Normans weren't French!

>Normans weren't French!

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how's his armour coming along?

not again.

the normans indeed were not the gallic frenchman

they were made of sterner stuff than that

Why is he bleeding from the eyes? Have his anglo genetics finally caught up to him?

>The Normans were French

I think he is taking his BEADY form.

this is better than the "did dinosaurs have feathers" debate on /an/ those dudes will literally go fight in the parking lot of a closed down K mart to prove their point. Also Normans werent French. Also Also Dinosaurs didnt have feathers.

>Dinosaurs didnt have feathers.
ummm sweetie?

>spoke French
>dressed like the French
>paid homage to the king of France
>fought like the French
>referred to themselves as French

what a waste of dubs, none of those are true

>paid homage to the king of France
This is the funniest part.

Normans literally went out of their way to form independent kingdoms.

Before he was King of England, what was Williams title?


What did they mean by this?


But that's true, the Normans were Danish


Tell me what they meant by it?

I only speak american

Now you got me interested. I just assumed that the facts were in and that dinosaurs did have feathers.

Are there legitimate criticism to this theory or are those people akin to flat earthers?

theres so many trips here! idk im just trolling

The Normans started out as Danish, then they invaded what is now Normandy and settled there. They quickly adopted the culture and language of the French and became thoroughly Froggered within 100 years (apart from slightly different dialect). Some of these Normans then invaded England and initially about 8000 migrated. Over the next 100 years waves of Norman immigration occurred in the South making a distinct Anglo-Norman culture, separate from the Saxons and continental Normans. The rule of the Angevins further divided continentals from England and around 1170, the Normans became indistinguishable in England and saw themselves separate.

This is the indisputable truth, Anglos we wuzzing and faggy frogs btfo

*saw themselves separate from their continental brethren

>then they invaded what is now Normandy and settled there.
They were settled there, they did not settle there. There's a difference.


>were settled
? With land grants?

Only the strongest material will suffice

>>Normans weren't French!

this isn't really an argument right? Rollo was Danish but then you get 5 generations of Norman Dukes marrying French women before William the Bastard shows up.

When is his graphic novel getting released?

I can't help but wonder if the people who insist the Normans were still literal full blooded vikings in 1066, are -Americans. If the Normans are no longer Norse then that means they're no longer Irish/Italian/German which they've constructed their whole identity around.

>Normans were French
>Americans are Indians
>Australians are Aboriginals
>Poles are Prussians

>getting frogged

how will englishman ever recover

>normans were french

>11th century
Fuck off with this enlightenment commie shit

>Speak French
>Act French
>Is 1/16th Danish, rest is French
>Is somehow not French

The mental gymnastics some anglos are willing to do just not to feel cucked by frogs I swear


>One Kingdom where they were independent of France
>Out of their way

William continued to pay homage to the King of France as the Duke of Normandy while he was also King of England.

I hope you realise that there were always more French people in Normandy then northmen, so when Rollo was given the land and some Northmen settled there with him they were quickly integrated as they were and remained a minority. Comparing that situation to the creation of America or Australia is retarded, as the colonist population quickly outgrew the native and never integrated. You need to stop comparing world history to the short and much more circumstantial American history.

Nobody cares about the opinion of a yoga teacher when it comes to history

Didn't the Normans also take large chunks of Greece from the Byzantine empire?

>be French
>get Invaded
>invaders change name of country
>invader's nobility mixes with locals
>claim invaders were French
Haha, every time


They were a distinct people that are now extinct. They were a product of ethnogenesis, just like everybody else, and should be treated as such. Also, it's pretty amusing to hear Frenchmen laying claim to a people that basically BTFO them. Get your own history, only Nordcucks and Africans try to lay claim to everyone else's achievements.

>what is the foundation myth of Rome

Gay and retarded, like you?

fuck off and answer rethorical questions somewhere else

The only Normans in England at that time were the Norwegians, as for the people who conquered and enslaved the English, they were French.


>Þar wearð ofslægen Harold Harfagera, 7 Tosti eorl, 7 þa NORMEN þe þær to lafe wæron wurdon on fleame, 7 þa Engliscan hi hindan hetelice slogon,

Harald, King of Norway, and Tosty the earl slain, and numberless of the people with them, as well of the Northmen as of the English: and the Northmen fled from the English.

>Ðær wearð ofslægen Harold kyng, 7 Leofwine eorl his broðor, 7 Gyrð eorl his broðor, 7 fela godra manna, 7 þa FRENCYSCAN ahton wælstowe geweald, eallswa heom God uðe for folces synnon.

>There was slain King Harold, and Leofwin his brother, and Earl Girth his brother, with many good men: and the Frenchmen gained the field of battle, as God granted
them for the sins of the nation.

>the people who conquered and enslaved the English, they were French.
Um the Normans outlawed slavery user...
Why would he continue to cuck himself to the king of France now that he's a king in his own right?

>Um the Normans outlawed slavery user...

That's good for them, but it's not Norwegians but French who conquered.

>Poles are Prussians
Are you retarded? Even now there is shitload of Germans with Slavic surnames. Do you claim they are just a bunch of German speaking West Slavs?


Yes, but within 100 years they had assimilated to a new culture which is what most (barring a few brainlets) Anglos mean when they say Normans were English

>he's actually pretending "Norman" doesn't refer to the people living in Northern France, usually specifically those involved in the invasion and conquest of 1066

Is this merely an act?

I think he's saying that they were French in general. Culture and language

No, he's trying to claim the Danes were Normans because they're Northmen.

Norman/Normen refers to the people living in Norway, the conquerors of England were Frencyscan aka French.

