my ancestor :)
My ancestor :)
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I mean, I think I still would.
Any port in a storm. Eh, old boy?
looks like an ugly vietnamese woman, desu
how bad can it be? at least she's in good shape
Is she scooping someone's head?
now I truly see
Turns out they were cannibals. This species is rather interesting, as scientists can't even tell whether or not it was an actual species (it could be some old ass Homo heidelbergensis, a transitional species between Homo erectus/ergaster and Homo heidelbergensis, an oddly modern human looking species with a flat face like us that was the common ancestor between us and Neanderthals, etc) or not. It doesn't help that what we have are children, and might not even look remotely Sapiens-like as adults, kinda like how a baby chimp looks more human than an adult one.
Typing all of that shit made me realize the obvious pun. Good job OP.
The hard part is determining how human they were brain-wise. Offering your superior Sapiens dick might get you killed.
>there is literally a direct line between you and these niggas
how many species of human were alive at the same time? i know sapiens, neanderthals, and hobbits were alive at once but i see conflicting theories about erectus. hell, some people say erectus doesn't even exist
Post some more literal direct line ancestors.
>this piece of stone is your literal great(*x) grandpa
>How do you call 8 trilobites? A trilobyte.
Do people really believe this crap?
uh oh, we got a creationist
No. It's literally crap on par with relgiion and atheism fedora cult.
then what do you believe? scientology?
Myself. :)
At least 8, with only 4 of which we have evidence of interacting and interbreeding with (those four being Neanderthals, Denisovans, and two unknown species of human that fucked the ancestors of Central African pygmies and the Negritos of Southeast Asia like the Onge and Jawara).
There's no evidence of us meeting up with Homo naledi (surprisingly primitive looking yet possibly advanced species that lived in Southern Africa around the same time we started to pop up), Erectus (that is a real species btw, it's just not known whether or not if many other archaic species of humans before a certain time period might actually be Erectus due to the species having a physical diversity that makes humans look like shit, see H. ergaster, H. erectus dmansi, Meganthropus), the Red Deer Cave People (possibly the last archaic humans to die out, they're from China), and the so-called Hobbits (suddenly vanished after Sapiens arrived on their island), though it wouldn't be surprising if we did interact with them all.
>Naked bipedal advanced ape has dark skin and wooly hair because of its environment
I hope that you're aware that European and Asian Homo erectus most likely had similar adaptations to the humans who currently live there now. Please don't bully Erectus.
>At least 8
that i find really hard to believe. like you said, we only have evidence for 4. also, now i'm just confused because i've seen people argue to denisovans didn't exist either. i think the problem is that people are what exactly constitutes a new species
so you call evolution retarded but you're too scared to say what you believe instead?
Let me shitpost in peace buddy
ancestors of whites fucked nyeaaandertals, ancestors of kangz fucked homo erectus
>how many species of human were alive at the same time?
That's pretty much entirely up to how anal individual paleoanthropologists want to get about small details. Look up stuff about the "lumpers vs, splitters" arguments.
When it comes to pretty much any fossil species (including non-human stuff), you have to remember that records are sparse and fragmentary. And on top of that, remains in general don't exist as precise, discreet representation of species that miraculously come into existence fitting a perfect model of what that species is. Pretty much everything is transitional and exhibits some kind of variation. Whether or not some of those variations mean something should be labelled a species, subspecies, or just weird, is something that's tricky and people argue over all time. Basically, your question doesn't really have an answer, unless you feel confident in drawing those lines.
Must be where I got my smile
False. Erectus was extinct in Africa by the time Pygmies fucked that unknown species. The only Erectus populations in the world were relict populations in Asia.
Got me thinking, what is the oldest species we for sure know is a human ancestor?
but that's literally an average black man
the first single celled organism
Denisovans are definitely legit, they split off from Neanderthals after we and Neanderthals split from Heidelbergensis. The absolute least we can make them is a proper subspecies that has been isolated from Neanderthals for a long ass time, and might have lived all over Asia and possibly Oceania. Then again, knowing how weird our definition of species is (if fertile young equals the same species, then a lot of animals are actually the same, like the polar bear and brown bear, or the coyote and wolf/dog), who knows?
I do agree that it's a little bizarre for there to be so many different species of human around at the same time, especially considering that our genus is only 3 million years old. Honestly, if it wasn't for the fact that Neanderthal women and Sapiens men might not have been able to have fertile kids, I would suggest having Sapiens, Neanderthals, Denisovans, and maybe even Heidelbergnesis under one large species with very diverse subspecies. What would that make of actual subspecies like H. sapiens idaltu? I'm not sure.
user, I'm black, and besides having dark skin, I can tell you that you would have to be cherrypicking out of the ugliest niggas ever with the furthest jutting jaws to even come close to that. Shit, most black people don't even have large brow ridges, that's more of an Abbo trait. You're kidding, right?
Australian natives look like her to this day
Bump for Neanderthal waifu.
>these things used to walk around pregnant and complained to oog about morning sickness while demanding oog go out to fetch them mangos to satisfy their cravings
for anyone who has been around a pregnant woman does it ever amaze you our hominid ancestors used to get pregnant in the same exact way?
Le 56% ancestor
any hole is a goal
this is a 10/10 according to scientists
would doggystyle
The first life to arise on the planet. If you want something more relatable, I would say the first vertebrate, Haikouichthys, of which we have several fossils.
how can African women even compete?
>racemixing is bad and disg.....