Why do Neo-Cons persist in saying Socialism never works when China is the 2nd biggest economy in the world (and likely to eclipse the U.S. soon), and most of the products and goods that they enjoy are actually made by a Socialist economy in China?? Is it perhaps because they have been brainwashed to think that Capitalism simply means Commodity Exchange between free individuals, which is an unavoidable condition of human existence? Or is it because they think Socialism means that All business in a country is controlled by the state, when Socialism clearly allows individuals to create and run their own businesses alongside the state apparatus as is the case in China??
Are Neo-Cons Blind or completely Brainwashed?
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>socialism clearly allows individuals to create and run their own businesses
made me think
Your deranged fevered thoughts do not represent U.S. foreign policy.
China might be socialist to the poor people and rural community but in the world's stage plays with state capitalism
So they do what is in their best interests?
Wtf how awful
>So they do what is in their best interests?
Yes and what they do is not socialism. Best interest of any socialist economy is to get rid of as much socialist policies as possible
>its a "leftypol loses an argument in a thread, then storms off to whine in his diary about the stupid meany heads" thread
What most socialist economies realize is that liberal reforms are a good way of creating more wealth that can then be distributed. Eventually they'll reach levels were economic growth isn't really a concern. It is what's happening to the world now.
China is state capitalist tbqh.
They weren't socialist when they starved millions but now that they have a free economy they are?
Its funny how every socialist country isnt real socialism, but China, the one that actually isnt socialist anymore, is counted among their ranks (but under Mao when millions were starving it wasnt real socialism)
/r/LateStageCapitalism is leaking again
China has always been a world power, for most of history THE primary world power. Just because the west got far ahead technologically doesn't mean that China was going to be crippled forever, now with globalism they are in prime position to once again take their place as the world superpower.
Ok, but you forgot to underline the parts where it said "state monopolies in sectors such as banking and petroleum remained"...
So the "unprecedented growth" occurring in China can not be attributed solely to Capitalist investment, but rather a combination of Socialist and free-market policies.
And this is why China will surpass the United States soon, because they are willing to compromise, whereas the United States persists in maintaining a 100% Privately owned economy which opens the door to Corporate Lobbying, corruption, currency manipulation, exploitation, and the inflation of certain universal goods such as Healthcare....
The United States is nowhere *near* a 100% privately owned economy. In FY2018 alone they are estimating that the government will use 7.17 trillion dollars, or 36% of the U.S' entire GDP.
>but rather a combination of Socialist and free-market policies.
protip: all the actual growth was from the free market part
>And this is why China will surpass the United States soon
typical marxist anti-western/pathologically self hating retard
Since when does spending translate to ownership? If I spend $10 on a burger, do I suddenly own the restaurant that made the burger?
On the contrary, the fact that the government spends that much money proves its dependence of private entities.
If anything the U.S. economy is 99.99% privately owned. These public dollars are going to Private Contractors, and this is what opens the U.S. government to corruption via lobbying agencies.
>the United States persists in maintaining a 100% Privately owned economy
The point I'm trying to make is that China and the U.S are not that different. Both countries are varying degrees of state capitalist countries, as are all countries on planet Earth.
The most glaring difference between the two however is that China doesn't give a shit about political liberalism, it only cares about market liberalism, which means they want a vastly more authoritarian form of capitalism than the West has had since WW2.
Typical Veeky Forums Neo-con posters^^
>Building is on fire
>Throw water to the building
>Building stops burning
>The fire is the reason why the building didn't burn
Commie logic
>Shilling for China
>lose argument (again)
>use neo-con without knowing what it means, further proving yourself a retard
>is unironcially a name fag
>literally has no argument
>say something dumb
>haha well u guys probably believe the opposite dumb thing
This lol. Do people actually believe this?
Get real. The only State owned industry in United States is the Federal Prison Industry.
everything else is privately owned, which is the reason it has to rely on private contractors, and that's why the United States is so corrupt and has such a problem with lobbying agencies.
Mao’s industrialisstion policies are underrated though. Most people associate the mao era with muh cultural revolution and muh great leap forward, as though it were nonstop famine and killingfor decades. In reality population growth was hardly affected (this isnt to say the suffering wasnt great, its just to show how focusing on death totally ignores the othee hundreds of millions who fared decently) and the uoheavals were hugely variable on region and village. Its like equating the soviet union with stalinism famine and great purges when the same logic applies. It does disservice to historical investigation and the fact that mao did make strides in chinas development and Deng’s economic “miracle” was predicated on what was already laid down in the previous decades, no matter how much mismanagement slowed griwth down
Prisons are privately owned nowadays retard. Its private prisons who want to make their prisoners profitable
Why would you namefag if you're going to be a fucking chink shill retard? Veeky Forums is probably blocked in China anyway.
In China:
- almost all prices on the markets are directly regulated by the government
- healthcare, education, energy, telecommunication, transportation, and almost all other major industries are nationalized or under public control
- 5 year plans dictate the economy
China is maybe not purely socialist, but it is definetely much more socialist, than capitalist.
Prisoners should be profited upon.
You don't get to just commit a crime and expect to be fed and sheltered on the public dime.
It isn't, surprisingly
how much does prison pseudo-slave-labour drive down wages for the rest of america?
China isn't socialist, they are quite literally state capitalist (or possibly even fascist).
>it is de
State Capitalism.... Wow You neocons are seriously some of the dumbest people on the planet.
The people don't own the means of production in China, so it can't be socialist.
did you just come out of a coma you went into in 2006? why are you calling everyone who isnt a socialist a neocon you fucking retard?
I suppose next you're going to try and tell me that Water isn't wet....
are you completely forgetting that china's economy only started functioning after Deng's reforms?
Are you forgetting that Deng is a Socialist?
Who clearly implemented market reforms that were not socialist? And the massive failures of the heavily planned economy that came before? Do you have any self consciousness?
Image of NeoCons Unable to get around the fact that China is Socialist.
It's pretty evident that you have no concept of history or modern politics
And it's clear that you don't even know the definition of Capitalism.
>polluted totalitarian underdeveloped shithole
>land of freedom and opportunity, post-industrial modern utopia
Damn, neocons btfo
Right because id love to live like the average chink
Let me Clarify this for you and all other braindead NeoCons
Free Market Does NOT equal Capitalism.
IF the Socialist Chinese Government allows Capital Investments in China, This is Central Planning. The Chinese Government is responsible for economic Gains Through meticulous Central Planning (and this has enabled China To achieve unprecedented growth).
Are those nets for saving the jumpers or protecting the people on the streets?
It is not
It is blocked in South Korea though
They are in case any material (likely construction) falls down. The nets wouldn’t catch bodies, too thin.
t. Construction user