I heard from another board (/int/) that during the time of the Roman Empire it was the Germans were could have been considered "the n*****s of the world" and one user even replied with saying that they, since he was German, were the n*****s of the beginning half of the millennium and then Africans were for the latter half. How true would this statement be and I censored the word in case this board has a ban filter in place for it. I know /int/ did long ago.
I heard from another board (/int/) that during the time of the Roman Empire it was the Germans were could have been...
You mean niggers?
Germanics were the savages living in small mudhut villages while the romans had huge cities and actual organization. Go figure the rest.
the term for non roman germans was 'germanean' and germanic was like their ethnicity. Because soem germanics were good like the swuebi who lived in Austria
More or less true. Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War says Germans are complete savages, and he specifies says they have to be subjugated and couldn't be civilized like the Gauls:
>That, moreover, the Germans should by degrees become accustomed to cross the Rhine, and that a great body of them should come into Gaul, he saw [would be] dangerous to the Roman people, and judged, that wild and savage men would not be likely to restrain themselves, after they had possessed themselves of all Gaul', from going forth into the province and thence marching into Italy, particularly as the Rhone separated the Sequani from us.
Here's Roman author, historian, and engineer/soldier Vitruvius on the superiority of Italics. Note his comments on Northern Europeans:
>"Further, it is owing to the rarity of the atmosphere that southern nations, with their keen intelligence due to the heat, are very free and swift in the devising of schemes, while northern nations, being enveloped in a dense atmosphere, and chilled by moisture from the obstructing air, have but a sluggish intelligence... It is therefore no wonder that man's intelligence is made keener by warm air and duller by cold."
Julian, 4th century Roman emperor:
>"Come, tell me why it is that the Germans are fierce, while the Hellenes and Romans are, generally speaking, inclined to political life and humane, though at the same time unyielding and warlike? Why the Egyptians are more intelligent [than Germans] and more given to crafts, and the Syrians unwarlike and effeminate, but at the same time intelligent, hot-tempered, and quick to learn? ... "But why need I go over their several characteristics, or describe the love of liberty and lack of discipline of the Germans, the docility and tameness of the Syrians, the Persians, the Parthians, and in short of all the barbarians in the East and the South, and of all nations who possess and are contented with a somewhat despotic form of government?"
>I heard from another board (/int/)
Go back
Caesar describes German culture in more detail in "Commentaries on the Gallic War”, Book VI., Chaps. 21-23. These are the Suebi, a group of tribes believed to have migrated from the Baltic coast of northeastern Germany into modern day Swabia.
>The customs of the Germans differ widely from those of the Gauls; for neither have they Druids to preside over religious services, nor do they give much attention to sacrifices. They count in the number of their gods those only whom they can their religion see, and by whose favors they are clearly aided; that is to say, the Sun, Vulcan, and the Moon. Of other deities they have never even heard. Their whole life is spent in hunting and in war.
>They are not devoted to agriculture, and the greater portion of their food consists of milk, cheese, and flesh. No one owns a particular piece of land, with fixed limits, but each year the magistrates and the chiefs assign to the clans and the bands of kinsmen who have assembled together as much land as they think proper, and in whatever place they desire, and the next year compel them to move to some other place. They give many reasons for this custom that the people may not lose their zeal for war through habits established by prolonged attention to the cultivation of the soil; that they may not be eager to acquire large possessions, and that the stronger may not drive the weaker from their property; that they may not build too carefully, in order to avoid cold and heat; that the love of money may not spring up, from which arise quarrels and dissensions; and, finally, that the common people may live in contentment, since each person sees that his wealth is kept equal to that of the most powerful.
>Neither must the land of Gaul be compared with the land of the Germans, nor must the habit of living of the latter be put on a level with that of the former.
He later talks about massacring the German Tencteri and Usipetes tribes (including the civilians) with some pride.
Jesus Christ.
back to Rəddit, fag.
>>"Further, it is owing to the rarity of the atmosphere that southern nations, with their keen intelligence due to the heat, are very free and swift in the devising of schemes, while northern nations, being enveloped in a dense atmosphere, and chilled by moisture from the obstructing air, have but a sluggish intelligence... It is therefore no wonder that man's intelligence is made keener by warm air and duller by cold."
Is it funny that a common argument I hear now that the reason the Southern half of the world is poor because the warm weather makes them lazy and docile, while we in the North are rich and industrious because the cold forces use to work harder to survive?
Really makes you think.
I guess race is a social construct after all.
>/int/ posting
It wasn't exactly hard to pick them out even if they didn't talk, act, and dress like barbarians.
That's old Roman propaganda.
