Why are Americans (and the more retarded Europeans) allowed to speak about communism (or anything related to socialism, really) when they know absolutely nothing about it beyond infographics and memes?
Why are Americans (and the more retarded Europeans) allowed to speak about communism (or anything related to socialism...
beucase they have rights unlike Mr and Mr Chang (not enough grills to go around)
The right to spread their ignorance and misinformation? Doesn't seem like a right you'd want to exercise.
Why do Communists expect people to read thousands of pages of a 19th century economic critique plus thousands more of political theory in order to 'properly' understand their ideology when they themselves are constantly arguing about what Communism actually is?
>Doesn't seem like a right you'd want to exercise.
Its why commies don't have any. They're not smart enough to use them.
Because freedom of speech includes stupid speech.
Because it's a retarded ideology that can easily be reduced to info-graphs and memes. It's how poor people think economics and value producing activities work.
This. If you commit treachery and terrorism for your right to have uninformed opinions, you better double down on those opinions.
communists are the best argument against communism
I've been you people linger on the "/pol/ infographic" meme for a while now. In fact, you tend to linger on individual memes in general for weeks on end.
One only needs to look at the average self-proclaimed communist to realize that it's a joke of an ideology. I live in an area where there's a shit-ton of them, a common trait they all possess is they're gigantic fuck ups and failures.
lol its painfully obvious youre some leftypol fag who got BTFO in some debate and lashing out at everyone over your stupid dead ideology.
youre implying leftypol themselves have actually read anything themselves. You would be surprised just how fucking clueless they are once you engage them. Most dont even realize that the communist manifesto called for a central bank
Look at any anarchist Facebook group - that's the commie cutting edge for the 21st century.
I was part of a communist forum when I was a teenager. Then I grew up, started working, went to college to study business and learned how capital and economics worked. Your average commie shit-poster is a low IQ retard; I remember telling them how buying Che t-shirts and communist themed paraphernalia was actually supporting the capitalist system they claimed to be against, that caused a small chimp out amongst some of the members.
Most commies haven't read the Manifesto and at the most they've read that and Das Kapital. Most will have never heard of Proudhon, Sorel, or Bakunin.
Cause I have a right to speak on anything I fucking want
>literally have read both and know who these people are
>whenever i ask why communism doesn’t work i get a half assed vague answer about incentives or some other such pseudo trash
Face it, the only reason the eastern bloc failed was because planned economies are hard to map out and predict resource allocation with 20th century computing.
Your arguments are just pure nostalgia for a form of capitalism that doesn’t exist.
>Face it, the only reason the eastern bloc failed was because planned economies are hard to map out and predict resource allocation with 20th century computing.
So communism is only viable for a highly advanced technological society? Do you have any idea how absurd that sounds? You're making the same old tired "No true communism" fallacy.
>Your arguments are just pure nostalgia for a form of capitalism that doesn’t exist.
Lay off the drugs.
>commietard OP tries to pretend it isn't obvious to literally everyone that communists are dumb as shit
>immediatly and thoroughly gets btfo
Sometimes this board is pretty cool.
Nice ideology
>learned how capitalism and economics worked
>instead of how they don't work
Sounds like you're the low IQ one.
But I'll agree most "commies" are fucking ignorant retards (especially Antifa)
>So communism is only viable for a highly advanced technological society? Do you have any idea how absurd that sounds? You're making the same old tired "No true communism" fallacy.
You do realize Karl fucking Marx himself said that Communism can only be achieved through late capitalism, right?
>unironically believes this
Financially illiteracy is one of the worst plagues that afflict millennials. They work, kid. Just because you want to nitpick at their imperfections, does not mean they aren't good working systems.
>You do realize Karl fucking Marx himself said that Communism can only be achieved through late capitalism, right?
Which he himself never fully explained what that late stage is only vague and obtuse descriptions much like most of his writings.
>b-but the system is the best one we have omg, like, you pay for something and get what you want and everyone is happy :3
Financial literacy means nothing in social domain. And Weber expanded on what Marx has started - that everyone should have equal chances but claiming that a ghetto nigga born to a single mother and forced to hustle since he enters primary school has the same chance to become a US president is willful ignorance.
