Wtf is this and why did i miss it

Wtf is this and why did i miss it

Jesus fucking Christ I'm now depressed thanks.

I can't find it. What market region is that? Is this fake?

Obvious manipulation. Bittrex will get fucked by the SEC soon

>tfw unobtained gainz


Unobtanium.... Unobtainable...

Crypto is such a fucking meme

well this is interesting i had 500 UNO since it was under $2

>there is a developer behind this useless shitcoin who just handed a free voucher to the lambo dealership

Send me 100

you sold it immediately right? cos it's gonna go right back down

Post proofs



who cares

I've been talking about UNO here for weeks you fags
I sold before the dump to 50ish and bought more today under 75 bucks. im doing ok

nice just bought 100k

t. LARP apologist

It went up almost 1000% with like 50 BTC kek

Why shouldn't i put $20 into every shitcoin in case this happens ?

Because there are thousands of shitcoins and you'll never get your money back at that rate?

buy INXT

Sauce? As in original pic

How does this happen?

palm beach mentioned this privacy coin in this month's issue

Veeky Forumskek wills it that Unobtanium becomes the platinum to Bitcoins gold

This. Platinum, baby

This crypto shit can't fucking last hahahahaha. Too many random things just mooning for no reason. I just hope one of my picks does this before it's all over.

Is it called unobtanium because you can't obtain it until it's too late?

It's not out yet.

On bittrex:

>This market will be deleted on October 20th, 2017.



it's a security

Why is it mooning instead of dumping?

It's getting delisted so why buy rather than sell?

>tfw you told your biz bros about uno a few months ago but they called you a fag and laughed at you...

natural grow, no whale involved

i still think you are a fag