>only african country to avoid being colonized
>largest economy in east africa
>number one economy in the world (in growth)
really rattles your muskets
Only african country to avoid being colonized
>largest economy in east africa
Now compare them to the rest of Africa.
>ethiopians are not really black, they're actually just really dark-skinned caucasian people
>most successful people in africa
what did they mean by this?
The only reason why Ethiopia is less shit compared to other African countries is entirely because of China. The other ooga boogas don’t take advantage of Chinese investments.
>most successful
Literally what? They're the Africa of Africa, they make Nigeria look like Switzerland.
they very well could be the best african country if it weren't for commies and ethnic tensions.
exaggeration. ethiopia is mostly safe and has the most powerful military in the sun saharsn region.
>europeans call us arabs non-white
>they will call ethiopians white though
Ethiopia has the lowest crime rate in all of Africa
Nigeria’s crime rate is spic tier
>caucasian is the same as white
They're memeing but it's probably still true, Ethiopians are more European genetically than some Berbers with their Congoid genes.
COCK-asians are a skull type, you mong
Armenians, Persians, Copts etc are all Caucasian but not "white" as in northern European looking
Arabs are Semitic, they have that hook nose thing going on
>pronoucing Cauc- as Cock-
Ameriblob detected
how do you pronounce it then? cuckcausian?
>hurr blacks are shameless wewuzzers
>durr Ethiopians are white
The Caucasus is pronounced as COCK-asus, so there's nothing wrong with the pronunciation of Caucasian.
Ethiopia was conquered by Italy. This is a fact. The only African country to not be colonized was probably Liberia.
>largest economy in east africa
really setting the bar high here, aren't we?
Its still a third world violent shithole.
Liberia was basically an american colony. You can say they were colonised by the US and then given independence and ruled by a black-american upper class.
occupied for a few years is not the same as conquered
>rulers claim direct lineage to Solomon
Were They really kangz n sheit?
>Most successful people in Africa
I’m fucking dying
You’re either diaspora or never been to Africa
The Ethiopian monarchy lasted for more than 1500 years so you tell me
Only the Muslim parts.
The main Christian parts are very safe.
For sure saver than other third world shitholes (USA, BRAZIL etc.)
Fuck off Anglos
It's pronounced "Kavkaz"
Pretty sure Somalia is the Africa of Africa, senpai.
Somalia is the Bosnia of Africa. Notice how all of the travel warnings in Kenya and Ethiopia are in the border to Somalia.
Persians (not just Iranians, but actual ethnic Persians) are definitely white.
Ethiopian Orthodox are very based. They take no shit from Amerifat evangelicunt missionaries.
I unironically witnessed a Kenyan mother tell her fussy kid “You eat what I make for you. There are children in Somalia STAAHFFING who would feel BLESSED to eat dis food!”. Shit cracked me up.
China invests in half of Africa, if Ethiopia's getting more of it they have to be doing something right.
>nose cartilage is a component of what defines a skull type
>Typed Jan Shahnnameh with hope in his eyes and the smell of cheap cologne floating about the room
>He glanced at the portrait on his wall and muttered “PLEASE BABA ALI (Peace and blessings be upon him), MAKE IT SO!”
>avoid being colonized
Is it 1934? Can we stop the Soviets from stopping Hitler?
>only african country to avoid being colonized
Don't like this meme. It was colonised, just it was later than other African nations and for not as long.
What it did do it successfully repel a colonial invasion (until next generation), but lots of places repelled individual attacks before succumbing
How is "never been to Africa" implied to be a bad thing?
How many years does one have to be occupied before they are conquered?
Maybe some won in individual battles but Ethiopia was the only one to have defeated them in a war.
t. Italian
>largest economy in east africa
you're confusing Ethiopia with Somalia
Ethiopia is like the Brazil of Africa
they've had hope of becoming amazing multiple times, but they went and cocked it up
Egypt is in Europe
Persians are less white than Levantine Arabs
Epic meme, upvote!
yep, sounds about right
Kenya gets the most Somali immigrants, so much so that Somalis have their own neighborhood in Nairobi. It's called Eastleigh
also Somalis are truly the niggers of East Africa, nobody knows what the fuck is wrong with them
>largest economy in east africa
Not an accomplishment
>only african country to avoid being colonized.
Which raises some difficult questions for its current state. Still its the only thing you have said that isnt a lie or ignorance.
>largest economy in east africa
Despite having an extra 60 million people Ethiopia's economy is smaller
>number one economy in the world (in growth)
Its forth
>they very well could be the best african country if it weren't for commies and ethnic tensions.
How so that seems like a claim that could be made for most African countries.
>Ethiopia has the lowest crime rate in all of Africa
Thats pretty dishonest to use a sample size of 10 countries - 5 of which are North African and 1 of which even then beats them.
Take a look at things like hommicide and rape rates and you will see a very different picture
*smaller than Kenya.
>Which raises some difficult questions for its current state
Not really. Ethiopia became a shitshow thanks to the revolution in 1974 and ensuing civil war. They were actually doing reasonably well during the early cold war, though Haile Selaissie did set up a lot of the groundwork for the clusterfuck that followed him.
and 40% of Kenya's economy consists of agriculture
in a country where 7% of the land is arable
for comparison, 40% of Tanzania's land is arable, and Tanzania's economy is only marginally larger than Kenya's
really bakes your noodle
but according to
in 2015
not only does Ethiopia and Nigeria have comparable levels of crime, neither of them really reach "spic levels". Ghana and Niger have much lower crime levels than both countries.
>Not really
It does in the sense that the go to explanation for the difficult state of Africa is European intervention. Whats more it also cant be blamed on Capitalism alone.
