I see many people here claim that EEF (Early European Farmers) differed significantly for ENF (Early Neolithic Farmers). Is it true or bullshit?
I see many people here claim that EEF (Early European Farmers) differed significantly for ENF (Early Neolithic Farmers)...
Other urls found in this thread:
European farmers are included in the Early Neolithic farmers, however, the people who started their migration changed significantly over time as they went west. At the beginning they were a people heavy in basal-rich admixture with lower amounts of Western Hunter Gatherer but over time obtained more of the later.
A good proxy for for Natufians and neolithic farmers are people in Arabia (they got some more recent various admixture though) whereas the best proxy for European farmers are Sardinians.
Can you provide some sources with admix charts preferrably
The EEF are a mix of ENF and WHG, but WHG themselves have a fairly recent common ancestor with ENF (and CHG) so it's not really true to say "significantly", tho "noticeably" might be true.
ENF were Natufians + WHG.
EEF had even more WHG than ENF
ENF were the original soyboys who got enriched by the brutish WHG.
Other way around, actually
WHG admixture into agricultural societies was likely somewhat peaceful. The true Chad invasion came with the Indo-Europeans.
Here is a flowchart from Eurogenes, he is a very decent genologist.
It's a well established fact that I2 rose in frequency in the farmer community over their stay in Europe.
Original Anatolian farmers had very little I2 and different subclades from Europeans.
>Sardinians have 55% Villabruna
What the fuck? Aren't they supposed to be le pure farmers?
ENFs(E1b1b) were MENA migrants who spread farming through rape and slaughter all around Europe becoming the ruling-class of the EEFs(G, J, I1, I2). Later, IEs(R1a and R1b) came in and slaughtered the EEFs who were forced to flee in the Balkans, Sardinia, and Scandinavia.
The ENFs(E1b1b), on the other hand, slaughtered the IEs and took their women, sadly, they abandonned their Afro-Asiatic language and became the Greeks.
Anatolian farmers were intermediate between WHG and Natufians.
WHG originates somewhere around Bulgaria before the Younger Dryas and it replaced older genetic types when it swept over Europe to the Atlantic and absorbed some of the older local types who were struggling.
The pre-WHG people in Europe are extremely insignificant to our genepool right?
>wide face
>wide jaw
>chad hunter eyes
>high testosterone
>slim face
>low testosterone
>too beta to actually approach women
ENF were Proto-Medshits, so swarthy and gracile manlets just caring about their work at the field. Also had strong matriarchal tendencies
WHG were robust Proto-Europeans, so obviously stronger than ENF soyboys.
In reality Terroni who are ENF are loud and approach women all the time while muh pure steppe descendants like Scandinavians are renown autists who are getting cucked by migrants
And EHG (Proto-Nordics), later Proto-Indo-Germanics were athletic blond ubermenschen who later subjagated and cultured the both, obviously :)
>m*dshits don't support an invasion
where the fuck does this meme come from?
because what said is bullshit.
50% EEF
40% EEF
It isn't. ENF were gracile manlets and proud E3b/J1/J2 ancestors of the "glorious" m*diterrenean race :)
>Spain is south Italy
you are a daft one. also spain conquered 1/4th of the earth while nordicks accomplished no lasting legacy.
>>Spain is south Italy
Ok, there you go :)
>Also had strong matriarchal tendencies
You wish, little pisshaired cumskined eurogayan
it's gonna be SO HARD for me to find similar images. Swedish NGOS should stop ferrying niggers to Italy's border desu. They only prove they are still barbarians
Meds have the highest test rate on the planet.
This is a modern map, and I remind you that m*ds got culturally KEKED by Nordics.
Your real culture is described in picrel, my swarthy friend :)
that doesn't come from test but DHT. and despite what shitalian whore Angela says on eupedia.com, italian dicks are small on average.
In this map you are equal to Scandinavia.
Need cuckhold fantasy, but women were always treated as livestock by med culture. Meanwhile, indogayropeans are matriarchal and are currently being replaced by superior high test meds who do not give a shit about women's right(indogayropean value).
the state of shitalians
>Need cuckhold fantasy, but women were always treated as livestock by med culture. Meanwhile, indogayropeans are matriarchal and are currently being replaced by superior high test meds who do not give a shit about women's right(indogayropean value).
>this is what medshits believe
Pic related is a proto-m*dshit ruler :) A female with tho lionesses LOL
Just stop flat nose.
