What can we expect?
What can we expect?
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More heresy no doubt.
Lots of butthurt and God confirms new genders
The emergent church claiming that it is a one world religion.
Liberation theology, universal salvation, female priesthood, condemnation of borders and nation states, condemnation of rich catholic european countries for not helping refugees enough, invitation of islamic theologists, apologies to all witches, jews, heretics and all other historical victims of roman catholic intolerance.
the end of times and return of the antichrist
I don’t think the world is ready for that much salt user. It would be fucking amazing to watch though.
I will litteraly reject my priest mid mass and nail my thesis to the wall if this happens
You're priest is likely already illegitimate and teaching heresy.
And still, no marriage for the priesthood
This man is a danger to the church
That would be an ecumenical matter
The thing is why is it important in 2018 what the Church says?
PS: yeah, I just tipped my fedora.
Liberation Theology motherfuckers.
This. Not even Catholics listen to the Catholic Church anymore.
more cultural marxist bullshit
Somebody screencap this, so we can post the news article next to it showing a fat sperg being dragged out of a church for threatening a priest with a hammer, nails, and a paper that goes on and on about how Stacey didn't go to the prom with him.
> that goes on and on about how Stacey didn't go to the prom with him
Wanna confess something, user?
>"The Pope is infallible"
>"The current Pope is ruining the Church"
I really don't get the Catholics.
They are just mad that the infallible authority is going against their ideas. What's hard to get?
The pope is infallible, except when he isn't, and then it's the man's fault, not the pope's.
Simple, unfalsifiable infallibility.
The pope has to invoke infallibility and this has been done only a few times in the history of The Church.
thats not how it works, the pope can declare something he says is infallible, but this has happened like 4 times in the entire history of the church
More sedevanticists, and a bunch of Catholics projecting their butthurt onto Protestants.
Material heretics can't be Pope. Ergo the moment the Pope teaches heresy he stops being Pope.
Yeah, to make Mary a goddess.
Great use of being "infallible".
Please remove your post and delete that picture from your hard drive. Format it if you have to.
>only 85 out of 264 popes considered saints
>muh unbroken chain of apostles
It's no more nauseating than anything in the Sistine chapel.
But the popes have only made 2 infallible teachings in the last 2,000 years!
Not true. In addition to the Immaculate Conception 1854 and the Assumption 1950,
>turning Mary into a goddess
others include: the invalidity of Anglican ordination 1896
>Yes, this is very big in the bible
, and all canonisations are infallible. Also, General Councils have infallibly defined doctrines regarding: the Trinity, angels, grace, Original Sin
>which is wrong
redemption, the two natures of Christ,
>which is wrong
>which are an abomination
Heaven, Hell and Purgatory
>the latter does not even exist.
Yeah, really "infallible".
there is no current pope atm so I'm not sure what you are talking about?
Anglican kektard here, What's this do?
More cuckoldry, female priests, and a bunch of other heretical bullshit that will cement this Pope as the Antichrist and complete my conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy
>papal infallibility made by first vatican counsel 1870
>entire history of church
Eyyy join us user
>complete my conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy
Which region?
All white males expelled and replaced with women of color.
That "theory" is highly disputed by theologians, for instance saying something heretical does not make one a heretic, but only a stubborn refusal to recant after it is apparent to you that what your saying is heretical.
Furthermore any number of historically agreed upon popes have from time to time made statements that would be considered heretical.
Its also quite suspect whether what you, a lay Catholic considers heretical actually is, without a pronouncement from the bishops.
Martin Luther did enjoy a drink, didn't he?
What is this image supposed to mean and is it really E. O.?
It is an icon, so quintessentially Orthodox. Whether real or not I am not 100% sure, there's a good chance it is. It's Russian in style and depicts Mary as having some sort of seat in 9/11
Why are you asking him? Autocephaly literally doesn't matter or affect the believer. If he's American he can join the American OC, or any other region for that matter, as long as he can find one.
The remnants of the Athenaic cult have genuinely enriched the religion, as one can hardly argue with the values it presents. Evil cannot do good, therefore that which is good must not be evil.
Except there are theological disagreements between the various branches on small matters.
Pffft, sometimes the Russians want to be seen as big boss, though Eastern Orthodoxy as a faith is a single entity that requires unilateral agreements between the patriarchs. Autocephaly is purely regional, based on language and other liberties.
The Divine Feminine is in the OT as Wisdom/Sophia. Mostly expanded upon in the book of Sirach (which protestants conveniently removed) but found throughout the OT in it's entirety. She is in the New Testament as well.
The Virgin Mary veneration is an extensions of what always existed in the Christian tradition.
This lol
Shit like this always makes me laugh thinking about all the unironic fascists I've seen on Veeky Forums who want a dictator because they think the leader will always do what they want. Well what if you get a sjw autocrat like this Pope?
>Well what if you get a sjw autocrat
We already have them. They are the global oligarchs who control the world.
Fuck, this pope is such a faggot heretic
I meant like a proper dictator that some people bizarrely pine for. The pope is an absolute monarch.
That's a rather unchristian thing to say.
actually that’s a very Christian thing to say.
Seriously, the fucking catholic priesthood desperately needs to make marriage possible and take down chastity, if only to ensure that all entrants aren't faggots or kiddie fiddlers.
The funniest part about it all is that the nations accepting the mass waves of immigrants are largely unChristian, while the immigrants themselves tend to be strongly religious.
Hospitalities to travelers was very important in those days. Zeus wasn’t known as a friend of strangers for nothing. It has nothing to do migration.
