>Marcus Tullius Cicero[n 1] (/ˈsJsJroʊ/; Classical Latin: [ˈmaːr.kʊs ˈtʊl.lJ.ʊs ˈkJ.kɛ.roː]
Oh god, it's actually pronounced Kikero isn't it? Siserow is a pretty cool sounding name, but Kikero isn't.
>Marcus Tullius Cicero[n 1] (/ˈsJsJroʊ/; Classical Latin: [ˈmaːr.kʊs ˈtʊl.lJ.ʊs ˈkJ.kɛ.roː]
Oh god, it's actually pronounced Kikero isn't it? Siserow is a pretty cool sounding name, but Kikero isn't.
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He probably just let his mates call him 'C', or 'C-dogg'.
Cicero means chickpea in latin. He was actually mocked in his time for having a silly sounding surname.
Cato is infinitely superior to this stupid nigger
Cato left no writings. Cicero is the superior stoic republican politician.
Cato single handedly fucked up the republic.
>dude I don't want this land bill past even though everyone loves it because I don't want Caesar to get the credit so I'll just keep fucking talking for fucking hours
Cato was too stubborn in following the law, and this ultimately costed the Republic the peace it had and caused the Civil War that led to
to cross the Rubicon. If he had accepted
offer of keeping just one Legion then maybe things would've calmed down.
P.S. Pompey is an idiot
*waves hand*
*waves hand*
Didn't actual Roman heralds use those hand gestures though?
>just now realizing classical latin (we think) kind of sounds like shit
You are lile babby
Blue blood Romans had agricultural/rural related names such as Lentulus (lentils), Fabius (beans), Piso (peas).
Fuck you Latin sounds badass
/r/ing the niggerwalk with Cicero and Mark Antony
>You'll never live in a relaity where Romans fought Muslims, brought Muhammad back to Rome for a Triumph, crufied him and all his generals, burned Mecca and Medina to the ground, and built a Temple to Jupiter in the Kaaba
>Mark Antony
*Marcus Antonius
This is now a meme.
How the fuck would we know?
>it's actually pronounced Kikero isn't it?
No, it's pronounced Cicero (Siserow) in English, even though it would have been pronounced Kikero in his day. Just like German emperors named Heinrich and Karl are pronounced Henry and Charles in English. Historical names for some reason are transformed between languages.
You fucking faggots. Cato didn't just drop to his knees to suck Caesar's cock. He at least tried to counter Caesar's greed and ruthless ambition. Cato was a true chad.
He was a stubborn asshole, the equivalent of an old guy with a walker yelling at kids to stop playing muh gameboys, get off muh computers, and start farming a garden patch.
>the absolute state of his
And one guy had 'Catullus' - 'The puppy' as his cognomen and Crassus means 'fatso'.
The romans had weird as shit names.
Does not mean that they can't work.
cicero, you dont translate names unless you are a savage anglo with no culture
what would his name be in russian then? cicerovics? tullio cicerous? fucking idiot anglos
>Cato single handedly fucked up the republic.
As if it was his doing alone. If you are refering to the Rubicon thing, well that was both sides being retards.
Caesar had amassed so much wealth and rightly feared that the courts would either ruin his reputation or his treasury.
On the other side, Pompey, Cato and the other shitheads really wanted to fuck Caesar up and didn't think he would march on Rome. They just pretended, that Caesar was too much of pussy to do just that and tried to wrangle concessions out of Ceasar.
Too bad that didn't work. Like at Pharsalus later, Caesar had only two options: Conquer or die.
>As if it was his doing alone. If you are refering to the Rubicon thing, well that was both sides being retards.
Yes but HE'S the one who annulled the agreement the two sides finally reached, forcing Caesar's hand and destroying the Republic.
A chad who cost everyone the Republic
The loss of the republic is a small price to pay for one man's dignitas.
But since the government of the Republic was increasingly dysfunctional and unable to govern an increasingly complex empire, the Republic in its old form was doomed in any case. The actins of men like Caesar, Cato and Cicero, and later Antonius and Augustus, determined the timing of the Republic ended, and the from of what replaced it -- but the collapse of the Republic has become inevitable.