Tell me about Circassians Veeky Forums
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qts despoiled by the t*rk
the christian circassians became extinct
now there is only churckas
They're the only documented ethnicity that was exclusively female, Circassian men didn't exist. Since they had no males they were forced to procreate with the Turks and the Russians and racemixed themselves out of existence.
They were genocided by the Russians in 1864. Hundreds of thousands up to 1.5 million were killed.
They also used to be dominantly Christian & pagan before the Russians invaded them and fucked things up by effectively throwing them into the arms of Islam.
too bad
Why are Uzbeks all over the place?
They're a mix of Persians and Original Turkics
I mean, there are Uzbeks who look like this
then there are Uzbeks who look like this
Looks extremely Polish
they kept a lot of their traditional ethnography and resisted invasion and migration waves because of the defendable nature of their topgraphy
They were the closest thing to original Indo Europeans.
Indo-Europeans had men though.
A lot of their homeland lies directly on the Pontic steppe by the basin of the Kuban river. And they definitely did get invaded, it's just that their region wasn't significant to be conquered by anything other than steppe nomads.
They don't even speak an Indo-European language.
No, in fact the ancient NORDIC IE did not have any men. Their NORDIC superiority allowed the women to get pregnant on their own, ensuring pure NORDIC and blue eyed offspring. Now fuck off you sw*rThoid untermensch.
Just LOOK at them, they may speak a non IE language, but they look purely IE.
>they look purely IE
They do and guess what, you cant prove me wrong :)
Here's a Circassian from Turkey
does he look anything like IE or a European?
Obviously he mixed with turkoid subhumans.
The Proto-IE Yamna culture was not genetically homogenous, you mong. The very reason it was so successful was because it WASN'T tied to genetic spread, but cultural spread. And horses with bronze weapons.
fuck Veeky Forums are braindead shitcunt retarded. you think language is genetics. jesus fucking christ
>state of Veeky Forums
We need to create a Circassian ethnostate after Russia’s inevitable destruction
How to ensure reproduction though?
Mix of swarthoids and Nordics.
>The Proto-IE Yamna culture was not genetically homogenous
Nope, they were mongrels of Nordics and caucasian dweller swarthoids
And not real PIE.
Who was the real PIE then??
Dniepr Donets or Khvalynsk, generally EHG (Nordic) descendants.
How do you know what phenotypes did the people of this culture have? How do you know they are Nordic?
Their skulls are Nordic.
That's EHG from Russia. Only one component of Indo-Europeans.
They are the most beautiful ethnic on the planet
Why does no one talking about Circassian genocide?
>Only one component of Indo-Europeans.
Yes, the only one. Caucasus dweller swarthoids don't count.
But according to various sources, people that you hate so much are more ANE(later EHG) than Scandinavians. Why do you hate poles then? Paternally Slavs are also more Corded than Scandinavians.
Meme map, there is no way baltics and polacks have 0% EEA
Yet another thread destroyed by the eternal anthrocuck
This map will always be pure perfection, it's just so freaking good!
According to who? You? It doesn't really matter what you think.
>According to who?
Patternal haplogroup N1c, it's Mongoloid.
It does not matter. Haplogroups are irrelevant as far as admixture goes. Scandiavian with E3b can be more "Nordic" in his admixture than a Scandi with R1b/l1. Fact.
Same happened with Poland and Norway. The only reason Norway is more IE than Poland(even though Poles are the closest people to CWC paternally) is because Norway was sheltered for very long, Poland wasn't.
>It does not matter. Haplogroups are irrelevant as far as admixture goes
The other way. If admixture is clear bullshit and disproven by haplogroup, it's a clear bullshit.
autotardness is cancerous as fuck
>The other way. If admixture is clear bullshit and disproven by haplogroup, it's a clear bullshit.
So Poles are more Corded Ware than Scandinavians, right? R1a reaches its highest frenquency in Poland. CWC were R1a. Therfore 57-60% of Polish males descend from Corded Ware warriors. Correct?
why do they do that russian where christian too
>So Poles are more Corded Ware than Scandinavians, right?
Patrilinealy? Yes. Racially? Nope, they are half-Cordeds at best without memeing, and maybe 10% of them are purely Nordic.
