Is decay and decline inevitable in history?
Is decay and decline inevitable in history?
>temperature forces the entirety of everyone south of Europe to migrate into Europe probably in the hundreds of millions
This kills the whitey
>doesn't include risen sea level
"Time and age are witness, man is certainly in loss."
- Surah Al Asr (Quran)
Except no, because whitey isn't going to let them in. They'll be shot at the border or their boats will be sunk.
It does actually, that's what the bits of red on the map are.
Is that your high school science fair project or something? Going to need a citation before I believe anything in that image. Is it just a wild speculation of what the world will be like?
God I cant wait
I know right? All those dead niggers will give me the boner to end all boners.
decline and decay is only inevitable for civilizations. Uncivilized people can maintain existence and relative stability for a very long time.
It's inevitable in the order of the universe so yes. It's a great cycle.
Yep. Either that or they enter europe and I will have an endless stream of desperate brown pussy to fuck and enjoying the decline while NEETing of online trading and gov subsidies.
Future is bright.
Apart from aborigines who else?
Tribal societies in general. For example the Chechens, the gaelics, the Pashtun, the Afar,...
Sure they are violent and consist of loose clans, but they manage. Only human outside forces can disturb them. On their own they are just fine being violent feuding, raiding, pastoralist clannish people.
The Pashtun for example have lived for about 5000 years in the same way, tribal society of patriarchal pastoralists, with the pashtunwali code of honor as their societal guidance, feuding and composing poetry in a way not very different from homeric greece.
As a Dutchman, that map scares me.
What are these particular Pepe variants called by the way? I've been seeing them around for a while but I've never found out what they are named.
Apu apustaja! A finnish creation, it means "little helper"
Oh those wacky finns. Just found them on image search. I have some downloading to do now, thanks a bunch.
t. nurgle
Decay of civilizations is not only inevitable, it's desirable.
>ywn be part of a mannerbund of warriors making your way through the roman empire pillaging and conquering, acquiring massive loot and settle on an abandoned latifundium, having serfs work in the burning heat while you spread your seed in your collection of conquered wyminz.
This, absolutely.
The mere fact that uncivilized cultures are so stable and static over time gives you a clue to both the nature of civilization and the inherent problem with stability as a virtue.
Progress requires constant tumult of the status quo. Without continual birth and death there can be no rebirth. Without destruction of the existing order and ways there can be nothing new created. If you want to live in perpetual stagnation and misery than go enjoy your hut and drink some chicken blood. If you want to have colonies of humans on other worlds circling other stars than prepare yourself to be flexible and adaptable to the changes and chaos of time.
You can't stop entropy
Man i really should think about migrating to Canada, or Russia. No way i'm staying in the Middle East. This entire region is gonna turn into a gigantic oven by the end of the century.
>whitey isn't going to let them in
Antarctica, fuck yeah
I dunno know if you've noticed or not, but the response to accepting a few million syrian refugees into europe has not exactly been all that polite or civil. What in the fuck makes you think hundreds of millions of climate refugees won't be met with bullets and bombs exactly?
whites have become decadent and demoralized, they have low birth rates while minorities poop out children, particularly muslims, and impregnate their women, particularly black guys, whites are already a minority among under 18s in many places
Except all that is actually bullshit?
You are clearly unaware about the scale of the situation. Hundreds of millions can't be possibly dealt with conventional weapons, nuclear weaponry would be needed, and if used at the border, the fallout would ravage your countries anyway.
Also, whites would need to start breeding like rabbits right now, or else there simply won't be enough manpower to stop any invasion. Let's not get started on the fact that much of the West's technology, military or not, is heavily reliant on resources taken from the third world.
They'd flee once the horrific casualties set in. Even then theres also the development of new technologies of slaughter that can be implimented if people go down that road. Why sink refugee ships with Bombs when you could run them over with an armada of armored icebreakers for example?
Complacency, hubris, greed, and tribalism are the downfalls of humanity. It has destroyed great nations and empires, and set back human progress for millennia.
These are humanity's flaws, and we must seek to overcome this nature of ours. but I'll rather call you a fag lol
Fuck off we're full
>They'd flee once the horrific casualties set in
Say that to the Soviets in the Eastern Front, or Chinese on Korea, or even the Americans on Normandy. Ammunition is finite, and once it's depleted, what you are gonna do? Go hand-to-hand combat against millions?
Today's "refugees" are mostly economic migrants and freeloaders, but after climate change, the new waves WILL actually be refugees, seeking very basic things, food and water. With absolutely nothing to return to, and nothing to lose at all, they won't be fazed just because they're being fired at.
Man this is assuming that Europeans won't just revert to their natural state and begin turning on each other, situation like this would be game changing, I imagine society as we know would probably end well before the first climate refugees showed up
Sure they can, you just need enough bullets and bombs to kill a few thousand or so per wave. Then they turn on each other and that's the end of that.
Bands of desperate starving people are not armies. They have no chance against actual armies guarding borders.
>>bullets, bombs, landmines and other forms of area denial ordinance.
Fixed for a bit more accuracy.
Who told you this? Do your parents know you talk like this?
Future refugees will only want the land, and won't be interested on who's living in it. It will not be money, white women to rape or standards of living that they will be seeking, it's basic survival.
The age of man is over. The time of the Russian has come.
You sound like an Australian before the Emu War. Yeah, the emus have no chance, we are sending the whole army with machine guns, they will totally be slaughtered by the thousands with no effort at all...
>muh compact high rise cities
Perfect accommodation for bugmen.
Decay is the result of stagnation.
Ideas such as cultural or racial purity are a sure fire path to decline.
However, importing people with a culture tied to a static unamendable text is to import stagnation.
We don't need decay, we need total destruction.
Decay is the result of entropy though, and it's inevitable - all systems end up accumulating noise and disorder over time, before some event happens that tips them over the edge and they collapse or reconstitute on a new form. Kind of like cancer.
What do you guys think (for better or for worse) the new form will be? How bad do we need to fuck up that a hard reset of everything we know happens and we're back to the stone age?
>the response to accepting a few million syrian refugees into europe has not exactly been all that polite or civil
That's why instead of a system you need something that can continuously change and integrate the noise as part of itself. It'd be like calling an old broom the same broom when you've changed the handle and the brush but in effect the perfected civilisation is constantly recreating itself.
This is a comfy ass painting