What is the Dark Souls of historical events?

What is the Dark Souls of historical events?

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I can kinda see that

being a mesoamerican noble trying to hold onto his wealth and not die of smallpox during spanish invasion, difficult but some actuall succeeded

Being a white male post WW2

Kartir Hangirpe.

The way he saw the world was kind of Dark Soul'ish. Sassanids believed maintaining eternal flames can help ward off Ahriman's encroaching darkness, quite literally. To Kartir Hangirpe, anything against Zoroastrian Orthodoxy was seen as Ahrimanic, and he was kind of "mad from the First Flame". The way he obsessed about Unorthodox deviations like Zurvanism and Manichaeism was interesting, but what's unique is he saw the value of Zurvanism. Ininfite Time (which is somewhat like the Abyss filled with Eternal Dragons in some sense in Zurvanism) makes fools of both Ahriman's darkness and Ahura Mazda's flame.

>post Obama

Bronze age collapse


Being a member of the Axis powers in 1943-45.

History of Russia and Kievan Rus

obviously it's the fall of Rome

Any invasion of Russia during the winter. Take your pick!



Golden Age Arc

The Troubles

Poland towards the end of 1939

Early middle ages. A big, fallen empire, people struggling to live on in what they thought was a dying world. Pagans vs Christians. Pic unrelated


Warring States period

250 years of constant warfare, peasants are conscripted for war their entire life (if they survive long enough)

Nobody cares

what a stupid thread

You cared enough to get triggered.

>What is the Dark Souls of historical events?


What is the the Elder Scrolls: Oblivion of historical events?

Italian peninsula after the fall of Rome would work

the samnite/roman wars

Name one (1)!