I asked my history teacher where all the bodies are of the supposed millions who died under Stalin, Hitler, Mao, ww1, ww2 etc.
He sent me this: theswamp.media
How much of this is BS?
I asked my history teacher where all the bodies are of the supposed millions who died under Stalin, Hitler, Mao, ww1, ww2 etc.
He sent me this: theswamp.media
How much of this is BS?
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Go to Mamayev Kurgan in Volgagrad with a shovel and you can find bone fragments after a few minutes of digging
Have you been there? Please do share your findings.
"hurr where da bodies at?!" is such a brainlet denier question
Why is it a brainlet question? I am aware of how a few famous pictures portray a few hundred, perhaps a thousand or more dead bodies. I am aware that famous burial sites and grave yards exist... But i don't think these evidences support the (((millions))) claim. Where are the rest of the bodies?
Cremation is a thing
Yeah that is possible. Seems really convenient that all these bodies were burned and the ashes disappeared, but its possible.
It is quite easy to get rid of ash. It was dumped in fields and in rivers. Ash is not toxic; it can be dumped anywhere. In fact, it makes good fertilizer, and it is well-documented that farmers around Auschwitz used human ash in their fields.
I don't want you to get the wrong idea, I am not a holocaust denier. My question isn't just in regards to the holocaust. I am worried (((they))) inflate the amount of death in history in other events too.
Also what is your pic?
The fields around Dachau have tested positive for human bone fragments.
This is pretty well known stuff.
>I’m not a denier guys
>uses /pol/ rhetoric like epic ((())) meme
I plan on going in the next few years (provided the world doesn't end).
German/Russian excavators are still digging up bones 70 years later to give them a proper burial.
>Why is it a brainlet question?
because you just admitted that you know about the thousands of pictures showing bodies, yet claim that since its not millions, then nothing happened. Its such a willing ignorance thing that deniers do where you outright ignore evidence to the contrary, or use purposefully faulty logic. Deniers know it happened and they also know that they cant really prove their point at all, so they become really miopic and focus on one fraction of the thing and try to poke holes in it, while ignoring everything else that counter acts these "Im just asking questions!" points.
>well I need to see literally every single body of the 6 million dead, or it obviously didnt happen, irregardless of everything else that points to a clear genocide
>I am worried (((they))) inflate the amount of death in history in other events too.
based on what exactly?
>Not a Denier
>millions who died under Stalin
Nazi propaganda adopted by nato in cold war.
>denying the holocaust to your history teacher
>Nazi propaganda adopted by nato in cold war.
This is the kind of kid I used to bully in high school. Even without the commie garb.
based on the fact that the evidences don't reflect the claims. d e s u.
And what evidence is that exactly?
lol yeah i guess it was a pretty fedora ish moment. But I tried to be really discreet with it and even prefaced the question by saying 'can I ask a dumb question?'
Pictures mostly.
what pictures? how do these pictures prove that the numbers of victims were inflated?
>Yet claim that since its not millions, then nothing happened.
Never did i claim this, also where i stopped reading your post.
They don't 'prove' that the number of victims were inflated, they fail at supporting the claim that millions died.
But I don't want to appear unreasonable. People linked me to some articles that show other evidences, like bone fragments in fields and what not. So I will go look into those.
You already appear unreasonable. When you show up spewing shitty /pol/ memes like ((())) it becomes very obvious that the root of your skepticism isn’t curiosity, it’s discriminatory.
Wow look at that, it’s not an argument. Go back to /pol/ and post more epic memes bro.
what pictures though? and in what way? why would you need to see every single of the 6 million victims bodies?
You do realize that it's not like the Nazis took a picture of every single person they killed, right?
Goddamn u commies are worse than nazis I swear to god
ww2 russia
gulag (even though a bit biased)