Who was the best pope?
Who was the most autistic pope?
Who was the best pope?
Who was the most autistic pope?
John Paul 1 was the only good pope, killed off by his successor.
Pius X is probably the best recent pope. Francis the worst if you consider him a legitimate pope, which of course real Catholics don't.
No True Scotsman aside, why wouldn't some Catholics consider him to be a legitimate Pope? I thought that Papists were into the whole Papal Infallibility thing?
Vatican II was heresy and has rendered all subsequent popes invalid.
So you believe that, much like Islam and the Caliph, Christianity presently lacks a temporal head?
Not only that but most currently serving bishops aren't valid either.
So who does qualify, in your opinion?
What? No one. I'm not a Cardinal and have no authority to elect someone to be Pope.
best pope first pope
What's the tastiest kind of diarrhea?
Sedevacantism is one of the stupidest theologies you will ever look into. "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it" but if the bishops and the pope are all illegitimate than the church has essentially become defunct in its temporal form.
All popes are Orthodox of Rome Patriarchs in denial.
>t. heretic
Don't you have adulterers to be giving Communion to?
Explain how V2 was heresey you fucking sedevacantist larper.
Nice rebuttal, Though I am pretty sure lay people dont get to decide what his heretical and what isn't.
fascinating, an actual sedevacantist. I just read about you guys recently, what makes you believe papal throne is vacant right now? Idk a lot about Catholic Church doctrine, so could you please explain it to me?
John Paul II and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, kurwa
checked and true
Who /leoxiii/ here?