glorified cheerleader
Glorified cheerleader
Repent for thy sins for thou hast blasphemed and taken word against a hallowed saint.
>tfw Angloids are still butthurt after teenager kicked their asses out of France
Didn't she die like 20 years before the war ended?
What would dating Joan be like?
Disrespect of the saints is sacrilege, not blasphemy, brother. Blashphemy is reserved to God alone, and sacrilege for holy things, like the saints. But I second the sentiment.
she turned the tide of war in favour of the French who were on the brink of defeat before her actions
Just because she didn't live to see the final expulsion of the English scum from glorious France doesn't mean she wasn't a major contributer to French victory
>Joan of Arc burned 1431
>Battle of Castillon 1453
But Veeky Forums repeatedly assures me that the English were literally French Vikings?
I read on Veeky Forums that JoA was a meme written by anglos to mock a trollish manlet by calling him a woman.
Why was France so close to losing? They had far more people than England and roughly the same technology (I think earlier on England won some victories because they had cannons, but the French probably had them by then)
Why is she praised? Was she just an oppurtunity feminists could seize to show how strong women are?
Or did she actually do something that justifies her fame?
They where never really closetzitting to losing
No. The nobility of England at the time were French. The "English" people themselves were mostly the same Britons that had existed there since before Rome conquered them, with a dash of Germanic Y-DNA from all the recent rapes.
Imagine giving her some meds.
what? Henry V had more or less achieved his goals in being recognized as heir apparent and regent of the French throne. On top of this, Burgandy had grown to power and was now a substantial pain in the ass for France. Further, the entire war had been devastating and had been practically entirely waged on French soil with an untold number of civilians raped/murdered and the lands burned in the series of chevauchees that took place.
And it was the nobility that organised and arranged the fighting.
>the glorified cheerleader meme is still alive after 2+ years
anglo butthurt never ceases to amaze me
Early parts of the war, it was a mostly balanced conflict. The English had some early successes, which were later reversed. The huge successes in the third part of the war were almost entirely because of internal divisions. France was then in the midst of a civil between two cadet branches of the Valois, with frankly no real good guys. Most of the territory you see as “English” on some maps was actually controlled by one of the parties of the civil war, who then ended up pro-English. In the simplest way I can put it:
>truce with the English holding up, they lost the last part of the war
>batshit crazy king
>queen is regent
>king’s uncle, duke of Burgundy, has a lot of influence on the queen, was regent during the minority of the king
>Little brother of the king, duke of Orleans slowly takes away that influence, is possibly the lover of the queen
>duke of Burgundy dies, his son succeeds him but has no influence on the queen, he’s pretty pissed off about that
>Orleans uses the treasury to further his own influence, his authority to undermine Burgundy, generally unpopular
>Orleans possibly tries rape duchess of Burgundy, or at least seduce her
>Finally has the Burgundians expelled from the regency council
>Burgundy has him assasinated
>Orleans’ son swears to take revenge
>Civil war starts, Burgundy against a coalition of French nobles around Orleans and his stepfather, duke of Armagnac
>Armagnac hires mercenaries who generally do a ton of horrible shit
>Burgundy defeats him, takes Paris
>truce still signed
>English play both sides, has their their “neutrality” bought by having their suzerainty over a bunch of territory recognized by the Armagnac coalition
>Burgundy funds a revolt in Paris, the revoltees do horrible shit, Parisians call Armagnac for help, they retake the city
>English break the truce. Third part of the war starts.
>Burgundy calls for neutrality, he controls like a third of France
>Azincourt, French nobility decimated
>Burgundy lets the English win
>Takes advantage of the panic, controls a huge chunk of northern France now
>Armagnac gets killed
>The heir of the batshit king is starting to be worried, English are now claiming the crown again, he wants to prevent a Burgundy-English Alliance
>Goes to talk with Burgundy
>things go well
>Armagnac men then litterally assasinates Burgundy right in front of the heir
>now things are really going to shit
>son of Burgundy swears revenge (seeing a pattern there?)
>allies with the English
>has the batshit king side with the English, dishenerit his son, marries his daughter to the king of England, makes his future grandson his heir
>Batshit king now rules again in northern France after decades of regency
>his son flees to the south
>batshit king dies
>Heir can’t be properly crowned, things look pretty bleak
>people are just tired of the war
>then, suddenly, Joan of Arc.
>multiple victories in a row, God is on the side of the heir
>takes back a huge chunk of territory
>Officially crowned
>English starting to get nervous, even after Joan was captured and burned there’s now a ton of anti-English sentiment
>Burgundy realises now’s the time to get out
>peace is signed between Burgundy and the heir, Burgundy recognised as independent
>free to focus on the English, the king slowly takes back all of France, they lose almost everything on the continent in ten years
And that’s pretty much it.
Extra crispy
>led men into battle
>glorified cheerleader
Kill yourself
Op is literally butthurt that Joan of Arc was more of a man than he'll ever be sitting behind his keyboard criticizing history like he'll ever be a part of it.
does anybody have that img of that really swarthy french race poster
damn, this shit sounds straight out of GoT
Massive civil wars
That's because GoT is just the War of the Roses mixed with various other historical storylines, sprinkled with dragons and zombies.
Her "fighting" and "leadership" just came down to her running around with a banner in her hands. She probably never even held a sword or issued a single command.
If only there was some kind of record of what she actually did. A trial transcript or something...
>he will never have king arthur and joan of arc as his girlfriend
>Anglo-Saxon island mutt can’t even understand causality
This. She was too pure. Fun to imagine her retiring once the English are out and having a large family back in Lorraine, though.
I wanna impale her with that banner so much
England X France
Best rivals forever
>garlic wearing frog eater who doesn't understand what words mean
To bad they didn't have a teenager to kick the Germans out
Would Arthur Harris have bombed her if he could decide the 100 years war for England by doing it?
What kind of question is that
Where have you been last months?
don't know a lot about it but here is an interesting thing to note
most of the french warriors in those wars were nobles, cavalry. They were raised with chansons de geste and had a rather unrealistic, romanticised view of war
they had poor strategies
the english were realistic
the soldiers were mainly peasants, who had complete trust in their leaders
If she's a glorified cheerleader, then aren't the aquilifers and stand bearers also cheerleaders?
What if she didn't die?
t. salty *nglish"""man"""
After being captured? Probably stayed in jail or sent to a covent or something, eventually freed, paraded as a hero as the French take back their land.
If she hadn’t been captured, probably lead French armies until victory, generally being a great propaganda tool.
After that, who knows.
Hello lindy, still thiking the brits won the war ?
He would just say the only relevant war was the War of the Seventh Coalition.
And forget to mention that Prussia did the bulk of the work.
That's not even Jeanne, learn your fanwork spin-off's.
Edward the Black Prince btfo the French so hard they needed a woman to get their morale rising once he was gone, bahaha.
Prove it isn't AU Jeanne.
Since that is 100% possible.
I'm repeatedly told that the HYW was a French civil war so as far as Veeky Forums is concerned, Anglos didn't get BTFO'd
Oh no, don't get it wrong. It was a civil war among French nobles, but some Anglo did participate in it.
The English were clinging to "muh Angevins" to justify their claimancy.
By that point though, they had no justification to the French throne.
But in general England didn't get BTFO then
They had right of conquest
book recs? to transcend the meme
Everyone has right of conquest.
It's called declaring war.