When you think about it, Darwin pretty much destroyed it. If humans evolved, that means Genesis is a myth, there is no Adam & Eve, no fall, no original sin, and no need for God to become human (Jesus) and die.
Honestly, why is Christianity still a thing?
Other urls found in this thread:
This video neatly debunks Darwins clams
Don't bother replying unless you watch all of it, everything you need to know is in the video
>Honestly, why is Christianity still a thing
Too much money to be made defrauding people in the name of God.
Sounds like he only destroyed Protestantism
I'm pretty sure those are fundamental beliefs of every branch of Christianity alive today.
Not in the literal sense you're thinking, only sola scriptura fags believe the OT is an accurate account
Because evolution is a myth.
Only retarded Protestants ever took the Old Testament literally. And the Old Testament isn't even the primary source of Christian belief you dipshit, it's founded on the teachings of Jesus. Darwin himself was a Christian.
Science cannot disprove any religious claim
Because most people need something to believe.
He destroyed a literalist interpretation of genesis. He didn't want to and could not destroy the christian religion as a whole. I'm not even religious and I understand this, and speaking as someone who likes to throw the term christard around fairly liberally, I genuinely wish other atheists/non-religious types would get it through their head that faith is not something that can be disproven. That is the reason why the burden of proof rests with the believers and their various extraordinary supernatural claims.
If the OT is bullshit, why keep it in the Bible?
Also, the NT makes several references to Genesis as something that actually happened. That'd mean Jesus and the apostles were fools or liars.
Don't lump normal protestants and evangelicals together you catholic swine
I think he was mostly referring to Exodus and books like that.
Christianity is still around bc it's based on rationalized truths inherited thousands of years ago and passed down to it and maintains them in a way that isn't as degenerate as Islam or Judaism.
>los goblinos
>representing all protestants
Nice try, papist
Reasonable skepticism has always existed, atheism has existed surely as long as belief, yet people still come to religion because the alternative is that terrifying. I used to believe religion was over & we were headed towards a paradise of science & reason (in my youthful Hitchens-worship phase), but the permeation of belief despite all odds makes me think it will never end; the ambiguity, and the wonders of 'doubt' are too strong to be merely proven away
>When you think about it, Darwin pretty much destroyed it.
Darwin also advocated for extermination of the Negro race and made several comments on how dumb and worthless sub saharan blacks are.
THe only christians that believe Genesis is real are retarded Evangelicals.
Also retarded beliefs aren't specific to religious people, I know someone who is atheist and thinks that vaccines cause peanut allergies
Yes and? Are you trying to make him more popular here?
Has the most basis built in to middle eastern and European cultures alike. The first page introduces the origins of not just the stories but creation. The single most relevant verses are in the first ten verses.
You know, it is possible that the authors of genesis never meant it to be taken literally, and just saw it as a book of legends to teach people lessons.
>Only retarded Protestants ever took the Old Testament literally
>And the Old Testament isn't even the primary source of Christian belief you dipshit, it's founded on the teachings of Jesus
Wrong, it's founded on the teachings of Paul.
>Darwin himself was a Christian.
Nope. We have to read it like a text book because... Reasons I'm sure. I mean it's a lot of things. History, philosophy, yes even children's tales (don't make fun of the bald men you don't know because he knows some hungry bears). The opening to Genesis really is the most important thing. It's reflected in Enuma Elish and the Egyptian Ogdoad, and it's purpose goes beyond Hesiod's or Orpheus' theogonies.
>>Darwin himself was a Christian.
>Paul taught things that Jesus did not tell him to teach.
When are you going to give up this bullshit, Jew?
Thanks snopes, but here's the truth. Yes, he used the term "agnostic" as a break from hardline Christianity of his time. More Christian than most "Christians" today.