Germanics were not one people, but different tribes. This reached from degenerated people who slept somewhere in the woods under tree roots to great noblemen like from a fairy tales.
OP it's okay to say nigger in this Christian website. Just don't say it IRL.
Germans were seen as savages, the only way they could enter the Roman empire in the beginning was either as slaves or gladiators. They were not even granted the privileges of being part of the roman auxilia after the battle of Teutoburg.
This changed during mid-4th century AD, when germanics started slowly settling inside the borders of the Empire and started serving as foederati.
its like anglos are completely retarded
germanics arent germans, they are germanic tribes, other languages have different names for them but apparently not english just like latins arent italians
so germans had a form of proto-socialism?
wasn't the Germanic Bodyguard a pretty constant thing?
No? Germans act just as barbaric as they always did. See "muh individualism" as well which arouse in Northwestern European countries. Meanwhile Southern Europeans remain civilized and collectivist. Also Italians have the highest IQ in Europe. To them, ,Northern Europeans really ARE of sluggish intelligence.
>Shitalian IQ in 2002: 102
>Dutch IQ in 2002: 102
>German IQ in 2002: 102
>Austrian IQ in 2002: 102
>Norwegian IQ in 2002: 98
>British IQ in 2002: 100
>Swedish IQ in 2002: 101
>Danish IQ in 2002: 98
Hol up, so you be sayin that 200 million (native) people in different countries have more variation in IQ than people in one, smaller country? WE WUZ ROMANZ N SHEEEEIT
>very high IQ
what does it mean?
>Norwegian IQ in 2002: 98
>Danish IQ in 2002: 98
So borderline retarded?
Still better economy than Italy, kek
Not only in Roman times. It seems like the stereotype was that in the North people were fierce but stupid, but in Asia civilized but effeminate.
For example Aristotle was a racist.
>The nations inhabiting the cold places and those of Europe are full of spirit but somewhat deficient in intelligence and skill, so that they continue comparatively free, but lacking in political organization and capacity to rule their neighbors. The peoples of Asia on the other hand are intelligent and skillful in temperament, but lack spirit, so that they are in continuous subjection and slavery. But the Greek race participates in both characters, just as it occupies the middle position geographically, for it is both spirited and intelligent; hence it continues to be free and to have very good political institutions, and to be capable of ruling all mankind if it attains constitutional unity.
>Aristotle was a radical centrist
Aristotle is right, Greeks are truly a superior people
Anglos are just better greeks
Smart and spirited (someone said germanics in general are individualistic, but it is truly an anglo invention and mostly tied to anglo culture).
i dont buy flynn's meme scores(god knows who he tested)
here is PISA scores. this includes students of 'foreign descent', the implication of which impacts NorthEuro countries more, and whose meaning im sure you can deduce
Germans are still worse than actual niggers
If you read closely, you can already see the reason germanics were intellectually inferior. They were hunters and pastoralists more than agriculturalists, and had no urban centers whatsoever (likely because that kind of economy does not support them). Historically, there's a clear hierarchy from least to most civilized, from hunter/gatherers to pastoralists to agriculturalists to urbanites; a hierarchy which is reflected in their modern descendants' achievement and intelligence (mostly).
The areas of central and later eastern europe became agricultural and later urban later than those of the mediterranean for several reasons. They were less close to the early centers of development, they had a less agreeable climate (remember the roman complaints about cold and swampy germania), it took time for cultural techniques and social organization to spread.
And that's just another metric besides HDI, GDP, scientific achievement, political stability etc. clearly proving modern northern europe superior over southern europe. Since most of northern europe was agriculturalist since (at the latest) 1000 AD, we can infer that a thousand years of evolution is sufficient to catch up in this regard. (Actually, south europe was surpassed already at some point in the early modern age, so it would be a bit less than that.)
tbqh that was just ceasar propagating his war in gaul by scaring people
sucks that they take belgium as one because we have two completely separate education systems and the flemish one is miles above the walloon system
>Historically, there's a clear hierarchy from least to most civilized, from hunter/gatherers to pastoralists to agriculturalists to urbanites; a hierarchy which is reflected in their modern descendants' achievement and intelligence
put random steppewarriors above that
anyway you are dumb and your wierd view of history is completely incorrect. do you really think having a bigger ruling class makes people smarter? do you think people in a position of power are smarter than other people?
>Germans were could have been considered "the n*****s of the world"
no niggers were allways the niggers of the world
some people say that Europe was the third world during the middle ages
but that's bullshit, africa was allways a shithole and will allways be one, except if you somehow remove all blacks and resettle it with whites
Good that I'm born left of the rhine. If I'm in east germany again I'll lecture them about their inferior ways.