>What is Chancoin (4CHN) Chancoin is a community driven digital currency made for imageboards, discord and edgy internet communities across the web, that integrates tipping, gaming and lots of other fancy features.
>How do I earn free coins? Just reply to this thread with "$4CHN:address" in your name field and you will get free Chancoins sent you your address automatically. You can also contribute to the project - just join the Discord.
This message to is to ''macka'' from the Chancoin Discord.
I think you are bearing a lot of negativity to the community. I suggest you get a real job and get laid. The job will give you a stable income and the lady will satisfy your senses. You just cant tread new-commers like you did to ''mzrt''. I am not the only one who thinks like that, macka. It is time for a change. It is nice to have you around, but ... you need to stop being such an emo pussy.
Gabriel Martin
Jayden Fisher
upboat with my typing fingers
Luke Sullivan
>all this just cause i made a random joke at a new kid to start a convo
The dud didn't even respond to me, nano
Robert Lopez
>Just reply to this thread with "$4CHN:address"
You don't have to use the prefix anymore, an address alone works fine
Jaxson Thompson
when will it be confirmed is all on waiting
Bentley Peterson
Awesome News!
Jayden Garcia
this nationstates is using chancoin as official currency
Hunter Perry
kek what?
Austin Kelly
rolling 4 quads....
Jack Baker
best community ever
Thomas Reyes
Why does avast find a virus in the wallet
Jordan Taylor
because your anti-virus is shit
Sebastian Gonzalez
AV is pure garbage. I work on a similar wallet and they his it false positives that haven't been in the wallet for several versions.
Evan Brown
Colton Russell
Xavier Ramirez
Quints now?
Julian Nguyen
Parker Foster
And again
Brody Jenkins
I might put in $10 just for the lulz. It's going to be hilarious when this is pumped and dumped.
Jonathan Smith
how long till the update?
Joshua Parker
>mfw someone didn't have $4CHN near me
Bentley Gray
>exploiting bot >being a cunt >low iq >abusive
Remember you don't belong in here
Ryan Walker
macka and gossamer socks are the biggest fucking idiot redditors on the internet
Juan Thomas
gimme tips
Jaxon Gutierrez
There is no macOS build?
John Collins
Keep rolling
Andrew Miller
Aaron Cruz
ChanCoin hasnt had a pump since the hardfork.
No one is buying your bags.
Isaiah Brown
best. community. ever.
Luke Collins
wholeheartedly agree also quads get
Justin Davis
meant for trips but doesn't matter lol
Jordan Gonzalez
you fucking idiot investing in XRP, IOTA, or other shit? can you talk dirrectly to the devs or manager of the project? haha. i bet no. so get the fuck out, fucking hater, haters are not welvome here.
Jackson Butler
Alexander Wilson
now the quads... not quada, but even quints and off to school friendos