>mental gymnastics
It clearly says "alien that RESIDES with you". Just admit you are a Deus Vult LARPer, not a Christian, and go back to Atheism.
uh yeah. like resides in an inn or hotel.
anyone got a concordance?
t. Satan
He drank a lot of beer. Some the more colorful quotes attributed to him originate from his "Table Talks" which are records of the conversations he would have with his students over drinks in the beer hall.
Because Christians have a history of being supportive of heretics and homosexuals?
The word being translated as "alien" is גר or "ger" in Hebrew and this has a very specific connotation of a foreigner who adopts the customs of Israel. A foreigner who comes to stay in Israel but does not respect the Laws of Israel is not a גר but a גּוֹי or a "goy."
"I eat like a Bohemian and drink like a German, thanks be to God for this. Amen."
Wouldn't mind talking theology over a keg of doppelbock with Luther.
>Wouldn't mind talking theology over a keg of doppelbock with Luther.
>people acting like Francis is a liberal
He just manages to have good PR with secular people. He emphasizes that all are welcome within the church, but leaves out that their actions are not. The man warned against ideological colonization in marriage I don't think he's going to make adelpoiesis gay marriage or anything.
I suppose it would be much like watching the antics of a coirt jester while you eat, to hear the insipid ramblings of that fat drunken fool.
Somehow less heretical than evangelist
You guys, the Pope isn't fucking with us. Trust me christianity is NOT the way
Neoplatonic Islam is the only way Veeky Forums!
-The Pope believes in homosexuality
-The Pope believes in evolution
The Pope is NOT WOKE at ALL. Fuck this guy. Who's with me?
>reaffirms biblical instruction from Christ
have you considered not being a little protestant bitch
>kill current pope
>crazy African missionary get papacy
>leftist media praise them for including minorities
>Vatican II is canceled the day he officially become the pope
>believes in homosexuality
>implying homosexuality isn't real
I really hope you're not even close
one world religion is a sign of the antichrist, right?
>female priesthood,
this is likely to happen
Great post.
ITT: Veeky Forums sedevacantists swear alot and pretend to be not just Catholic but ultra-super mega Catholic. Their heretical ideology exists because if the Novus Ordo is illicit (read: normie) then they have an excuse not to leave the house on Sunday and talk to people.
Vatican III would need like 20 years to plan if they start now, and by that time the current generation of bishops will be dead/retired and replaced with far more conservative bishops.
>by that time the current generation of bishops will be dead/retired and replaced with far more conservative bishops.
more liberal bishops. Today's SJW priests are tommorow's SJW bishops!
He's somewhat liberal in Catholic terms. In American Mainline Protestant (Episcopalian, etc.) terms he's basically the evil Vicar from the Mitchell and Webb sketch
Based Cardinal Sarah
As a Platonist, nothing would make me laugh harder than to see the Catholic Church collapse under the weight of its illogic, lies, and misteachings.
The most beautiful part is that Platonism won't be tarnished further, despite Catholics trying to coopt and pervert classical philosophy.
The pope unironically believes in evolution and gays.
This is against the popular consensus on Veeky Forums. I mean, lets just say it. Most religions are wrong. God exists, but almost EVERYONE IS DOING IT WRONG THESE DAYS.
Classicism is the one true belief system
Neoplatonic Islam is the only way! It's only one step away. Just believe in one god.
With Neoplatonic Islam you can believe in Christ's teachings, just not Paul's stupid interpretations!
you again! I am confused by what you mean by "he believes in gays"
Do you think that gay people don't exist or something?
Try again shitskin
Today's SJW priests are 70 years old. Go to an actual Catholic church. The generation gap with priests is obvious, though I'm sure there's some outliers.
Without the Church platonism would be nothing fag lmao.
"neoplatonic" lmao, as in the people who underwent total philosophical ruin because they fell for the semantic trap of dividing "being" into "beyond being" and "being"? There is nothing but incoherence, failure, and shame down that path
Lmao, Plato lived centuries before your church existed. Countless generations of man lived and died while comforted by the wisdom of European philosophy. Enjoy your hebrew mythology while it is still in print; Philosophers don't need your church because the truth is eternal present.
What is the hyper autism that is this thread. Even by Veeky Forums standards this is far below sub-par. This board used to be good you know.
We forsake all other brands of Islam. Fuck Sufists, fuck Sunnis, Shias, what have you. We take the basic Quranistic approach to it as well. Fuck the Hadiths. Far too aggressive.
Neoplatonic Islam is truly divine. It embraces the idea of one God, and that one God is VERY judgmental and invasive. It is actually a comforting concept knowing God is with you no matter what you do. In a Kierkegaardian sense, what you do is empowered. Your life becomes your soul and body in a relation to themselves and God.
Simply put. Everything revolves around God. This religion is also very supportive of a future government where God is worshiped, praised, and exalted, and even where God chooses the government members themselves here on this very Earth.
Yes, yes, as we know. Neoplatonic Islam is obviously the most State-based religion there is. Something concerned with the governmental aspects of religions. Bringing around a Rousseauian Renaissance of political theology, I believe an ecclesiastical government is actually possible in the future. Not only possible, but necessary to free us from this chaotic popular democracy we have right now. This is an intellectual movement.
Without the thousands of manhours by preists, byzantine and catholic, those books would have been burned as the germanics burned rome, and as the arabs or persians descended on the east. But regardless, I suppose you fedora tippers are going to educate the masses without us huh? Good fucking luck matey. The body of christ, his churches and monastaries and universities, are the closest this world has got to Plato's philosophical aristocracy.