where did these things originate from? apparently they're found in nearly every society even non-indo european ones.
Where did these things originate from? apparently they're found in nearly every society even non-indo european ones
Probably Russia in Ice Age or pre-ice age societies .
This. Considering they are found in nearly every European, Asian, and Native American society it’s fair to say it was some kind of universal symbol of peace and unity in the Central Asian Steppe before the groups split off.
Some 14-year-old faggot was sitting in class or waiting in the jungle or sitting in a cave with nothing to do and doodled something that looked sort of interesting.
>it was some kind of universal symbol of peace and unity
I understood it to be relating to the sun as a masculine principal.
europeans and asians originate from central asia?
It's a simple as fuck pattern
>It's a simple as fuck pattern
Things can be "reinvented", or invented multiple times without any connection to other things. Even though head binding has existed on virtually every continent, on the basis that it started at different times in different locations, it's not safe to say that it's culturally inherited, and that some proto blah blah used head binding.
It's simply a convenient way for x group to distinguish itself from the rest.
If you try to think of the thought process of some nomadic society in Siberia thousands of years ago
>Hey Ogtar, if our descendants ever meet again they will see this familiar symbol and recognize that it means peace. Good luck on your journey to the land of loos full of poo
>Thanks Blorptar. I wish your group good luck in your journey to the land of cucks
Native Americans too
Rotational symmetry. The same reason designs like these are found around the globe.
then how come this isn't a symbol found in multiple cultures?
Literally just a representation of the cyclic nature of everything. Primitive man in winter depended on the cycles to bring the sun back after winter. Cycles man everything goes through them.
>doesn't form a circle or even an interlocking shape
>represents cyclical nature
You are a daft one, aren't you?
>duh why can't movement be translated on a 2d plane guys
The symbol itself originated in Hindu/Bhuddist regions of India and Nepal which has spiritual significance in both religions, but with different meanings from being a religious icon to a symbol of good luck.
The design made its way to the west and was used as a symbol of mostly good luck or success, with many christian churches taking up the symbol as a design choice, such as pic related in a Byzantine church.
People mostly took up the design because of its rotational symmetry that looks attractive in art and architecture, meanwhile the Indus Valley/Nepal still use it as a symbol of religion, especially in Hinduism.
tl;dr: it was a design from india that traveled across the world, where other architects and artists took up the design for its pleasing design and also taken up by cultures as a good luck symbol.
Don't ever post again
You are completely and utterly wrong. It's actually startling how wrong you are.
The symbol's usage by Indo-Europeans has nothing to do with Hinduism/Buddhism. The Indo-Europeans were the ones who brought it with them into India, where it met with the native usage of the swastika. It's always been used in Europe. It's always been used EVERYWHERE, in every culture ever. It's a basic symbol. It didn't have to be introduced to anywhere because it was already everywhere.
I'm pretty sure the swastika and it's variants come from the position of the big dipper throughout the seasons, ties into cycles.
Cycles really did rule life and still do, you slave by the day, plan by the week and month and die by the year.
Imagine seeing the stars through the years and translating the language of your God's, pretty neat existence(besides worrying about food, and disease, and predators)
t. never read beyond basic social studies class
where did these things originate from? apparently they're found in nearly every society even non-indo european ones.
Alphabet gang psyop to test the viral nature of symbols
that's unironically more interesting than swastika
how about 23.000 years ago in europe?
>Traditionl symbols
>and then the fucking AWB's meme Christian Nazi shit
Any chance that R1B and C3 come out from Americas instead from Euroasia?
The oldest single swastikas are from Vinca culture in the Balkans, it's Old European. Patterns including swastikas are much older, the oldest is like 20,000 years old carved out of ivory and found in Ukraine. Pic related.
Coincidence or?
Oldest one was found in EHG culture from Mezine, Ukraine.
but it is though
Probably with early civilization era's mapping out the sky.
It's a cross with non touching 'wings' in a anti/clockwise pattern.
It's a really simple yet distinct pattern.The fact that it kinda looks like a sun is not exactly a hindrance to its universality.
I doubt that that thing is only a swedish phenomena.
It's a simple geometric pattern, same reason circles and other crosses appear everywhere.