>More Christian than most "Christians" today
>did not believe in revelation
uh huh
That's the whole point. We can take each type of Christian, zoom in on a single idiosyncrasy, and condemn for not having our own personal exact view of what Christianity is. Those idiosyncratic differences don't mean full atheism. Certainly not in the context of Darwin's church going and admitted point of view.
did you miss the part where he stopped going to church
>If humans evolved, that means Genesis is a myth
How so?
Don't lump normal evangelicals and fundamentlist protestants together you Anglican swine
Both sides have to prove up their shit.
Christianity seems to have a lot more to prove including some quantum fuckery.
But to sit there and say the Big Bang just happens - where did all of that matter and energy come from? It just always was? That's the same argument for God.
I think his point is, the philosophy of Evolution naturally leads to Eugenics.
The people who don't take Genesis literally are spoonfed retards. I do think something big(ish) is going on here. You have a lot of doubt in the last century and the amount of scientific dogma is increasing in intensity. Essentially, you wind up with a public who has no faith in God. Something big is happening. God is real. Look what he is doing to California for their fast, sinful ways.
Now let's look at it this way. Genesis really happened. The apple was real. But it was eventually going to happen. It's the nature of humans.
What you are doing by embracing evolutionary theory, even though it opens the door for so many different sorts of disciplines, is certainly not necessary to them all, and may just be an aberration. Like the apple of knowledge. But unlike the Apple of knowledge, which was somewhat divine and somewhat evil, evolution is just plain evil. It is knowledge that has no truth in it, whose sole purpose exists to doubt God's existence and creationism overall.
If you are sitting there smirking that I mentioned God doing something to California, just think about what the mentality of the people collectively there is like. Honestly, that's all God cares about. He is currently, RIGHT NOW, doing damage control for this shitty system of morals you've adopted. You might have smirked when I mentioned creationism is real. YOU. Yes you. You are going to hell for not believing we were created. God made us in his image, simple as that.
Man in his image. Eve from a rib. Just how it is.
so the bibles sole purpose exists to odubt JEWISH God's existence and judaism overall?
Don't look at it that way.
The Jewish god is real. His name changes all the damn time though. Allah, Yahweh, Zeus.
It's all the same. This guy is actually fucking real! He causes floods and shit when he's pissed off really bad, but usually doesn't directly intervene.
& Humanities strikes again
ok but this is no proof of christianity being the right one or genesis meaning anything, you're argument is deism
Well, the flood happened. So yeah.
Look. The reason why people want you to believe in God is because it is literally in your self-interest and well-being in the future to believe in God. Ours also, because we don't want some fuck walking around with the idea in his head he can just do whatever the fuck he wants because it makes him feel good for doing fucked up shit.
But the transition is insensible. It has already begun. This place did not used to be religious. My surroundings did not used to be religious. The tide is turning.
it still all goes against reason and logic i'm afriad, if your god wants to condemn pure minds for using their thinking faculty then why is it there. It doesn't mean people will run around doing what they want, as logic and reason return that doing so would be careless for us.
It's not that simple. The solution to this problem cannot be found by observing anything under microscopes, but by observing the way the trees move and the way the birds move.
Everything around you is an example of God.
Read Transcendentalists and the Qu'ran. These two things both use nature to justify and define God's existence.
Henry David Throeau's Walden.
But MORE importantly, Emerson's Nature.
Anyway, I just tried to answer the problem of focusing on too much materialism as compared to spirituality.
Spirits are either more aligned with God or more aligned with Satan. So hopefully this answers the question, because as regards 'thinking' as defined as such, takes some basic elements from your brain, but mostly draws from your soul, which is either corrupted in different degrees or absolutely pure. Being absolutely pure is believing in God 100% my friend. Nothing like it. Reality is just God's will, nothing else. Think of it like a dream for you. You are in a dream and only you. It is your world. This is called a parable. And god has these in reality so you can see how God is. It's like God is dreaming right now. You can be an evil aspect of reality, or something good. It sounds outlandish, but it's also awe-inspiring because it isn't fiction. In a way, this is how YOUR reality works by comparison as well. The more you embrace God, the more that reality bends to your will. The less you embrace him, the less it bends to your will. Taken in this way, God is empowering, but only because you have to be good to believe. It is a healthy philosophy to be sure.