>Need cuckhold fantasy
Nice cuckhold fantasy*
The birth rates in Med countries are low as fuck. Spaniards, Tunisians, Italians and Greeks are heading towards extinction and won't be replacing anyone but will get replaced by Congoloids.
Indo-Europeans didn't even exist yet dumbass.
>his proof is a fucking mud-sculpture
Don't go at night, else meds might confuse you for a women and rape you, nordic soyboy
Lol what?
The absolute state of the wh*te race
Nah, your entire culture was matriarchal. Have you ever wanted why folklore the good woman is always portrayed as a blond princess obeying her husband, and a bad witch is a swarthy, big nosed, power-wanting bitch?
Because these tales have it's roots in a common Indo-Germanic patriarchal culture, who conquered the ENF cucks ruled by the swarthy power-wanting women (who later became witches in folk tales).
Arab shits are not meds, they're Arab shits.
>a leftist is a leftist
lol who cares?
It actually amazes me just how superior Indo-Europeans were to farmer cuckolds. Thinking about it brings a tear to my eye.
This the level of delusion and autism of the /pol/ish faggot
Terroni means Sicilians and Calabrians, no?
They're not strictly ENF like Sardinians but heavily Steppe and Levantine hence all the R1b and J there.
wh*te education
This is not my conclusion. Even the Grimm brothers who studied German folklore linked it into an Indo-Germanic connection. What's more, Marija Gimbutas (author of modern Indo-European theory) wrote the same thing and expanded using additional archaeological evidence.
Nordic culture:
>Blonde woman obeying her husband is an ideal woman.
m*dish culture (without Indo-Germanic influence):
>Big nosed swarthy power-wanting bitch is an ideal woman.
Levantines were even more natufian and gracile than ENF
and Sardinians are loud and aggressive like other terroni
Doesn't change the reality that they are not ENF.
Basques, despite their Y-DNA being steppe have much more ENF in them.
I imagine myself in Europe, leading my tribe. Our mission is to stop m*Doid dogs from advancing. We mow down m*Doid dogs but they keep coming. I shoot m*Doid dogs but I run out of arrows so I draw my bronze sword and begin slaughtering m*Doids, since m*Doids are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get stabbed, but I didn’t fall, I kept fighting. Then stabbed again and again. m*Doids were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see SKY FATHER (Dyeus) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in the steppe, my homeland. My NORDIC brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..
Funny because Ind*europeans didn't have bronzr swords when they came to Central Europe or even later when they settled the British isles
>Strong Matriarchal Nordic culture
Faggots rule the West
Women rule the West(say hi to Mama Merkel)
Women cuck you with Marcus, Chad, and Tyrone
Women take half of your money then dump you like a trash
>Strong Patriarchal Med culture
Faggots are throw off buildings
Women have little or no right
Women cannot cuckhold you else their put to death
Women cannot divorce you else their put to death
It is no coincidence that you became cucks after you abandoned Non-White culture(Christianity)
What happened to this thread? I wish mods would start banning people for this shit.
In this map your m*dcucks from spain are equally bad, while Nordics from Svalbard are not :)
The rest of your post is made of projections and propaganda.
The Polish autist rampaging
Sicilian/Lebanese/Moroccans are just desperately trying to troll because they are hurt by all the racism they saw on /pol/
m*dcucks being butthurt of the Nordic man who cultured them.
You must be really new to see this kind of conversation this time on Veeky Forums :)
>hurt by subhuman "opinions"
How does this happen?
>Nordic man who cultured them.
Don't make me laugh, without the Medman you would still live in mudhuts.
>muh architecture
>muh alphabet
>muh WE WUZ x
Why are meds so pathetic? And why they try to prove Nordics are "inferior"... while writting in a Nordic-made language?
>Nordic-made language?
English happened because meds conquered inferior nords and turned their language into a latino-germanic mutt language.
>English happened because meds conquered inferior nords and turned their language into a latino-germanic mutt language.
It's the truth tho
If you google "mutt language" English is the first thing you find
Normans weren't/aren't m*Doids.
Normans (translation: Nordic men) were NORDICS who spoke in both Germanics and Nordic-made Romance languages (Nordic-made Latin which was altered due to Nordic Germanic immigrating peoples trying to speak it). Notihing m*Doid about it.
Yes they were, it is why they spoke a med language instead of a disgusting matriarchal nordic language.