However, Scandinavia is not just Corded, but also Hallstatt.
>Patrilinealy? Yes. Racially? Nope
How does that work according to you? Just because their forefathers fucked some cunts with wider jaws doesn't make Poles any less Corded Ware than Scandinavians. Get it?
>and maybe 10% of them are purely Nordic.
Hey, but if you want to go as far, those people came from Ukraine to Poland, from Poland to Germany and from Germany to Scandinavia. See what I'm doing here?
As for the "harsher" features. West Slavs got more robust because they simply had to become stronger than their neighbours and invaders, it's simple as that really. It has nothing to do with being "mongoloid" or someone being "purer" than others. Of course, during PLC times, people mixed with each other, even more than before. PLC was settled by: Germans, Dutch, Italians, Belgians, French, Greeks and who knows who else.
But why go as far as to call Poles mongoloid? Why do you hate your own people so much? It was Poland that gave birth to you, not Germany. You were born in Polish Silesia. Without memes please.
>How does that work according to you? Just because their forefathers fucked some cunts with wider jaws doesn't make Poles any less Corded Ware than Scandinavians
Wrong. Original Poles were fucked by the swarthy races, causing haplogroup rate to fall from like 80% R1a to like 55,5% R1a, and these inferior peoples were short skulled, swarthy, wide faced (TÜRAN stronk).
>Original Poles were fucked by the swarthy races, causing haplogroup rate to fall from like 80% R1a to like 55,5% R1a, and these inferior peoples were short skulled, swarthy, wide faced (TÜRAN stronk).
Who were those people? Second most common haplogroup in Poland is oh irony, R1b-U106 to be exact. Unless you mean that Polish R1a males were "raped" by swarthy women. Then I wouldn't call it rape but Polonization. :^)
But I still don't know where you get the whole "ball-shaped head" bullshit. Yeah, I get that fat people have oval faces. But majority of polacks are hardly fat, most of them are either skinny or lift weights. Average Polish bydlo has long and wide face, not some oval shape. Yeah, i get that polacks aren't as blonde as Scandis or Dutch, but blue eyes are still the most common among Poles.
It's mostly old janusz "people", but their diet consists mostly of beer, vodka and sitting on their ass all day. So no wonder they look like "Turanoid" people. What the fuck do you expect from people that complain about life for a living.
>Who were those people?
Vlachs, Carpathian basin dwellers, Tatars, Yotvingians.
>Carpathian basin
>Vlachs, Carpathian basin dwellers, Tatars, Yotvingians.
But their Y-DNA lines are non-existant. Poland is R1a, R1b, l2, l1 dominated.
Does that mean R1a Poles had jungle fever?
>But their Y-DNA lines are non-existant.
I2a, N1c, C, Q, G2a, J1, J2.
They brought to Poland inferior swarthy and yellow, short-skulled races like:
About 50% of Poles are mix of Nordic (original Slavic type) and these inferior brachy types.
>I2a, N1c, C, Q, G2a, J1, J2.
And what does Germany have? Let's take a look. Even more shitskin ones.
>They brought to Poland inferior swarthy and yellow, short-skulled races like:
But they're irrelevant compared to R1a and R1b poles. Do you realise that? Why are you lying?
I will ask again. Was that female invasion into Polish land? Or are you simply making shit up? You still haven't answered entire post Why do you hate your own people so much?
>these inferior brachy types.
Do you realise those people look more robust and manlier than others?
>OP asks about Circassian history
>thread immediately degenerates into phrenology and Mengele-tier racial theory
>most of it not even related to Circassians
It's not even funny anymore. /pol/ was a mistake.
Literally nobody cares about Circassians, other than some Caucasian groups and maybe some Turks (since most Circassians live there today).
Read the Wikipedia article about the genocide. The Russians have a lot of blood on their hands.
>And what does Germany have? Let's take a look. Even more shitskin ones.
Who cares if they didn't have as big impact on Germany's NORDIC type as in Poland?
>But they're irrelevant compared to R1a and R1b poles. Do you realise that?
Much of "R1b" Poles were possibly also Alpinids.