>If humans evolved, that means Genesis is a myth
Like what said, only the stupidest "Christians" treat the Old Testament as a historical account of how the world was made. Most Christians see the Old Testament as lessons from Jesus. Besides, who's to say that evolution and intelligent design are two mutually exclusive concepts? Neither directly deny the existence of the other.
No, he didn't, you moron, and he himself denied that evolution is opposed to the idea of a Christian God. He saw no conflict there.
>Genesis is a myth
Yes, it is, which doesn't mean that it's not truthful. Go learn what a myth is.
>Adam and Eve
There is no need for those two to be the first humans and evolution doesn't even prevent an Adam and Eve, as two first animals being imbued with a spirit, from possibly existing.
>no fall
The actual Fall is a lot more significant and complex event than eating the wrong fruit.
>no original sin
The original sin is simply the first sin.
>no need for Jesus
Defeating death was the need.
kys, moron
because human beings, and all other animals, mentally and physically flourish when equipped with knowledge of their natural world, (not technology or society) doesn't mean we are in a god dream.
you're not arguing for the proof of jesus or muhammed here you're arguing for naturism.
there is a different kind of faith which revolves around abrahamic tribal religions and the bulding of temples and sacrifices, and anti-christs and apoclypses.
which god should I believe in?
"i have to be good to believe,"
good by which god? shiva? jesus? lucifer?
i can pick right?
and each involves faith right?
but the good is not the same.
past ur tidbits of vague naturism you still only put up an argument for promotion of delusion of the reasoning faculty
>But to sit there and say the Big Bang just happens - where did all of that matter and energy come from?
The Big Bang theory was first put out by a Catholic clergyman.
This is the dumbest post in the thread. Just because you are calling things dumb doesn't mean you yourself can't be dumb, anons. Make a note of this principle.
Natural selection is a direct contradiction to intelligent design
>christianity is only around because it isn't as bad as islam or judaism
then why the fuck are islam and judaism still around you idiot
Not necessarily. Natural selection isn't just about what goes away, it's about what stays as well. If something stays, then that thing has an innate advantage over the things that leave, and so, that creature was selected to stay as a result of intelligent design. I'm not religious myself, just saying.
lol no he didn't, he supported the abolition of slavery
Why are you lying?
Because they all have a lot of truth in them.
Honestly, I don't understand why scientific dogma has increased so much. Or why the theory of evolution became popularized after Darwin wrote about it. Something seems fishy about this whole thing.
I don't want to put my money on Satan. But Satan DOES exist and influences many. Some people believe this being roams the world also, but that's besides the point.
To get to the point: those religions are around, because people have realized the divine elements of God throughout the years. Incredible that people think in the last couple centuries we've been getting smarter when we've really just been getting stupider. This is a Renaissance of human understanding. A revival of the arts. A swinging of the Nietzschean pendulum. But instead of letting it swing to the other side, we wont let go. Clearly God is real. What it is atheism wants to do is to spread itself. And this is evidence enough something evil is going on in society.
He is literally not lying. No one has said he is lying because it's a fact. Darwin argued for Eugenics.
>I don't understand why the theory of evolution became popularized after Darwin wrote about it
Because it's a scientific theory backed with logic and evidence and accepting it has proven to be beneficial for the further advancement of biology, physiology and medicine.
First of all. Here's what 'naturism' is
Second of all, no I'm not a naturist. I'm a believer in God. I believe that I can use the organic non-factitious reality around me to prove God's existence. And in an almost Rousseauean way, show that man has meddled with this reality because of the existence of sin, to produce much evil in a lot of what we do.
Where exactly on that page can you read "let's exterminate them negroes"?
