Really, the Roman Empire didn't fall as much as it is occupied. Think about the empires descending from the Romans. The Spanish, Portuguese, British, Italians, Byzantines, Moroccans, and arguably Belgians and Dutch all have Roman in their blood, rendering their conquest in a way conquest by their Roman forebears. So that gay "smile because it happened" thing can be mostly applied here.
A long series of civil wars, assassinations, and courtly fuckery led to decline in Rome's economy, where cross-imperial trade broke down and the major cities began losing population to the countryside. With the rise of Christianity and Constantine's construction of his namesake city, Rome became more and more disadvantageous (too far from both the fronts and the wealthiest regions of the Empire, not too defensible, and plagued by political corruption) and the center of power in the Empire gradually shifted eastward. It was basically nothing more than a status symbol to preserve continuity.
Unironically China
t. literacy lmao
What’s that in English please Jamal?
Fiat currency bad. Silver good.
>why is why rome never fell!
you go bankrupt every major war
Pls don't say you believe the Byzantine and Russian Empire thing
then dont undertake massive wars except in dire corcumstances, and immediarely restore currency once the crisis is over
>but then you get assassinated
thats why the empire fell then.
The player got lazy and started auto-resolving battles late game.
>Government too strong?
If anything the government was incapable of handling the level of administration necesary after a certain point so being too strong wasn't the problem.
I was just listing reasons I've read. A lot of Libertarians say this.