>þær wæs Harold cyning of Norwegan Tostig eorl ofslagen ungerim folces mid heom, ægðer ge NORMANa ge Englisca, þa NORMEN flugon þa Englisca

Harald, King of Norway, and Tosty the earl slain, and numberless of the people with them, as well of the NORTHMEN as of the English: and the NORTHMEN fled from the English.

>Ðær wearð ofslægen Harold kyng, Leofwine eorl his broðor, Gyrð eorl his broðor, fela godra manna, þa FRENCYSCAN ahton wælstowe geweald, eallswa heom God uðe for folces synnon.

There was slain King Harold, and Leofwin his brother, and Earl Girth his brother, with many good men: and the FRENCHMEN gained the field of battle, as God granted them for the sins of the nation.

Where on the spectrum are you?

>Norman/Normen refers to the people living in Norway
Not during the Viking age when Normandy was first settled by scandinavians, it was used to refer to all norsemen, whether they were danes, swedes or norwegians.

If you say so

Anyway, the conquerors of England were French and not Norwegians.

>Ðær wearð ofslægen Harold kyng, Leofwine eorl his broðor, Gyrð eorl his broðor, fela godra manna, þa FRENCYSCAN ahton wælstowe geweald, eallswa heom God uðe for folces synnon.

There was slain King Harold, and Leofwin his brother, and Earl Girth his brother, with many good men: and the FRENCHMEN gained the field of battle, as God granted them for the sins of the nation.

It is not clear if Rollo and his men were Norwegians or Danes, i would say the later is more likely, but it is clear that they were Scandinavian and that the Norman nobility who would go on to conquer Sicily and England were descended from them.

>large chunks
They chiseled away pieces at best in the late 11th century. Robert Guiscard and his son Bohemond took cities and towns along the coast but only went as far inland as Macedonia. They were successful in taking Macedonia but we're not able to completely control it due to their men often defecting, hunger, and rebellions in southern Italy that caused the Norman commanders to have to go back to Italy to put them down.

>Norman nobility who would go on to conquer Sicily and England were descended from them.

Nope. The French did it, the Norwegians were slaughtered and their women bred

>Ðær wearð ofslægen Harold kyng, Leofwine eorl his broðor, Gyrð eorl his broðor, fela godra manna, þa FRENCYSCAN ahton wælstowe geweald, eallswa heom God uðe for folces synnon.

There was slain King Harold, and Leofwin his brother, and Earl Girth his brother, with many good men: and the FRENCHMEN gained the field of battle, as God granted them for the sins of the nation.

>if I keep posting it, it'll undo the modern meaning and usage of words

Stop fucking larping, both William the conquerer and the Hauteville family are descended from Norsemen, it's common knowledge

>Ðær wearð ofslægen Harold kyng, Leofwine eorl his broðor, Gyrð eorl his broðor, fela godra manna, þa FRENCYSCAN ahton wælstowe geweald, eallswa heom God uðe for folces synnon.

There was slain King Harold, and Leofwin his brother, and Earl Girth his brother, with many good men: and the FRENCHMEN gained the field of battle, as God granted them for the sins of the nation.

Even if normans weren't french, the norman conquest is essentially a conquest of england by french forces initiated by the duke of Normandy. A huge chunk of his army consisted of flemings, bretons, aquitanians and other peoples of the french kingdom. It's not like the whole conquest of Normandy was performed by normans only, it was a war in which a french vassal pressed his claim on the english throne with the help of other french vassals

>Look mom! I posted it again!

t. 56% French Anglo-Saxon
The Anglo-Saxons that were conquered by the French are more authoritative when it comes to identify who conquered England.
>Ðær wearð ofslægen Harold kyng, Leofwine eorl his broðor, Gyrð eorl his broðor, fela godra manna, þa FRENCYSCAN ahton wælstowe geweald, eallswa heom God uðe for folces synnon.

There was slain King Harold, and Leofwin his brother, and Earl Girth his brother, with many good men: and the FRENCHMEN gained the field of battle, as God granted them for the sins of the nation.

I was talking about the Norman leaders descent and that phrase doesn't refer to that.

Medieval sources have never been clear about ethnicity anyway, Franks have been used for all westerners, Moors and Saracens have been used for all Muslims and Varangians and Rus have been used for both Norsemen and Russians.
Since all Normans spoke a Romance tongue and were a part of the French kingdom alot of people called them French, no matter if it's true or not.

There really is nothing worse than someone with only one source...

>a member of a people of mixed Frankish and Scandinavian origin who settled in Normandy from about AD 912 and became a dominant military power in western Europe and the Mediterranean in the 11th century.

Being born in a stable doesn’t make you a horse

Feudalism works that way, he was still a vassal of France for his territories in France, just not for the territories in England

>Why would he continue to cuck himself to the king of France now that he's a king in his own right?
This sentence alone shows that you are either legitimately retarded, or simply american. You don't have to use the word "cuck" for a concept that you do not understand.
Far after 1066, the King of England still had to bow before the King of France for his continental possessions ; If he did not do that, the King of France had the right to raise his banners and take away his continental possessions. Since before Edward III the Kings of England found prestige, tax, and simply places to live in continental France rather in the rainy and foreign England, they had every interest of playing as french barons, even if the Plantagenêts used the title "King" to set themselves as equals to their own liege lord.

So every white person on Earth is Georgian then?

jesus was the lamb of god though

Caucasian =/= white

>only my incredibly autistic criteria counts as white

Fine, where ever white people originated from in your mind, that's the nationality they ALL are, worldwide.

>my incredibly autistic criteria
Nobody calls arabs and pajeets white...
>where ever white people originated from in your mind, that's the nationality they ALL are, worldwide.
Whites originated from Europe so i am fine by that.


>Since before Edward III the Kings of England found prestige, tax, and simply places to live in continental France rather in the rainy and foreign England,
I'm pretty sure that all of England's French possessions were lost with John Lackland