>we must therefore bear the undoubtedly bad effects of the weak surviving and propagating their kind
This is literally the opposite of eugenics
No, as in it was already a theory before Darwin published his Origin of Species. Essentially, what you scientific dogmatists fail to realize is that it is popular solely BECAUSE it is popular. It's redundant. A scientific theory gaining popularity over time does not make it true. It makes it more popular. I guess we're going to believe in a geocentric theory of the universe then? I mean that theory was popular for three times as long as evolution has been before it was proven false and out-popularized. Point proven. Science believes and popularizes false notions for long periods of time.
But I will say this. At least Archimedes' Sand Reckoner was based on observation AND conjecture. Darwin's Origin of Species is just conjecture. You can't observe the types of things he is talking about.
Darwin even dropped Christianity specifically because he was so disturbed by cruelty around him that he couldn't accept there being an allpowerful benevolent God who lets it happen.
>Darwin was passionately opposed to slavery, while seeing no problem with the working conditions of English factory workers or servants. His taxidermy lessons in 1826 from the freed slave John Edmonstone, who he long recalled as "a very pleasant and intelligent man", reinforced his belief that black people shared the same feelings, and could be as intelligent as people of other races. He took the same attitude to native people he met on the Beagle voyage.[191] These attitudes were not unusual in Britain in the 1820s, much as it shocked visiting Americans. British society became more racist in mid century,[26] but Darwin remained strongly against slavery, against "ranking the so-called races of man as distinct species", and against ill-treatment of native people.
It's hard to tell whose are ideas are being abused the most by morons, those of Darwin or those of Nietzche.
>In this section of the book, Darwin also turns to the questions of what would after his death be known as social Darwinism and eugenics.
Ctrl + F Eugenics.
The natural conclusion to the philosophy of natural selection is that somehow we aren't like the beasts in physical form, but mental. And that we use social darwinism as a justification for being competitive and fucked up towards the weaker, inferior members. Also so we have a justification for killing the weaker members of society en masse, because natural selection is no longer a Malthusian positive check.
Obviously you can see why it's fucking evil. The devil is in the details.
No, no. Have you read the actual book? He justifies eugenics in the actual book.
>as in it was already a theory before Darwin published his Origin of Species
Show any evidence of that.
> scientific dogmatists
What a buzzword.
> it is popular solely BECAUSE it is popular.
>Darwin's Origin of Species is just conjecture
>You can't observe the types of things he is talking about
Both wrong.
The word didn't even exist then and it's a theory created after his death, it's like blaming Robespierre for Marxism
Extermination and "maybe this two shouldn't have children" are vastly different.
>muh evil
>muh devil
You're a fucking kook, man.
Why do people look like monkeys?
Yeah it's not wrong, that's why it is a THEORY, retard. It hasn't been proven. IT NEVER WILL BE.
Okay now. It's time for sources, bud.
>Show any evidence of that.
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Typical atheistfag doesn't know anything about shit but opens his mouth just to be a contrarian teenager on the internet.
No it's like blaming Charles Darwin for evolution because evolution already existed before he popularized it.
I believe in the devil so I'm a kook? God is real, bud. The proof is here. And this Origin of Species book he does not like.
>that's why it is a THEORY
Are you baiting now?
I just knew that you'll say something retarded like this. You should have learned the difference between Darwin and Lamarck back in school. Here's a kid-friendly picture for you.
That graph is just wrong, bud. There are sections of The Origin of Species which use Lamarck's definition.
Anyway it doesn't matter. The whole thing is invalid. Trust me, if you use the objectivity of God to define life you'll soon see this is an aberration of truth. There are various sorts of disciplines that exist today which are blasphemies in the name of God. Darwinism is the FIGUREHEAD of them.
Out of Darwinism comes:
-Denial of creationism
-Social Darwinism, responsible for decrepit morality
-Eugenics, responsible for various catastrophes throughout the years.
This man is REALLY responsible for millions of deaths, not Hitler.