>Do you realise those people look more robust and manlier than others?
Yes. Dolichocephals look manlier than roundheads. This is why I support Nordicism :)
Lol, do you seriously think Russia cared about their fellow Orthodox Christians or Slavs. It was all about conquest and expansion.
>Who cares if they didn't have as big impact on Germany's NORDIC type as in Poland?
But how can you tell? Shitskin haplogroups are more common in Germany than in Poland. In current year? Probably even more so. And please dont use Nazi maps from XX century. They mean jackshit.
>Much of "R1b" Poles were possibly also Alpinids.
Just as in Germany then. Celts were possibly more swarthier than rest of IE people, due to simple fact that the fucked more South Euro native women. And Germany is mostly Celtic when it comes to Y-DNA. even though they were Germanised by strongly l1, l2, R1a (and U106, but that could come from Belgae, for all we know) Northern Germanics.
>Yes. Dolichocephals look manlier than roundheads
Not really, that's just your personal opinion. You just shouldn't use fat people as example of facial type. Look up how Goering looked like when he was young, you would call him Teutonic and look up when he got fat from drugs and food, you would call him Turanoid. Or not? Because he was German and you're biased that way.
>This is why I support Nordicism
But why do you shit on your own people?
He's not wrong though.
I feel like this says more about the quality of Veeky Forums than /pol/. Inter-board migration is common, but the problem of this place is how lawless it is.
>But how can you tell?
We know based on craniological studies that the German volk is more Nordic than the poles.
>dont use Nazi maps from XX century. They mean jackshit.
They are based on actual studies, so they are meaningful. Northern Germany is still very NORDIC.
>Look up how Goering looked like when he was young, you would call him Teutonic and look up when he got fat from drugs and food
Goering was a Nordo-CM, so a Robust type, that's all.
>it's a retard can't tell physical anthropology from phrenology episode
>posting brainlet pics with no text is an acceptable response in a board dedicated to the discussion of history
When will we rename this board to Humanities so any pretension of professionalism is gone?
>We know based on craniological studies that the German volk is more Nordic than the poles.
>They are based on actual studies, so they are meaningful. Northern Germany is still very NORDIC.
Oh god, give me a fucking break. Done by who? Pic related? They look more "Turanoid" than average Polish Janusz, with hobby consiting of: vodka and beer shots.
>Goering was a Nordo-CM, so a Robust type, that's all.
Doesn't matter. His fat fucking diet and drugs made him look like a oval-faced piece of shit.
I'm still waiting
>Done by who? Pic related?
This map, comes from a work of a great German scientist Hans Günter, who promoted the Nordisch thought in Germany. He based it on actual European studies, not just German.
>oval-faced piece of shit
Why piece of shit?
Ah yes, brilliant mind indeed.
He's responsible for deaths of milions of white Europeans during Luftwaffe raids. Inclunding 'ultra-germanics' such as Dutch.
>Doesn't matter. His fat fucking diet and drugs made him look like a oval-faced piece of shit.
But you do realize your anthropological type influences how much are you likely to be fat or not? Gracile (Ectomorph) individuals are usually not very likely to be fat, Robust (Endomorph, Mesomorph) ones are though.
How the fuck is this allowed. This thread is about Circassian history.
>Gracile (Ectomorph) individuals are usually not very likely to be fat,
Indeed, they end up skinnyfat instead and have problems building thick muscle mass. Such a great improvement innit?
>Robust (Endomorph, Mesomorph) ones are though.
And at the same time end up looking more muscular and manlier than Ectonumales.
Thanks for (you)s.
Half of this thread is not even remotely related to Circassians. Please make your own thread and stop spamming this shit.
Of course. But you should've expected that one, yes? You're on /int/, don't take this place seriously.
If you want a serious thread, I suggest some history forums.
Freudian slip.
Can anyone acquainted with Circassians tell me if they're decent people or Chechen/Dagi-tier mountain apes?
All I've heard about them were the protests they've held during the Sochi Olympics and some Circassian professor who was killed by Ingush terrorists for advocating a return to pre-Islamic religion.
