>disgusting lipsing languages
>retarded dancing and screaming in feminine voices like retards
>never acomplished anything
>got themselves wiped out by European diseases
Why do people worship them again?
Disgusting lipsing languages
Noble Savage mythology in a big way
White guilt
noble savage bullshit+hippies LARPing as indians+the wise magical Indian trope in movies
>sneezing once was enough to kill them all
I think anyone who still idolizes this catastrophe of a culture should visit the western Nebraska/South Dakota border and witness those shits firsthand.
more like a sitting cuck
>disgusting lisping languages
I think they sound rather nice for the most part. Almost musical.
>retarded dancing and screaming in feminine voices like retards
>never accomplished anything
>got themselves wiped out by European diseases
It's not like they went looking for smallpox.
This, you can make the nature argument, that the Native American populace doesn't get a fair shake and often start out disenfranchised from birth.
But holy fuck how fucking hard is it to get your shit together? When i was a kid we almost bought a house and land on a reservation, when we got their to take a look the place was a disaster, it smelled of cat and dog shit/piss, was torn up, broken windows etc.
I've never met a Native American that was a solid contributor to society.
Only amerifats worship them because of "white guilt" meme.
Sounds to me like you are describing only the plains Indians. That would be like looking at the Polish as the face of what white people are. Or Asians being Mongolians only.
>That would be like looking at the Polish as the face of what white people are
>have pride of their history and people
>willing to fight for their homeland
Oh the horror indeed
You've never met one have you? Here in Mexico they refused to speak our language so we literally had to starve them out and not feed them or talk to hem until they learned how to assimilate. At least the Haitians got their shit together when we took some as refugees. My friends in Sweden tell me they're among the migrants that go around in gangs breaking into peoples homes too. Almost as bad as the Romanian beggars.
The weak should fear the strong.
>like looking at the Polish as the face of what white people are
ok I know this is bait, but whatever
whats wrong with Poles? Contributed to western.white civilisation more than may germanic or whatever europeans
>maria kiri
>joseph conrad
>adrien brody
>Tadeusz Kościuszko
btw I'm not pole whatsoever
>known for stealing cars in germany
There are polish in Mexico? In what quantities, never heard of this.
>germans steal from polacks for centuries
>polacks steal from germans some useless german cars that are shit anyways
stay on the fucking topic or get out and make yourself a new thread.
If krauts don't want to get LoJack, it is the prerogative of the polack to take what he wants.
Do everything and anything to fuck them over for centuries
Stop in the 1970's
>Oh my god, get over it! Why cant you guys be great like us!
>lol dumb savages amirite? xD
This. I think people in general are just ignorant. Pueblo people for instance are really interesting.
>cherrypicking a reservation that is notorious for being a special kind of a shithole
Do you really think they're all like that? They're not.
What's the point of these threads?
You've never heard of generational poverty and trauma?
OP needs to belittle others to make himself feel better. He's (or she's) probably also the type to attach achievements by peoples hundreds and thousands of years ago to himself.
The whole world sympathizes with them ever since the 60's and 70's, everybody is waiting to give them a hand up out of the gutter.
It's sad that their distant ancestors lost their land and culture, but you have to play your own hand in life. Your ancestors are dead, so are the ones who killed them. It's time to crawl out of the gutter.
>forced for centuries to leave their nomadic life
>forced to leave their roaming lands and join "civilization" on confined areas
>once they join this civ there are no jobs to get ahead in a capitalist country
>people are surprised they are alcoholics
At least they aren't niggers or degenerates like gypos, pai
They should do as the jews did.
I didn't cherrypick anything. I live close to the place.
Niggers are far better
There is only one cure, and it's called getting a job.
McDonald's is ALWAYS hiring.
Working at McDonalds will only encourage bad habits like drinking and smoking or suicidal thought.
t. Worked at McDonalds
>Here in Mexico
Opinion disregarded.
>you have to play your own hand in life
lmao fuccin wite boi
Northern Natives that were nomadic were less barbarous than other Native cultures, so yes they were comparatively "nobel."
This is the level of stupidity that produces racism
You're not supposed to stay there forever, you work long enough to build a work History and references, and then you apply for better jobs, which you then use to repeat the process.
How is it stupid? Have you ever been to Pine Ridge?
>showing evidences is a level of stupidity
>why isnt this historically disenfranchised people succesful like me? Look at the conditions in this reservation - all natives are shit unlike me, a superior being.
Hello, selective bias.
Using as an exceptional as fuck case and extending it as the "norm" is silly.
>historically disenfranchised
no one refrains them from education or from looking for a job or from saving money or investing it, you idiot tankie
I used to live close to the place too, but apparently unlike you, I've spent significant time on other reservations as well, and I'm telling you that's an unusually bad one. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, it was cherrypicking, same as if you claimed all (or most) American cities were falling apart because Detroit was a shithole.
>b-but I live in Detroit!
Do I give a shit? The point is, it's not representative.
OP used a picture of a Sioux and I'm talking about the Sioux, how is it not the norm?
Are you deliberately trying to miss the point? Also mcd wages are unsustainable and the only jobs you can jump from mcd is onto other shitty jobs and many places may not like your job hopping.
>time to move all you injuns into internment camps, will let your chief call some of the shots so you dont feel like prisoners
>why havent you created any capital yet!?
Where exactly have you lived?
You couldn't be more wrong. Reservations are pretty much fucked by the gov't. For historical reasons most rezzes are located on marginal, out-of-the-way land, which means there are few jobs available; reservations tend to be poor in resources, which means there aren't many agricultural/industrial jobs, and being in bumfuck nowhere means there are few service industry jobs available as well. Consequently unemployment is very high on most reservations and there is no prospect of it improving.
Reservations receive inadequate federal funding. Their hospitals and schools tend to be extremely underfunded. Moreover, for complicated legal reasons, a lot of them are weird gray zones where neither state police nor the reservation police have much power to actually enforce the laws (whether we're talking about local reservation law, state law or federal law) which partially accounts for the absolutely sky-high crime rates you see on many reservations (esp. sexual assault rates). Further, the way the funding system works literally pits tribes against each other; basically, when new tribes get recognized, or recognized tribes petition for more money (usually for necessary infrastructure that they have no way of affording otherwise, not "gibs") that means that other tribes receive less, because the size of the pie stays the same. It's a zero-sum game.
None of this was or is inevitable, it's all stuff we could hypothetically fix, but nobody gives enough of a shit. That's why most of the successful reservations are either ones that are located near population centers and are able to build substantial tourism industries (including gambling tourism) or the rezzes that are able to strike deals with gov't agencies, like the Grand Portage reservation, which is essentially subsidized by the Park Service (and also has a casino, yeah).
Basically, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
That goes for most the rest of you too, by the way, esp. this guy.
>Generational trauma exist but hundreds of thousands of years worth of selective breeding is a social construct
The absolute cognitive dissonance of leftist.
Let them be ignorant. More resentment is great for every human in the planet.
The Aztecs built a city and irrigation system that supported the largest city in the world at the time, bigger than any of the eurangutans' cities. I don't get why /pol/tards like to pretend that native americans were low IQ savages. Probably because most of them are amerimutts.
Why are people so obsessed with dna tests and race recently? This autism sounds like dog breeding language.
They didn't have comparitive poverty (everyone was dirt poor), had a sense of belonging and identity deeper than skin colour, had no disgusting European shit-street and rat flea diseases, no mid-life crises, had feel-good philosophies, wilderness raves, drugs, sex-
It wasn't paradise but it's not that far a stretch to see why it might be held up as something better.
>i don't get why
Because eurangutans are stupidly inferior.