ITT: Brainlet generals
ITT: Brainlet generals
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The king of brainlets
Stop winning wars
That's the perfect example how you don't "ATTACK AND ATTACK AND ATTACK SOME MORE"
>*ruins your war effort*
What battle?
>c'mon soldier, just bee urself, battles are won by confidence
Battle of the Isonzo.
>Let's ally with Japan and declare war to the Americans.
Did his vegetarian diet fuck his brain?
>The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
he, nothing personel isonzo
Fuck you, Bruce Willis is based
>brainlet generals
>names a head of state
He was a great leader, but my god, Patton was not very bright.
>The Commander in Chief doesn't count as a General
Ultimately he made the worst military calculation you can make, which is assuming you will defeat your enemy within a specific timeframe. He gambled that the Americans would focus on Japan and that he could defeat the Soviet Union in the meantime. In the meantime his submarine operations could be much more effective in destroying aid to Britain and now the Soviets.
He also did a lot of stupid shit like starve regular Slavs in the occupied territories to keep the (already stable) German public well-fed. He could have won if he focused initially on driving across the southern front because that would have taken out most of the Soviet's oil supply and much of its food supply, forcing most of their tanks out of the war, and gaining additional naval production from the dockyards on the Black Sea. Even if those farms or infrastructure were destroyed, they could have been rebuilt by the grateful Ukrainian peasants.
You're right, he doesn't,
Fuck you then
>He also did a lot of stupid shit like starve regular Slavs in the occupied territories to keep the (already stable) German public well-fed.
That's not stupid. You can argue it is morally wrong, and you'd probably be correct in argue that, but it isn't stupid. It makes absolute sense to keep your base of support happy.
He didn't need to though, that's the point.
The reason that the rapid advance didn't collapse Soviet morale was that Hitler treated the occupied population worse than the Soviets
If we're counting heads of state, then Churchill was at least as much of a brainlet as Hitler, if not more so. You could fill a whole book with dumb ideas that he had which he constantly had to be talked out of by subordinates. The only reason why Britain ended up winning is because Japan brought America into the war. If not for that, we'd either have a total German victory, or a world where the Soviets control everything east of Paris.
adie was only a corporal virgin
>You could fill a whole book with dumb ideas that he had which he constantly had to be talked out of by subordinates
That is the thing buddy, people actually did whatever Hitler wanted.
MacArthur's problem after WW2 was that he got it in his head that he ought to be president, but he couldn't bring himself to retire from the military in order to actually campaign for the presidency. He behaved like somebody trying to position himself in opposition to the current president in preparation for a presidential campaign, which is fine, except that you can't really do that if your current job requires you to follow orders from the current president.
You win this round.
>started ww2 against the advice of all his generals
>effectively head of army
>doesn't count as general
Wasn't being Emperor of Japan enough for him?
All of them.
>there is a trap hentai starring macarthurs son
Don't mind me, the worst US commander of 20th century coming through
Battles 1 through 11 of the Isonzo.
General Mark Clarke
That's funny. Apparently Macarthur was actually quite popular in Japan, though. There was an incident where he was getting onto an elevator and there was a man already inside. The man started to leave, but Mac insisted that he stay and finish his trip with him. It seems like such a small thing, but the fact that Mac allowed an ordinary person to share an elevator with him astonished the japanese man, who later reflected that no Japanese general would have ever allowed such a thing.
nigga thought he was playing dungeon keeper
Speaking of which, how many generals worthy of this thread died in battle?
More often led by themselves.
pic unrelated.
ITT: Brainlet OP
>durr just charge them and walk over the minefield !!!!! LOL -Georgy Zhukov quote
>got butthurt when a captured heer officer literally who'd at him when Patton told him his name
Big Mac realised that if you didn't use nukes in Korea to stop the Chinese communists once and for all, you never would because soon they'd have them too. History would damn it but at the time the Reds were hated enough to garner popular support and Russia didn't have an effective method of atomic delivery against fortress USA (not that they were friends with the Chinese once Kruschev denounced Stalin). Instead we had Vietnam, turned our back on the Taiwanese, watched the greedy sell China our economy, watched them build and arm artificial islands, usurp the UN, get their fingers into every politcal pot going, and somehow we end up feeling guilty about it anyway.
>bloobloobloo why we should have conquered the world
amerimutts never cease to amaze me with their self-centered autism of the highest degree
you shit on everyone else but throw a tantrum everytime things don't go your way
Complain some more, amerishit
>people who want to enslave everybody are morally equivalent to people who want to make nice cars, because they both go to war sometimes
Who knows what is just American propaganda or how nips around that era truly felt about him?
I'll give him that somehow the Japanese turned from insane warmongerers with a fetish for killing themselves into the nice hardworking people that make our vidya and our animated porn, and that they all avoided the red cancer.
