Was this guy the perfect Facist leader?
Was this guy the perfect Facist leader?
If i was at that party and some handsome black guy was nailing a cute white chick drilling her doggy style. Being the white perv that i am i would pull down my pants, , place me dick right in between them as he pumps her back and forth my cock gets squished.. It feels fucking good this way
That's not a picture of Engelbert Dollfuss.....
nigga what
Literally too pure for this world
No, this man was.
>is cute
>name is litterally “doll face”
um, try again sweetie
he wasn’t fascist but a conservative traditionalist. Same with salazar
*blocks your path*
Who was the deleted guy
>hey let's spend half the state budget on a giant military that won't serve any economics interests lulz
>also let's declare war on all three of the world superpowers
>oh and let's invade our neighbors but make sure to demobilize half the army first
Franco was based but not a fascist.
>Stefan Molyneuax
This guy
You may not liked, but this is what peak fascism looks like
Yes, he was the perfect moron for the moron ideology.
>Yes, he was the perfect moron for the moron ideology.
would it have worked?
hello gib mare nostrum thanks
No, Chad cannot be conquered
He betrayed Italy in a vain attempt to maintain power. Pretty pathetic desu.