> They were actually doing reasonably well during the early cold war
It seemed like a very fragile prosperity.
>Haile Selaissie did set up a lot of the groundwork for the clusterfuck that followed him.
I agree.
Do you know much about the Derg Regime? They seem to be one of those forgotten communist groups.
>174th in HDI(low among even African countries
>167th out of 187th in GDP per capita(according to the IMF)
>full of protests against yet another dictator(foreignpolicy.com
Where did this meme come from? It's a shithole. It's easy to grow fast when there's literally no economy to start with.
Bullshit. Ethiopia is great because of two things
1. Arab genetic admixture
2. Christianity
No other African nation has such an advantage.
Somali detected
>Arab genetic admixture
>It does in the sense that the go to explanation for the difficult state of Africa is European intervention
Ah that's what you meant. I was expecting more of a "lolniggers" kind of point. My bad.
Oddly enough, a lot of the problems Cold War Ethiopia had could be traced back to the Scramble for Africa, though we obviously can't ignore the agency of the Ethiopians (specifically Menelik) in this process. The borders created by the Italo-Ethiopian War made the Amharic Christians an ethnic and religious minority in the country, and the Amharics really seemed to have acted as imperialist occupiers themselves.
Selaissie's regime had the potential to modernize the country, but for whatever reason he decided to try to push for an autocracy he had no ability to competently manage while instilling liberal ideals in his people. Had he not been retarded and just let the country democratize and become a figurehead like the Queen of England, they really could have avoided the worst of it. What really fucked the country was the fact that the Derg ruined the nation's ability to decisively handle any of its military and political problems through purges, so they resorted to absurd amounts of military spending (>25% of their GDP by the mid-80s) and pillaging conflict zones to try to starve out dissidents.
>Derg regime
I'm not too well versed in it beyond the very general, but if you're looking for sources about the period, try "The Ethiopian Revolution" by Gebru Tareke.
It is a pretty weird situation, though. The region had two communist nations fighting eachother in 1977 and then like three different flavors of communism popping up in insurgencies all over the country to try to overthrow a communist regime.
hdi and gdp are memes.
Why is Nigeria and South African doing better despite being colonized?
tbf Nigeria did launch two satellites into space with China
., www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrTu7BAjjCA ,.
., ιτ ωασ μυ χασΧετ , θευ λιε το ξριεστ χονσταντλυ , ανΔ μαΧε θε γραΔυατε λεαρν ηισ γρανΔσον γετσ βυριεΔ το Δεαθ , σαΔλυ , ανΔ βε ψεαχεφυλ φιρτυουσ , θε θραχε λυστ ωαντσ α γρανΔψα , ηοω σαΔ , οφ , ουρ ονε ανΔ ονλυ φορεφερ αλωαυσ φριενΔ , Θε Διφινε ινφινιτε υνιτυ , Θε Διφινιτυ , Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ ,.
It is. Islam limits the success of their race.
That'd be CAR
CAR is too irrelevant to be Africa of Africa
>Chinese people helping build stuff and getting deals on sales is “colonization”
>Chinese men consensually marrying African women is “colonization”
>Africans appreciating Buddhism is “colonization”
I think user meant historically, not currently.
>European people helping build stuff and deals on sales is “colonization”
>European men consensually marrying African women is “colonization”
>Africans appreciating Christianity is “colonization”
Objectively wrong. The reason they have a large economy is because they have a large population, not a wealthy one. Despite having one of the largest economies in Africa, they have an abysmal GDP per capita (PPP) of around $850, making them poorer than 46 African countries and richer than only 6.
On the other hand, South Africa was one of the most colonised parts of Africa, in terms of both numbers of European settlers and in number of years occupied by European powers. South Africa also happens to be the 4th richest African nation, and the richest when taking only large nations with populations of over 1.5 million into account. The three nations richer than South Africa (Mauritius, Seychelles, and Equatorial Guinea) are all small tourist hotspots, and EG is also blessed with vast natural oil reserves.
Also, pic related
somalia itself was the yuogoslavia of Africa
It's only because of the massive amounts of help from the soviets, it's why Somalia is such a shithole, actually
>It's only because of the massive amounts of help from the soviets
u wot m8. Ethiopia went to hell during the Soviet years. All the Soviets were giving them was loans to buy Soviet weapons. They took Siad Barre's approach and turned it to 11.
Soviets helped stop Somalia from messing Ethiopia up
Depends. If you end up having your institutions and language permanently replaced, even when the invader leaves, you can call that conquered. Like when the British showed up with Common Law and Royal Navy traditions in what is now the Commonwealth.
>Berbers with their Congoid genes
autism: the post
I've read that Ethiopians average out to be about 50% ENF (middle-eastern farmer) and 50% whatever black Africans are called. That's relating to admixture.
Ethiopia is more than one race
It suggests that you have no idea what you're talking about. Which you don't, you fucking imbecile.
That’s the first thing I thought too
Ethiopia had a high crime rate before 2015. The graph your using a somewhat outdated user. I also believe it’s because Ethiopia had a economic boom post 2015. Anyways this graph is outdated. Mine was from 2016
>only african country to avoid being colonized
Nothing special
>largest economy in east africa
It's like being first in special-ed class
>number one economy in the world (in growth)
10% out of 900$ is still less than 2-3% out of 20k-40k
>Even Darker
>Even more backwards and violent
Yeah you got it
>I also believe it’s because Ethiopia had a economic boom post 2015
I thought gdp and hdi were just memes when we were comparing them to other countries
its some Ethiopians themselves who claim they are a Caucasian people
U wot m8
They were colonized though by Italy in 1936.