How else do you defeat the German Killbots?
Don't pretend your or any country has anything but its own self-interests in mind. The only difference is whether the citizenry acknowledge and support his, as Russians and Chinese still do without abashment, or if you pretend that some sort of moral superiority in putting humanity first, playing fair or being a good loser means anything beyond your own self-centered ego and excuses the actual results your peers and countrymen will suffer as a result of your failure to take action.
He lost favor very fast after leaving Japan in 1953 or so when he publicly stated to American reporters that the Japanese were like 12 year olds mentally. After that, opinion in Japan turned against him almost overnight.
Aside from that, modern day Japanese have never heard a single thing about him.
t. Samefag faggot
What country was Churchill Head of State of?
Mac was the hero that we needed but didn't deserve.
the bigger problem rather than just attacking the isonzo river is harsh methods
no leave,putting machine squad to prevent retreat and bringing back decimation
of course those damn italian farmers and sheep herders would rather desert rather than be under this asshole
When a commander starts to blame the morale of his men for military failures, that's a huge red flag. Good commanders know that it is their responsibility to create the conditions for good morale, it is not the responsibility of the enlisted man.
any dumb ass who go to invade Peleliu is a maximum brainlet to me
>hey guys we need to conquer this tiny ass island because we want to retake the philippines which unnecessary anyway because we want to secure our flanks even though they're stuck in the shithole and they have no way to move around because the navy just shot down 450 planes in the sibuyan sea and decimated the jap navy
>also we only need to take 2 weeks
The enormous amount of goodwill the US gained from liberating the Philippines helped to keep them as a US ally and prevent the Huk insurgency from taking over the country in the 50s.
Not a completely stupid decision if I'm honest.
The Huks were retarded anyway, they used to fly a plane over the Huk and thank an unnamed member for giving them intel and they'd start murdering each other on suspicion
Burma was completely useless and the Brits spent god knows how much manpower on that during the same war, just because they wanted to keep alive the hope that the Empire would survive the war. They were scared that if it appeared that the Americans cleared the entire pacific by themselves, then British credibility in the area would be permanently damaged.
so many tiny useless islands invaded complete waste of manpower, just build a airfield in one of the islands near enemy position and bomb them 24/7. Pacific theater could have done better
Burma road was the only way to get supplies to the Chinks though
Meanwhile the Americans were island-hopping and fighting for the Philippines to build and retain their own Empire. Only they never call it that. If you just go for the head of the snake instead of cutting it up, you'll win the war but lose the pieces.
I feel like a brainlet for asking this but did the Chinks even do anything of notice in the later parts of WW2 other than provide bases for Americans?
Tied down several hundred thousand Nips that otherwise could possibly be used to strengthen Okinawa and Iwo Jima
They did launch a large-scale counteroffensive in 1945
>Freak out and execute your men for every infraction possible
>Suck Hitler's dick and tell him everything he wants to hear
>Tell him that the Russians will focus on Prague, not Berlin
>When ceasefire is declared take off your uniform and flee to the American sector, leaving your men to be marched off to the Gulags
>Live long enough to become the last surviving Field Marshal
>Start the practice of executing civilians for defeatism
Schorner was a real piece of shit
I think we have a winner lads
I've yet to read a book on WW1 that doesn't take shots at Cadorna at every possible opportunity. A World Undone goes so far as to call him a "uniformed savage."
Defending India was useless?
>Start the practice of executing civilians for defeatism
That's probably Francisco Solano López.
Enver Pasha
To be honest Patton was a mediocre literally who general. The German OKW didn't give a shit about him because he didn't do anything memorable (the US Army's overall performance in North Africa and Italy was mediocre).
The only two things he was memorable for was the slapping incident and his speech in front of his men and both things were only known in the US.
Clark was a huge incompetent asshole for ordering the bombing the abbey of Monte Cassino dumping the British to capture Rome instead.
t. Italian
Y'know this really fucking pisses me off.
I'm not some hippy liberal fag that thinks war is anything other than a natural part of the human experience, but this needless waste of life is so fucking stupid.
>actually posting this garbage on the history board
What are you even doing here?
>brainlets defending Dugout Doug in this thread
Shiggy. Pic thread-related.
>not a single Russian general
Why Russians are so good at warfare?
They're not good at warfare, they just have more men to throw at the enemy.
Most of WW1 Russian generals were brainlets.
However Austro-Hungarian generals had a vacuum instead of brain.
>southern plebs are STILL MAD
Has there ever been more salt condensed into an image before?
Jfc how does this even happen
Most 12 year olds could make better decisions than that
This image makes me laugh because I can only image how mad the person who made this must have been.
Explain Inchon
Russia and Germany had the best generals of WW2. The Western Allies just can’t compete.
>What is Budyonny?