Was automation what ended slavery in the U.S.?
Will automation end wage slavery?
Was automation what ended slavery in the U.S.?
Will automation end wage slavery?
>wage slavery
You mean a system in which I have to work to earn money? The horror.
feels good to be north dakotan
Automation will save us from wage slavery but we'll only have more time to be slaves to our baser desires.
Does it? You live in a barren wasteland filled with drunk Indians and ass mad cattle.
Why did so many Italians go to WV?
No, it was the unsuitability of the north for plantation agriculture and cash drops.
This led the north to develop an economy based on smallholding farmers, natural resource extraction, and industrialization.
Eventually, the north grew tired of the disproportionate influence of the south in the federal government and cut the southern oligarchs off at the legs before they could become a further threat to the prerogatives of northern freemen.
>Will automation end wage slavery?
It will either lead to a capitalist purging of the lower classes, a socialist society where government elites own all the property and keep the citizens sucking on their teat with free shit, or a distributist society where ever man owns his own property and creates his own products.
Steelworks and coal mines.
Drunk Indian checking in.
>Will automation end wage slavery?
You mean create a caste of untouchables? Sure.
This is the thought that has been bugging me.
look how much more diverse we have become, we went from getting people from such an undiverse mix of the UK, Russia, Mexico, Germany, Italy, Canada, Sweden, Austria, Ireland, Poland, Norway, and Japan, to essentailly just Mexico. I'm glad that at last we can experience the benefits of increased diversity.
Like with over 75% of people in the country living paycheck to paycheck.
No, it's a system where the worker is treated as any other product subject to demand/supply rules as opposed to a human being.
The US is already at 49%. Is the revolution going to happen in our lifetimes?
"The revolution" will be dozens of different factions all fighting for their autistic and contradicting versions of utopia. If revolution does come, this country will become a balkanized 3rd world hellhole.
Yes, and the strongest will win, just as Hegel postulated, and a synthesis of all those autistic ideas will usher in a new age.
As an aside that gif is actually pretty interesting. What's the story behind the Vietnamese in Louisiana?
>synthesis of all those autistic ideas
Well I for one support our new communofascist libertotalitarian democratic anarchist Christo-atheist state.
>That one pocket of Ethiopians in SD
What even caused that to happen?
To answer your question, automation is an affront to human progress and must be stopped by bringing jobs back into the states.
No, wage slavery prevents automation from occurring because a million subcontracted chink wage slaves working for 10 cents/hr is cheaper than hiring 10 skilled machine operators running leased equipment.
>Ethiopians in SD
I'm also curious.
I mean, my city (Texas) has a lot of Ethiopians, I thought it was just this region but apparently they're everywhere. I've heard of populations in the Midwest, the northwest and eastern seaboard. I'm curious about their migration patterns. For reasons.
A lot of vietnamese fled to the South after Saigon fell. The biggest viet populations are NOLA and Houston. Having lived in Houston I can attest to the metric fuck ton of viet business in my neighborhood alone.
>Greater Mexico will happen in your lifetime
Feels good to see Am*rica get BTFO
Literally federal government and (((humanitarian groups))) settling refugees in one of the whitest states in the Union
Keep crying baby
There aren't natural migration patterns, this is Bill Clinton resettling random populations of rapefugees into urban centers. Minneapolis and Columbus Ohio are both full of Somalis because of this.
No, the cotton gin only helped slavery expand. Slavery isn't exclusive to agricultural labor, the Nazis used slaves in factories and today you have sweatshops around the world. They're not mutually exclusive.
t. Someone who got all their information on American military history from Al Qaeda
So you're saying that automation isn't enough; we also need to abolish the bourgeoisie if the rest of us are to see any benefits?
yes, the 1% will be the only ones who see the benefits of automation.
Not the workers themselves, the value they provide in their labor/skills. But yes, low skill human labor is extremely devalued now.
>Purging of lower classes
Wouldn't that be economic suicide for the countries who actually do that though?
If you kill the poor who is buying stuff?
I think the world turning into a giant day care is more likely than a genocide of the 99%, we already have the infantile culture for it.
Universal NEETbux? Sign me up.
The only way the poor would have money to buy their stuff in a post-automation society is via UBI that is taxed from the businesses. Thus it is literally more efficient for the businesses to just kill the poor and keep all the stuff that they make for themselves rather than keep them around as parasites.
If there is nobody to buy things, why make them?
They wouldn't be made. The only things that would be made are luxuries for the rich owners of the factories and the endless hordes of robotic death squads necessary to defend them.
Why bother killing the poor when you can just scale up the automation tech through self-replicating systems and make everyone wealthy?
Why make everyone wealthy when you can make yourself super-duper wealthy?
Abd this is done with what monopoly and totalitarian state?
And why is it assumes effeciency is the only priority of the wealthy? Not even in tech companies is that the case.
Even if effeciency is the priority, it is inefficient to risk a genocide of the overwhelming majority of people, some of whom may be capable of systems subversion and what not- and programming as a skill is widespread already. Why would again, they be able to kill 99%? Why would they be unified in killing the 99%?
And how would having machine labor and human labor be less efficient than just machine labor? Wouldn't the overall productivity still be higher even if humans aren't nearly as perfect workers? And what of all the energy costs to power these machines? Whose repairing them? Who is updating their software and who is making all the infrastructure to kill everyone?
Automation basically caused the civil right movement by making it so that factory jobs were better than farming so blacks all moved from rural areas to the cities.
user if you are working full-time, and it's not enough to live on, there's something wrong with the system.
>"The revolution" will be dozens of different factions all fighting for their autistic and contradicting versions of utopia.
You dare besmirch the Judean People's Front?
>"""""""""""Diversity"""""""""""""""" now literally means Mexicans
We should have finished them off in the 1840s.