As someone who never met anyone from the Caucasus, why do Chechens and Dagestani have such a bad reputation? Only the Chechens were involved in the post-Soviet wars with Russia.
They are more sophisticated than chechens, but not by much. It probably has to do with them having contact with sea faring people throughout history.
Also, you shouldnt take chechens as a standard for the north caucasus. Even their leader Imam Shamil thought chechens are dumb no good hillbillies.
There has been an ongoing insurgency in Dagestan for a while due the rise of Wahhabism in the region. There's also the issue of blood feuds, honor killings, interethnic fighting, and Caucasian migrants forming gangs and mobs in Russian cities, not to mention a local pro-Kremlin warlord who funds his celebrity lifestyle with Russian tax roubles.
As someone who lives in an area with a large chechen population, they are literally bsndits. I dont know what it is sith these people, but here they are heavily involved in organized crime and "thuggery" in general.
Are they like gypsies? How are inter-ethnic relations seen? Is the youth really nationalistic or religious?
>Are they like gypsies?
They're more like Somalis in the sense that they take every opportunity to move out of their homeland but otherwise hold onto their religion, culture, and clannish mentality to the point where they don't assimilate and end up causing trouble for the existing inhabitants.
>How are inter-ethnic relations seen?
The Beslan school siege pretty much sums it up. Despite what Western media claimed, it was more to settle scores between rival ethnicities (Ingush and Ossetians) than to retaliate against the Russian government.
>Is the youth really nationalistic or religious?
Not sure, to be honest.
Chechens are very poor and uneducated, mostly because they have recently went through two extremely devastating wars. Plus, they have faced mass discrimination, restricted access to education and even genocided under the Soviet rule.
By inter-ethnic relations I was referring more to Chechens dating and marrying non-Chechens, especially Russians.
>By inter-ethnic relations I was referring more to Chechens dating and marrying non-Chechens, especially Russians.
The Chechen president sent his private militia to kidnap a famous Chechen singer and bring her back to Chechnya, then scolded her on live television. All because she was about to marry an Armenian.
There's also the fact that no country/nationality in that part of the world is ever going to be conducive to prosperity. It's landlocked, infertile, and in bumfuck no-where. You could populate the area with any group of people and it would turn out much the same.
Except it has oilfields.
You can marry a chechen chick (they are hot as fuck) but their family will typically stop interacting with her because she didnt marry another chechen. I know an azeri dude who married an avar girl (dagestan), her family basically stopped talking to her.
They are also very religious. (At least they claim to be, chechen girls usually wear tight as fuck dresses and u will see literal ass cheeks when u see them walking around on the street)
What the hell were the government thinking during the Circassian genocide?
Oil is a lot less than it's cracked up to be. For one it's useless until you've gotten industrialized. For second you won't get industrialized if you can't feed and enrich a large population beforehand (which these places can't because of what I mentioned earlier). You can't feed a people on Oil after all. Oil in places like these essentially sits around (because it has no use) Until Nations/Companies from more fertile and prosperous lands come in with their big dicks swinging to take the Oil because it does have a use to their societies, and the locals being so far behind can't stop them from taking all that now useful wealth.
Circassians were predominantly Christian at that time. Most of them converted to Islam after the genocide precisely because Christianity became associated with the Russians.
It was essentially planned as half resettlement, half extermination, as the Minister of War at the time, Milyutin, who came up with the proposal said: "eliminating the Circassians was to be an end in itself - to cleanse the land of hostile elements". They even struck a deal with the Ottomans for transport ships, the Turks themselves planned to resettle the predominantly Muslim Circassians in Christian areas.
Needless to say, many tribes resisted, ships were lost at sea, and certain villages were simply razed to the ground because the army encountered some resistance.
R*ssians are subhuman beasts who can do nothing but destroy. There is a reason why all of their neighbors hate them with passion.
No, they were already Muslim majority by the time the deportations started in 1864. Although you're right many turned away from Christianity because it was associated with Russians.
Keep in mind many were also pagans who simply found a unifying factor in Islam, especially encouraged by past Caucasians leaders like Imam Shamil who promoted the idea of resistance and Jihad against the Russians.
tell us which neighboring ''country'' are you from so we can compare the cultural output?