Is it possible that Northern Iranic peoples, like Sarmatians, Scythians were closer to North Caucasian than Iranians. Ossetians claim to be descended from Alans and they are genetically close to other Caucasus populations, so I'm wonder if they really are Alans or just LARPing. are there any remains of Scythtians, Sarmatians, Alans that have been genetically tested?
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They were basically Slavs mixed with chinks
>Abstract: During the 1st millennium before the Common Era (BCE), nomadic tribes associated with the Iron Age Scythian culture spread over the Eurasian Steppe, covering a territory of more than 3,500km in breadth. To understand the demographic processes behind the spread of the Scythian culture, we analysed genomic data from eight individuals and a mitochondrial dataset of 96 individuals originating in eastern and western parts of the Eurasian Steppe. Genomic inference reveals that Scythians in the east and the west of the steppe zone can best be described as a mixture of Yamnaya-related ancestry and an East Asian component. Demographic modelling suggests independent origins for eastern and western groups with ongoing gene-flow between them, plausibly explaining the striking uniformity of their material culture. We also find evidence that significant gene-flow from east to west Eurasia must have occurred early during the Iron Age.
Seems like they were just like the original Indo-Aryans, thanks for that. turn out Ossetians are LARPers.
>Slavs mixed with chinks
>Yamnaya-related ancestry and an East Asian component
Since when Slavs are R1b ?
Look at how fucking big the range was. It included people who were genetically close to Russians/Mordvins, Caucasians, Tajiks and half-Siberians in the far northeast corner.
R1b is a haplogroup.
yes but in sites that were tested were close to Caucasus.
Carried by Yamnaya people and their Sarmatian descents.
Doesn't matter, Haplogroup is no representation of the whole genetic makeup, it's only a paternal heritable marker. also some Tatar group in Russia has R1b
Corded ware too turned R1a, just like Androno, don't know why it didn't remain R1b, also Yamna people had dark hair and eyes, while corded ware and Andronovo had light hair and eyes. it's a strange thing.
Scyths and Sarmatians were R1a
R1b turning into R1a. The fuck do you smoke, dick?
I didn't say that R1b itself turned R1a, just that R1a became dominant in Indo-European cultures as they migrated.
>Corded Ware
>Scyths and Sarmatians
That's a wishful thinking on your part, actual Sarmatians, as proved by this sample, were R1b.
>Is it possible that Northern Iranic peoples, like Sarmatians, Scythians were closer to North Caucasian than Iranians
I'm pretty sure neither North Caucasians or "Iranians" are not as light pigmented as Andronovians.
Overall, they NORDICS, closer to Scandinavians :)
sarmatians = poles
scythians = lithuanians
Nope. Both polacks and lithuanians have short mongoloid skulls (TÜÜÜÜRAN STRONK), not long like Scyttho-Sarmatian NORDICS. They can indentify as Mongols if anything :)
This is a facial reconstruction of Schythian princess, they were Indo-Europeans, not churkas, not tatars and certainly not MENA trash
>Overall, they NORDICS, closer to Scandinavians
closer to Balto-Slavics but yeah, they are much closer to Fenno-Nordics then churkas and other subhuman trash
>scythians = lithuanians
Lithuanians are Balts you idiot, all Schythians were slaughtered by the Gökturks and other subhuman hordes
average sarmatian would torture you for days if you would compare him to his g*rmnoid slave
nice fantasies, mehmet
>subhuman hordes
So not different than Scythians. One uncivilized steppe niggers replaced other uncivilized steppe niggers. What's the difference?
>closer to Balto-Slavics but yeah, they are much closer to Fenno-Nordics then churkas and other subhuman trash
I think that the term "East Nordics" is more accurate. "Fenno-Nordic" is quite an oxymoron, even if I respect von Eickstedt, who described the "Fenno-Nordics", this term is quite wrong.
She looks like a retard. This isn't a good reconstruction.
They all have TÜRAN short skulls.
Left: TÜRAN polack skull - short due to mongolization
Right: White man's skull
Scytho-sarmatians were brachycephalic like IEs, Pre-IEs and their descents(You) are long-headed like negroid .
Solar Variation Attending West Indian Hurricanes
>The same type of cranium is present in the "Andronovo" culture burials from the Minusinsk region of western Siberia. The Sarmatian crania stand much closer to the Andronovo crania than to those of the Volga Bronze Age. The same type of cranium was found by M. N. Komarova in burials along the left tributaries of the Ural River in Kazakhstan. The brachycephalic Sarmatian crania from the Astrakhan district differ greatly from those of the Volga Bronze Age.
They were Indo-Iranics, their elites carried Z93.
>Scytho-sarmatians were brachycephalic
Lol no.
37. are total Scytho-Sarmatian metrics :) As you can see NORDIC.
The people who invaded India and Iran and established Vedic tradition were the descendents of Schythian tribes.
Claiming that the Schythians were 'subhuman' and 'uncivilized' is fucking retarded.
Vedic philosophy is one of the best ones to ever have been created you subhuman mongrel.
>East Nordics
But it isn't
Aryan is the proper term as Fenno-Nordics and Balto-Slavs are the closest genotypically and phenotypically the closest relatives of the Indo-Europeans(aryans)
>this term is quite wrong.
How is it?
S.W Finns are Nordic and Corded in their appearance and genes
pic related is of S.W Finns
Should I remind you thread from yesterday? I see you're back to your old tricks.
