ITT: Peoples who contributed nothing positive to history
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Québec libre when?
Partition when
I hope soon, they need to give back the rightful Polish and Slovak clay.
Mother Theresa, Sinan the Architect, Ali Pasha, Skanderbeg and some other notable figures were albanian.
Serb scum detected
t. stavros popadopalous
>Mother Theresa
wew lads
>Anglos (including America)
>'Arabs' (pre-Muslim Semitics)
>Arabs (post-Muslim)
>East Slavs (minus Russia)
>Sub-Saharans (minus Ethiopia)
>South Slavs
>basically everyone else
*the second great-tier should be good-tier
/jp/ is by far and away the worst board.
Mods need to pull their fingers out and tear that shithole and /qa/ a new asshole.
Only time I've seen them get out-autismed was when /mlpol/ was squatting there.
i approve of this list tbqh
I mean we got Silesia so why we would care..?
How is that map even remotely true? Eastern Europe was the place of both World Wars and countless wars before that. That alone wouldn't make people inbred.
Not to mention the fact that it's literally in European continent unlike countries like: UK and Iceland.
Are you telling me British and Icelanders are less inbred than some Eastern Euro? How does that work?
ah well
Magna Grecia, Etruscans, Romans, Ravenna, Amalfi, Firenze, Pisa, Genoa, Venica, Milan all the great city states, the Reinassance, manierismo, barocco, the enormous contribution to music, science, visual arts, architecture, cuisine: you can't overrate the Italians
There's like 80 million people on Britain, pretty hard to become inbred unless you're actively trying like the fucking Pakis.
>There's like 80 million people on Britain
Are you telling me there were always 80M British in those isles? No, tiny genepool = being inbred.
There is simply no way EE can be more inbred than UK or Iceland.
I forgot to mention literature.
Their enormous contributions such as the Sicilian school, Dolce stil novo (see Dante) the list goes on. Italy is the most accomplished nation ever together with France, England, Austria and Germany
Pretty sure he was memeing user, but still.
>below Arabs (post Muslim)
I didn't put them in any particular order, just groupings.
Ok, my b.
Bagdad >>> Krakow
jesus christ, and i was thinking that Brazil was bad.
What is pax mongolica user
Albos are the worst scum of the earth, basically some ungodly mix between niggers and arabs.
>founded as the new capital of the Abbasid Caliphate, by the Abbasids
>not Arab
What did he mean by this?
top row: your average albanian female and male
bottom row: your average serbian subhuman scum people (apparently male and female)
Do you guys have internet in Albania?
>He doesn't know we control the internet
How illiterate do you have to be to fuck up Jessica so bad? Oh right, albo levels of illiterate.
PS: i ain't serb Rustem.
t. bootyblasted 52% Polish Amerimutt
Try using reliable sources next time instead of shitting it up with bullshit.
What is this monstrosity?
>is a place noted for its continual invasion and settlement of dozens of distinct people's, more inbred than somewhere where people didn't move around at all
What's the website name? I want to see people(Am*ricans) opinions on my country.
>than somewhere where people didn't move around at all
British """"education"""" everyone
>is a place noted for its continual invasion and settlement of dozens of distinct people's, more inbred than somewhere where people didn't move around at all
now I see why yanks are so retarded, they must have it from the british
The most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
Isn’t Mother Teresa from Bosnia?
Albanian from Macedonia.
>the earliest Croatian state was established in Dalmatia
>the North is treated as "Croatia proper" instead
She's Serbian
Saint Teresa of Calcutta?
They gave birth to Finnish people so they were good.
>She's Serbian
Just like Jesus and Caesar.
Francesco Crispi was Albanian. The literal creator of fascism. Pope Clement was albanian. There are many more.
Your ignorance of history is not a reflection of the actuality of history.
A large percentage of the Ottoman Elite = Albanian
I'll stop becoming an unironic Russian Nationalist and become a Polish nationalist if that happens. Fuck Ukraine and fuck Russia too.
dubs has it
>You are less inbred if your gene stays in one place forever
Are Anglomutts this much retarded?
Muhammed Ali of Egypt too
>Francesco Crispi was Albanian. The literal creator of fascism.
WTF I hate albanians now
>WTF i hate albanians now
You mean you didnt hate them before?Was there a point in your life where you liked them?
his mother was Sardinian and he grew up in Sardinia, stop wewuzing, not to mention that while his father had Albanian origins he probably was also mixed with italians, so in the end what was he? 1/4 Albanian? 1/8?
>while his father had Albanian origins he probably was also mixed with italians,
Arberesh went to italy in 1400-1500's and did NOT mix much.
You cannot pull out of your ass the was probably mixed.
Even if he was, had he done something terrible or evil, petty people like you would straight away call him half albanian. When he does something notable all of a sudden he is full italian.
Let it be noted that Gramsci stated his own father to be Arbreshe. He didnt say "my father is half arbereshe" or mixed.
Here she is speaking albanian:
So what?
He was 1/4 Albanian at best (his grandmother from the father side was Spanish and his mother was Sardinian), and he studied in Italian schools in Sardinia and Piedmont, Albanian culture gave nothing to him, he became someone because he was born in Italy
post proof about his fathers grandmother being spanish.
He never described his father as being part spanish part albanian. He described his fatehr as being Albanian, and Gramsci believed his father's family had left Albania as recently as 1821.
So what? You're the one who clinged on to gramsci when he clearly has albanian ancestors.
putin pls
These are just two albanian families in italy that are notable. Pope Clement is from the Albani family.
Anglos are top of the God-tier, but otherwise acceptable.
From the Italian wikipedia page about Gramsci
>He married Maria Francesca Fabbricatore, and from their marriage was born to Plataci Gennaro Gramsci (1812-1873), who began his military career in the gendarmerie of the Kingdom of Naples and, when he was stationed in Gaeta, he married Teresa Gonzales, daughter of a Neapolitan lawyer of Spanish origins. Their second son was Francesco (1860-1937), Antonio Gramsci's father. [2] [3]
>arabs pre muslims are great
>south slavs are worthless
Arabs pre "semitics" were absolutely irrelevant, and the South Slavs at LEAST created one world war, thats far from worthless
t. Tonibler
It's the Wikipedia talk page for Albania.
If Eastern Euros aren't inbred, then why have they served as pathetic punching bags throughout all of history? Checkmate, Slav(e).
>albo inferiority complex is so potent he keeps a folder of all the irrelevant albanian personalities and some random diaspora mutts who probably have never even heard of albania
Mashallah mashallah, how the Illyrians have fallen
Japan isn't worthy of at least Good-tier? Tech, food, and culture?
South Africa, Angola, and former Rhodesia gave us some cool stuff during white rule, and Ethiopia is just darn likable.
Serbs should be Okay tier, for at least Tesla and Milankovich. Even Goethe and the Grimms liked Serbs. And they bested Austria-Hungary in WW1
>punching bags throughout all of history
That's Anglos, not Easterners.
That gradient map is literal bullshit invented by some retard who believes in Hajnal line.
albos are bros
they like to have fun drink smoke kush weed and girls are hot
and I'm even greek so I should hate them but fuck it we are all balkan renegades
Γαμώ την γενιά σου you fucking coalburning beta """"greek""""
>Sub-Saharans (minus Ethiopia)
doesn't Ethiopia has a lower IQ than Nigeria?
Anglos are the puncher retard. Such an inferiority complex lmao
>not realizing that Anglos are more Celtic than anything else
>Jews not God tier
t. southern euro