If you could go back to 1918 and save one (and only one), who would it be and why?
If you could go back to 1918 and save one (and only one), who would it be and why?
nicks daughter standing on the left was a qt oh my goodness
I'd bust Nicholas out of his house arrest, put him on a Czechoslovak legion train so he could get out of Russia via Vladivostok. Then he could hang out with George V, and meme on communism for the rest of his life.
>Save any one in 1918
This poor little guy.
>tfw you know you dun goofed
Which one of them is ovulating when I show up?
Damn look at Alexei, steely eyes, an firm non-hoverhanding grip around his big sister's waist, sharp sailor suit, an iron cross. If anyone should survive it's him.
Why are the right obsessed with the worst Royal family of all time?
The Red Baron
because they are degenerates
if killing entire tsar family was required to end monarchy in Russia forever I am absolutely fine with it
women and children die all the time and we shouldn't care more about those who are higher on social ladder than regular people
t. Russian
>if killing entire tsar family was required to end monarchy in Russia forever I am absolutely fine with it
Yeah, it'd have been such a shame if your country continued to gradually liberalize and you ended up with a constitutional monarchy. Come off it. It's stupid to canonize the tsar's family (figuratively or literally), they weren't good people, although the children were innocent, but ousting the monarchy led fairly directly to many of the worst disasters of the 20th century.
Anyone aside from Nicky. Maybe make him wear a jewel filled suit like his daughters, just to make his death more painful. That incompetent fucker had it coming.
>although the children were innocent
No they weren't.
Children are innocent by definition, shitbag.
>Children are innocent by definition
How Naive of you.
Because they wanna fuck his kids
Not naive at all, you just failed to understand what I was saying, even though it was fairly obvious. "Children are innocent" does not mean "children are perfect and pure little angels."
I grew up in a huge-ass family and teach elementary-aged children on a daily basis. I have a much better idea what children are like than you do. You think it's news to me that they can be fucking shitty little assholes? But when children are shitty, the fault lies with their parents (and sometimes their teachers and the other parties responsible for raising them and managing their behavior). When a dog misbehaves, it's the owner's fault. Likewise with children. That's what it means when I say "children are innocent", and that's why, except in extreme circumstances, we try children in dedicated juvenile courts and hand out very different sentences than we do to adults - because they are not developed enough mentally or emotionally to be held fully responsible for their actions.
>muh children
only one of them was children and he wasn't a girl so stop defending them unless you are into young boys
Guilty as charged
>ywn cum inside a nine month pregnant Grand Duchess Tatiana while hiding her from the Cheka in your basement for the past year.
Why live?
>choosing the ugly one
Nick so he'd get out of Russia and kick it with cousin George and hopefully continue the dynasty.
Tatiana would have been better as a man, at least by her temperament
Maria and Olga best girls
fuck off commissar dimitrij
either way the Romanov kids were genuinly good people and deserved better