Nope. They spoke French, a med language descended from Latin, another med language.
>French, a med language descended from Latin, another med language.
Couldn't be more wrong. French is a NORDIC language created by Nordic Franks (Germanic people), and Latin is a NORDIC, INDO-EUROPEAN language created by Italic Nordics :)
Even modern French Normans are predominantly fair. And all Indo-Europeans are non-m*D languages.
Uhmm nah nah nah, this is the official state of things. Franks were Germanic people, Romans were Indo-European.
Thank you
>Nordic Franks
>Italic Nordics
Romans and Franks were J2, a med haplogroup. And Franks were racially distinguished from N*rdic Angaylo-Cucksons.
It was part of Spain for a long time...
Why do you care so much about Europeans, my Moroccan friend?
lol who cares?
And even your own material said they were Nordics you retard.
I mostly care about Afroasiatic(particularly Hebrew) history and linguistics, it's just that people talk less about the Glorious Natufian Race than they talk about the Franks.
As for why i care about the Franks, i want to be sure that my blood is free of any (white)stain.
My material says that they were not white as previously thought.
>literally live in the med
Nope, it says they were Anglo-Saxon-like.
Racially they're not Meds.
>silesian reading comprehesion
It says :
The skeletal remains... are all long-headed and of AN ANGLO-SAXON RACIAL TYPE, WHICH CONFIRMS the historical redcord that these regions were settled by sea-faring Saxons RATHER THAN BY FRANKS.
Franks were a moderately variable group, BUT DIFFERING AS A WHOLE from the basic NORTH GERMAN TYPE from which they were PRESUMABLY derived.
They literally live in Arabia.
med is not a race
literally most inhabitants were arabized. berbers didn't come from arabia.
Were they CHG rich, regular ENF or EHG+CHG (Steppe rape babies)?
So Celtic Nordics and Classic Nordics instead of only Classic Nordics... wow such a "difference" LOL.
I am neither of the previous posters but I want to say that I went to the national museum of Catalonia and it was strongly applied that the bronze age Iberians, a non Indo-European people, were most likely to be matriarchal.
Pic related, proof I was there.
By your standard, they were "swarthy broad-skulled pre-IE m*dshits"
Nope, they were Nordics just like Karl der Große.
Franks had nothing to do with Germans. Don't use "Karl der Grosse" as his name. He slaughtered saxon subhumans.
Charlemagne was closer to North-Eastern French, Belgians and Dutch, rather than German peasants.
The guy in the middle is CAROLUS MAGNUS, as you can see he was dark haired just like his fellow J2-carrying Frankish tribesmen.
Frankish expansion was a Med conquest.
>Franks had nothing to do with Germans
They were Germans :)
>he was dark haired
He was blond you utter retard.
>They were Germans
No, they were not. Stop confusing Germanics with Germans you dumb fucking cunt.
>He was blond you
Source: (You)
Charlemagne as proved by this CONTEMPORARY DEPICTION was dark haired, furthermore, he civilized inferior nordoid. His only mistake was to import Saxon slaves in France, diluting further the original Natufian/Med blood of the Franks.
>Stop confusing Germanics with Germans you dumb fucking cunt.
Ok, so I understand you agree that Franks were Germanics, and therefore Nordics and ruled the celtic cucks?
Wrong. Karl der Große was blond and blue eyed Nordic
That's a fake picture made by a Germanoid
Franks were meds, therefore Natufians, therefore Morrocans.
Beyond Foraging and Collecting: Evolutionary Change in Hunter-Gatherer Settlement Systems - Page 132
>Based on the evidence accumulated to date by various researchers, a picture of the Natufians as real human beings begins to emerge, in spite of the expected distortion caused by their mortuary practices and postdepositional effects. Morphologically, the Natufians were a proto-Mediterranean populace, and other studies substantiated the evidence for continuity with later Neoilithic groups.
Colloques internationaux du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Numéro 599 - Page 195
>The presumed several "races" and "subraces" hitherto recognized in the Middle East may be considered as local variants of the main Proto-Mediterranean Natufian stock
The Neolithic Revolution in the Near East: Transforming the Human Landscape - Page 72
>Natufian populations are generally identified as being of Proto- Mediterranean stock (Arensburgand Rak 1979).
>spend literal months spamming quotes and irrelevant links to force the NO*DICK "meme"
>get answered with FACTS
>spout reddit post
Polish people really are weird...