>reading primary sources instead of condensed secondary sources
Reading primary sources instead of condensed secondary sources
implying I can´t condense primary sources
As someone who actively enjoys reading primary sources, kill yourself.
Secondary sources are a good way to introduce concepts and ideas to the general public, whereby it’s important to have more than a cursory grasp of the subject before you start tackling more intensive primary sources. I would love to see you tell us with a straight face you were reading Appian or Plutarch before you read your little kids book on the Romans or Greeks. People have to be reasonably trained to know how to read a primary source, otherwise discerning the nuances and context of the primary sources is impossible, and the value of the text is diminished substantially beyond “HURR I CAN QUOTE THE OPENING LINE OF CAESAR’S GALLIC COMMENTARIES”
Neck yourself, profligate
>not reading all your sources in the original language
Why is Veeky Forums so full of brainlets?
read the op again, it implies reading primary sources is boring
> reading sources
>Let other people do the thinking for you
i know it's bait i just really want to use this
>implying primary sources aren't biased
>Implying the solution to that is to load your understanding of it with more biases
>implying all secondary sources are biased and don't point out the biases of the original texts
>Implying there is such a thing as an unbiased source
>reading accounts of events give you the truth
>expecting to read anything unbiased
>Reading things into my post that don't follow
>Implying I didn't explicitly state the opposite
>reading posts
The only way to reach objectivity is to read multiple primary sources concerning one subject
The only way to reach objectivity is to disdain primary and secondary sources and only read Veeky Forums
The only way to reach objectivity is to study history through EUIV
>primary source
>it's a 1000 page long catalog of irrelevant names dates and happenings in some buttfuck nowhere place
You heard me
>not reading primary sources in their original language
>not learning latin and greek
> not tampering primary sources
think you need to work on your reading comprehension lad
>reading anything but this board
Depends in the primary sources for me.
Journal entries for example are digging through mud for diamonds sometimes. But if it is songs and poetry, it can be fun reciting Beowulf or El cid out loud.
>not listening to the original interview recordings
>not reading your own interviews cause you are the subject matter
But it's fun!
Good post