Isometric Veeky Forums porn
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Good thread
Not all your pics are isometric op
There generally appears to be some confusion regarding isometric and bird's-eye views.
I guess you're right, english is not my native language
It's not even about language, most people just don't know that isometric is a specific projection
But it's a good thread, i wish i had more to contribute
*poisons your water well*
Don't worry about it, just keep posting pretty pictures.
You're doing good.
American origins
lel, I can almost see my home from here.
I just looked that up and...damn. Most beautiful town I've never seen.
I don't want to be "that guy" but there is no way that tiny city has the population to garrison the entire length of all those walls.
If yoi look at the drawing there is a lot of empty space in the ring where houses could have been, the drawing might also be exagerated, etc
It doesn't matter, atlantis is a myth
It is actually worse than that. Thinking about it there is no reason for the outer wall to exist. They already have a giant moat, it would be better to limit the outer most defenses to only gate houses to protect the bridges. Then use those resources saved to build a wall section to protect the channel that connects them to the sea.
I am also confused about the wall section along the coast and what appears to be a highway on the outermost tier of the city.
*blocks your larger, technologically more advanced by several centuries army*
forgot image
Roman square autism triggers me like hell.
This is what peak performance looks like
this is 100% efficiency land usage
What would be the latin translation to "ordnung muss sein"?
Is that isometric or bird view ?
In any case it is awesome.
Here is more :
I especially appreciate how it shows the fuckhueg stacks of wood that fueled the city.
There's 20 like this.
No, this is.
Holy shit, low lying near coast and a river, first hurricane and that place is gone. Guess early settlers didn't know about Atlantic hurricane season though.
Imagine living in that upper left corner
You'd have to walk a good 3 kilometers to get your weekly gladiator games fix
honest question, what the fuck did he mean by that?
Isometric exercises, wanna tryout?
They literally didn't. I think Columbus was the first Old Worlder to describe hurricanes and claimed to be able to predict them but nobody ever believed him.
This thread is amazing, I think images like this drew me into history as a kid to begin with
They got me more interested in architecture than anything
Oh boy this is porn indeed. Commencing Bulgarian dump
for the first settlers and explorers that must have been a glorious sight, looking west over miles of unexplored land
whats the source for this
Gib moar of these bulbro
Sorry for the shit quality
Both are, but one is for cannons and muskets and the other is for g*rmanic barbarians
A star-shaped fortress would also work better against iron age attackers, I believe.
I believe the space it sacrifices does not justify the minimal defensive advantage against savages
>Krakow looks like a sting ray.
You assume that, in times of war, the population of the surrounding mythical countryside would not flock into the mythical city, and help man the mythical walls.
literally my favourite book of all time, need more
thats literally the meaning of cracow
>Because it wasn't real it doesn't need to make sense XD
Everything wrong with the fantasy genre in a single post.
yessss I remember this book from when I was a kid, I took it out from the school library all the time
Hard on for that tower/gate to the left of picture.
Had the biggest water defence the whole of Europe according to English Herritage, in effect a hefty lake out back. Solid castle though.
Totally agree, the design of the defence make no sense. Why create a larger less defendable perimeter?
>water well is inside the castle
>12 people per house
>4 fighting age men 16-45 per house
>300+ houses
1.2 thousand men.
men from the countryside.
probably about 800
2k men on the walls.
For the size of the city that is a fair defense force.
>no walls
>defenders bring boats right to the shoreline
>It doesn't matter, atlantis is a myth
You'd have a wall on the inside of the moat, not outside it you dumb fuck
When i see a roman city the first thing o try to locate is where would the whorehouse be
Philippopolis and old rendition. Recent studies show the wall was actually running along the outer edges of the streets
>12 people per house
>In a time where near 50% of kids died before they were 10 years old
I can't speak of the size of Roman and Greek families but medieval families were on average 6 people, that is 3 men a household if you assume they're even old enough to fight. That is 900 fighting men from the city. That is not nearly enough men, I can count at least 170 towers along the walls, assuming the entire male population of the city (900 men) are defending them thats 5-6 men in each tower. If we assume 2000 men as you said, that is 11-12 men for each tower.
You literally cannot defend a city that large with 2000 men. It is simply not possible.
>What are hinterlands
>What are legionnaires
There's a reason ur vidya gives static bonuses to defense, user.
That user claimed the city has a population of around 4000 people, if you build a walled city that needs to draw upon your entire male population (2000+) to defend it, that is just poor design. If all the men in the city are employed as a garrison how is any work done? It means that in times of peace you have entire sections of your city undefended.
Even if we assume the city has 5000 men ready to defend it spread across 170 towers and God knows how many miles of wall that is still only 30 men defending each of the main towers. If your city needs a foreign garrison to defend it then that is just an even larger flaw.