OK, I watched it all. You are nigger.
>has no idea what he's talking about or how to respond
>decides to blabber some more about knowing God's will, Satan, blasphemy and hell, why not add Hitler to it as well?
A kook.
This kind of replies always gets me
Listen bud. God is real. You and I both know this by now. Pretty much everyone does. This refutes Darwinism by itself.
Really, this trend of pop-scientists like Dawkins, Bill Nye, et. al. being treated like they don't know what they are talking about with regards to anything remotely moral is a good trend. It shows that we have room to grow. Trust me, evolution is going down. And it's going down with logic. All I have said has been logical. Even that point about Lamarck was TRUE, showing that even I, a devout faithful God-fearing believer, was able to read and explicate your false text better than you could. Clearly you do not have the mental fortitude to believe in God because you're too dumb.
Goodbye emissary of Satan, I'm done here. Also, let it be known that when God has people who believe in him and spread his word, they are knowledgeable of this, and when Satan does it, they must be completely unaware.
By the very definition of how faith and doubt work, friend.
Most times I am not saying this because you are reading. I am saying these things because others are reading.
He destroyed it before.
A massive kook.
But even the Catholic Church accepts evolution. Remember a few years ago when Pope Francis said God wasn't a magician with a wand?
>Eugenics is bad.
In the United States theCommittee for the Prevention of Jewish Genetic Disease organisesthe testing of schoolchildren's blood. When matchmakers are laterconsidering a marriage between two young people, they can call ahotline and quote the two anonymous numbers they were eachassigned at the testing. If they are both carriers of the same mutation,for Tay-Sachs disease or cystic fibrosis, the committee advisesagainst the marriage. The practical results of this voluntary policy —which was criticised in 1993 by theNew York Timesas eugenic — arealready impressive. Cystic fibrosis has been virtually eliminated fromthe Jewish population in the United States.
Because he did not disprove all the sociological shit which the bible teaches through its stories.
Sola scriptura is a different idea than biblical literalism. The bible can be the chief authority concerning doctrine and still be interpreted metaphorically.
"you're too dumb to believe in God,"
what a scholar.
>Natural selection is a direct contradiction to intelligent design
How so? Doesn't that ignore the fact that humans have been fucking around with natural selection for thousands of years and molding species to something that benefits us? Modern bananas have been intelligently designed by us dictating which traits get passed on, as has every breed of dog. If we can do it I see no reason why God couldn't
Why are there so many retards here? Wtf? How can anyone believe in all that bible bullshit? Has education failed you this badly?
>>where did all of that matter and energy come from? It just always was?
We don't know yet, and it is very possible that the laws of physics were very different before the universe as we know it existed.
>The Big Bang theory was first put out by a Catholic clergyman.
So? That doesn't give any points to Christianity.
If you interpret one part of the Bible metaphorically, why not all of it?
when humans start fucking around with a species' phenotype it's no longer NATURAL selection but instead selective breeding. natural selection happens due to environmental factors.
GOd is dead user. ANd people just call themselves it out of respect for their ancestors. HAven't you seen how many people bemoan their 'chidlren' converting even when they're no better than apostates?
>Most Christians see the Old Testament as lessons from Jesus
>Jesus literally doesnt exist in the Old Testament.
You are fucking retarded. There really is no other proper response possible to a post this fucking dumb.
And was being a blaspheme. No one pay attention to the Pope, the aristocracies have no clue what's going on. Satan is literally ruining academia.
I like science, but evolution is a no go.
Why the fuck do christfags not call their deity by its name Yahweh?
And you are triggered by my faith, pleb.
Enjoy God's destruction and wrath. This is not the end of it, I can guarantee you that. Society has fallen from what it used to be.
At this point it is very obvious that you are trolling.
Whatever you say
Keep in mind southern california literally has a city of gays. And think of the various things that have happened in the last three years, the drought, the erosion, the fires.