More like ancestors.
>Vedic tradition
Silly stories, no cities, shitty pottery, zero new inventions.
>Vedic philosophy is one of the best ones to ever have been created you subhuman mongrel.
I prefer civilization over fairy tales. Your steppe ancestors produced nothing of worth in India. No writing, no civilization, no art.
>Aryan is the proper term as Fenno-Nordics
"Fenno-Nordics" is dumb because finns were not Nordic.
>S.W Finns are Nordic and Corded in their appearance and genes
Due to assimilation of Indo-Europeans, but the original finns were mongoloids.
>Terms borrowed from an otherwise unknown language include those relating to cereal-growing and breadmaking (bread, ploughshare, seed, sheaf, yeast), waterworks (canal, well), architecture (brick, house, pillar, wooden peg), tools or weapons (axe, club), textiles and garments (cloak, cloth, coarse garment, hem, needle) and plants (hemp, mustard, soma plant).[3]
It means that Indo-Aryans didn't know agriculture, architecture, proper clothing and irrigation. So what was even their civilization?
Poles are the closest people to Corded Ware when it comes to Y-DNA(R1a has the highest frequency in Poland, second is R1b, l2 and l1), so there is no room for any 'TURAN'influence, unless Poland was invaded by Mongoloid females(that raped 'Nordic' Poles), which I'm not aware of. Mongoloid admixture in Poland is non-existant.
On the other hand: Balts and Finns are closest to Corded Ware when it comes to A-DNA. Norwegians are more ENF than Balts or Finns.
On top of that, skull shape shanges with lifestyle and diet.
Norwegians are clearly more ENF than Balts(I bet Finns as well)
Yet our dear silesian would call Finns and Balts mongoloid because of their N1c.
very good post
>Poles are the closest people to Corded Ware when it comes to Y-DNA(R1a has the highest frequency in Poland, second is R1b, l2 and l1), so there is no room for any 'TURAN'influence,
poolacks have mongoloid haplogroups like g2a, n1c, q, also i2a is brachycephalic.
>On the other hand: Balts and Finns are closest to Corded Ware when it comes to A-DNA
nope, they are corded-mongoloid mutts
>Norwegians are more ENF than Balts or Finns
who the fuck cares? you are the dumbest shit that ever came to this board, norwegians are MORE corded than baltomongols and fingols
also your map is a piece of shit
Is this the reason why Slavic women are so cute and Nordic women look like men?
Why do Spanish have 0 WHG in one graph and 38% in the other pic?
>On top of that, skull shape shanges with lifestyle and diet.
only a chin/mandible was confirmed to change depending on that
but not cephalic index, the most important measure separating TÜRAN polacks from the White race.
>Is this the reason why Slavic women are so cute
they are not
you have a bad taste if you think so
So you have no legit arguments then?
poolack propaganda combined with aDNA nonsence
did you say that a skull shape can change fast? well, not it can't, unlike your autosomal memes
They look like men with their long faces and square jaws.
>They look like men with their long faces
Really glad you said that :) Now you cannot use "muh long face = feminine" meme.
It's pseudo-science. According to you even some Native Americans are Nordic.
>poolack propaganda combined with aDNA nonsence
But you used A-DNA countless Times to prove that Scandinavians are more 'Aryan' than your fellow countrymen. Double standard much?
>did you say that a skull shape can change fast? well, not it can't, unlike your autosomal memes
This thread is filled to the brim with morons.
>It's pseudo-science.
Of course, aDNA is pseudoscientific bullshit.
>According to you even some Native Americans are Nordic
strawman at it's best
>Of course, aDNA is pseudoscientific bullshit.
Then so is this study then?
Then how do you know that Norwegians are the closest to Yamna? Really makes me think.
>But you used A-DNA countless Times to prove that Scandinavians are more 'Aryan' than your fellow countrymen.
Because this one study was accurate. However it had only WHG / ENF / EHG-CHG clusters.
Your study is fake, because it counts fingoloid and siberian admixture as either "Steppe" (whatever that means), "ANE" or any other bullshit instead of as it should be, MONGOLOID.
>Then so is this study
If it's accurately done, it's scientific.
If it's counting fingolian and bunch of other admixtures as "European" it's pseudoscientific.
Whoa whoa, easy there on your racism. Nazis called Finns honorary Aryans. :^)
Also, they're the most blonde haired and blue eyed people in Europe, they fit your Nordic fantasy best.
>Nazis called Finns honorary Aryans. :^)
Do you know what "honorary" means? :)
>Also, they're the most blonde haired and blue eyed people in Europe
It doesn't matter because they have roundish mongoloid crania, maybe except the ones who have more NATIVE Indo-European blood. The most of fingols nowadays are mutts, neither real fingols, nor real Aryans.
>The most of fingols nowadays are mutts,
It's funny because, the mutts of Europe are actually the Germanics. They have neither a dominant haplogroup nor a dominant admixture, infactn even their language is mix of Centum and Satem languages.
>It's funny because, the mutts of Europe are actually the Germanics
Nope, Germanics belong to a one race, fully Caucasoid - the Northern race and it's subtypes, plus some other races within the white family as a minority.
>infactn even their language is mix of Centum and Satem languages
Post 15 Germanic words with satem isogloss then.
>Nope, Germanics belong to a one race, fully Caucasoid - the Northern race and it's subtypes, plus some other races within the white family as a minority.
Whoa, you just described all Europeans then.