Who was the bigger cunt between these two during the Cold War? Sure, the Soviets had internal issues like the gulags and famines, but the US red scare and paranoia seems really unfounded and over the top.
Who was the bigger cunt between these two during the Cold War? Sure...
>being suspicious of KGB infiltration is worse then killing millions of your own citizens in camps
Was a Soviet invasion of the West ever a real threat, though? Americans seemed more aggressive in their foreign policy than the Soviets.
America had more influence over the rest of the world and fucked over a lot of countries, but if you were under Soviet influence, you were guaranteed to be repressed and poor.
Who was the bigger cunt between these two during the Cold War?
Both were Jewish
USSR was pretty much driven by realism and more sincere resolve for detene. President Eisenhower was pretty much correct in that by the 1950s groups of weapons and military lobbyist had the USA by the balls in terms of using a fabricated "soviet threat" to support massive amounts of funds going towards missiles, airships and other such things.
>Both were Jewish
They were able to straight up steal the science for an atom bomb right out of our labs with the help of traitorous scientists. They avowed the destruction of all capitalism and democracy in the world. And you think being paranoid was not warranted. Ok pal.
The communists were the one with an ideological agenda of world revolution. Constantly stirring the shit soup wherever they could, refusing to agree to mutual overflights, detonating the largest nuke just to show off, infiltrating trade unions, flooding the world with cheap automatic weapons, training and educating anyone willing to overthrow a government, and decimating industries like British car makers. America didn't really give a shit what you were as long as it wasn't communist and you bought Coca Cola.
>Americans seemed more aggressive in their foreign policy than the Soviets.
Tell that to Poland. Or Latvia. Or Finland. Or... well, this could go on for a long time but you get my point.
>Was a Soviet invasion of the West ever a real threat, though?
Yes. The Soviets would absolutely have taken the whole of western Europe if the Americans hadn't been there. The stated goal of the USSR was to inspire 'international communism', i.e. to foster a global revolution by supporting communist groups in capitalist countries (I'm aware that Stalin backed away from this a little bit, but it was still one of the core principles of Bolshevik thought).
The number of communists in America overall wasn't enough for there to be a serious chance of a revolution - but in intellectual circles communists and communist sympathisers were very common, especially during the 20s, 30s and 40s. 'Red's under the beds' wasn't a manufactured scare at all. Imagine if today someone in Hollywood said 'well, I attended a few Richard Spencer rallies, but I was never a card-carrying member of the alt-right'. We all know they'd be blacklisted from the film industry. What happened in the 50s was no different - except of course it was happening to left-wingers rather than right-wingers.
>t. Alger Hiss
>millions of your own citizens
oh you mean the invading germans and counter revolutionary forces?
or do you mean all the people the Germans killed in russia during the invasion?
found the butt hurt capitalist
>Sure, the Soviets had internal issues like the gulags and famines, but the US red scare and paranoia seems really unfounded and over the top.
Jesus Christ, can you America-haters ever recognize that the United States hasn't been ULTIMATELY AND COMPLETELY ALWAYS WRONG FOREVER?
you right it was good between the end of the civil war and before the indian wars took of, and then again during the interwar years. but after world war 2 that shit goes into the tanker.
America would put you on trial and execute you if you were proven a spy.
The Soviets would put you in a modified van and gas you with exhaust fumes on the way to the country side for listening to Radio Free Europe. No records of arrest, no paper trail, just a knock on the door. They only stopped the gas vans when the drivers kept being driven insane by the screaming and hammering against the bulkhead.
McCarthy was right
>sure the USSR starved millions of people to death but the US blacklisted some commies from Hollywood :((((
>OP basically just asks a question
>American posters explode with butthurt as if OP is straight up making bombastic claims about the Soviets being do-goodies
Jesus Christ, guys, the Cold War ended. Same shit happens on this board whenever a single question is asked about Pearl Harbor or Vietnam. Get your insecure assblasted shit together and stop imagining insults at every stop.
OP didnt ask an honest question, he made an outrageous and disingenuous claim.
>answering a question is being buttblasted
helicopter ride for you
what about installing authoritarian military regimes and destabilizing whole continents?
It's not even close. USSR was an actual prison of nations. Only those lucky enough to never be born in a Soviet-dominated country can pick the retarded "well both were doing bad stuff" option.
>anyone who questions my overly emotional behaviour is a communist
Still a better option than communism
Except people who actually lived there miss the socialist bloc and bemoan the modern state of European affairs.
No we don't. Feel free to emigrate to currently exisitng socialist countries but stay away from our affairs.
>No we don't.
I didn't ask you to post your photos here. Just don't claim to know what we think about the communist times because you don't know shit.
most of what you wrote sounds like what America does today..
I wish America still overthrew communist regimes
t. Venezuelan
Neither you claim to speak on behalf of all Socialist bloc
their biggest crime was supporting "revolutionaries" in the 3rd world who only ended up tearing shit up and causing decades long civil wars, nothing the US did compares
democracy is flawed but the US sperged out over Iran contra and supporting dictators and the US was just reacting to commie agitation whereas the USSR didn't give 3 shits when they did this on a far larger scale
Don't have to be communist regime to get overthrown by Uncle Tom
The USSR was worse in Europe, the USA was worse everywhere else.
It would be theoretically possible to find someone there who "miss the socialist bloc". Kind of like looking for a virgin in a brothel. Generally people aren't retarded and don't like to live in poor ugly shitholes that send tanks on their own people when they say they don't want to live under the boot of a foreign nation. I guess it wasn't real socialism and we have to try again. Somewhere far away from here. Not that anyone actually wanted commies to be in power in the first place. Oh and younger generation thinks the same. Champagne socialists can go hang themselves or come here so we can fuck them up.
Imagine a brothel where half the women are virgins.
This. Many people here like (modern) Russia as opposed to America but nobody likes fucking communists.
Oh boy this is gonna be fun
Yeah i agree what we did in Latin America was pretty sad. The USSR treated its own people far worse of course and the soviet bloc countrys
This is a historical board not /pol/ go back to your board for retarded alt facts.
Not the hit list that mccarthy created that was a witch hunt and was used as a tool to suppress dissenting figures kind of like how the right calls obama a socialist or how the left calls trump a facist.