Financial literacy means everything in social domain. I bet you're the type of person who thinks that people have little to no control over their lives. The moment you actually start believing that is the moment you stop believing in hope.
If financial literacy isn't important then why the fuck do lottery winners end up back in the poor house after several years and highly paid sports stars end up having to sing and dance to get by after their retirement? Being aware of how capital and money works makes all the difference between living in a section 8 housing scrapping by on welfare to a nice house in the suburbs with plenty of money to spend on leisure.
Of course there's inequality and not everyone is going to have the same opportunity because in a free society, where everyone has different ambitions and capabilities, disparity will naturally form. As Alexis de Tocqueville points out, the problem in a free society isn't inequality it's the people who would profit from the disparity who present the danger.
What the fuck do the American war of independence have to do with communism?
>go to /leftypol/ to ask a question
This is the rallying cry on insecure brainlets.
True, I wanted to say "financial literacy means nothing on its own", of course it has meaning durr.
Mentioning lottery winners is a bad argument, first and foremost because all players are inherently gamblers just by buying a ticket, otherwise they wouldn't gamble their ticket money on winning high stakes. Second, notice how almost every lottery winner comes from the lowest social class, and in the best case middle class? You can already rule out financial literacy, as a janitor that only finished highschool is not likely to understand the grand scheme of things, investments, savings, taxes etc. because he didn't go through a school that should have taught him how to critically think, and of course, he never had a million dollars to his name because he spent his entire life earning enough just to get by. Trump was born into a rich family, went bankrupt several times, and he had a rich daddy and later connections, so he could get through it with the help of others' investments. Is Trump financially illiterate? Your entire argument is implying that it's some section 8 guy's fault that he doesn't understand capitalism, when he never had the means or opportunities to make his life better.
>lmao my boi just work on urself, fucking niggers need to get their life on the track its their fault they sling drugs and shoot eachother
>You can already rule out financial literacy, as a janitor that only finished highschool is not likely to understand the grand scheme of things, investments, savings, taxes etc. because he didn't go through a school that should have taught him how to critically think, and of course, he never had a million dollars to his name because he spent his entire life earning enough just to get by.
You don't need to be a genius to become wealthy that is one of the greatest myths purported in society. I've worked in public accounting, all the wealthy clients I've worked with were people of above average intelligence but they were hard-workers, disciplined, and astute to the opportunities available to them. It's ambition and willpower that allows a person to rise from their circumstances, their background is simply a background to their story.
>Your entire argument is implying that it's some section 8 guy's fault that he doesn't understand capitalism, when he never had the means or opportunities to make his life better.
You obviously don't know much about ghetto's and poor neighborhoods because a lot of charities and private foundations do target underprivileged families by giving them a lot of opportunities to rise above their circumstances. In LA it's fashionable amongst the retired Hollywood elites to sponsor talented and bright kids from the ghettos, and get them into prestigious private schools and universities. The problem with these poor neighborhoods, specifically the black and latino ones, is the culture. Tall-poppy syndrome is common and kids growing up in these neighborhoods get initiated into gang life at an early age, throwing away the opportunities presented to them. Hell I knew a girl who had the opportunity to go to Tuskegee University but her social circle shamed her into not going to college. However when you get people away from the culture, you often see a dramatic improvement in their lives.
Nothing really. Just that that poster was calling for blood libel as proof of communism being good. Which is why hes an argument against it.
why do commies CONSTANTLY get BTFO by the economic calculation problem?
the fact lenin was forced to switch to a market based system because his pure socialist system was failing is proof socialism doesn't work and socialists are braindead
But their race is what enters into that.
They just aren't as capable.
Why are you allowed to speak about
>Americans (and the more retarded Europeans)
when you know absolutely nothing about them beyond infographics and memes?
I've seen a poland ball meme going around of a libertarian ball reading a basic economics book saying 'communists don't understand economics' meanwhile the soviet ball is reading a book called 'advanced economics'.
Of course, they think it's advanced purely because Marxist economics is not generally taught outside of those who really dig into it. /leftypol/ has yet to realise that obscurity=/= advanced. Just because nobody likes your shitty theories does not mean they're right.
>youre implying leftypol themselves have actually read anything themselves
Exactly. Studying economics is rare even within the field of economics.
it's also funny because they don't deny not knowing basic economics, they just say they've read advanced economics