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Dude do you cum on your screen or what
Nice shop. Its actually SmartCash
He's Dutch christ knows what horrors that screen has witnessed.
Nice just bought 100k.
hodl zen
it was supposed to be NAV!!!
Stupid Dutch newfag...
He bought Zen at the peak... now he is photoshopped this to find a exit point.
Lol dutch faggot..
BTW the real palm beach report they use different fonts. Nice try faggot
The fuck
thx for the shill, made some money on the pump and sold. now lets wait for the actual paper, you stupid dutch retard.
See you at 600k Sat guys
Stupid dutch faggot... It's fake , photoshopped
The font is different, different writing style.
its exploding !
I don't give a shit about Zen what are the suggested buys?
Confirmed on my telegram group.
Is it real or not? Everyone quickly jumped off.
Don't know if it's fake or not, but you are stupid if you base your argument on that. PBC has draconic DRM and it's speculated that each member recieves a slighty different document (minor wording and grammar changes). This way they can track the leaker and ban him.
You will NOT see this paper leaked in it's original form. You either have many sources that can confirm it or you believe random anons.
congrats to the idiot who just bought 3btc worth at the absolute top. insert dj khaled here
interesting, because the report sounds like its written by some stuttering pothead
Even an imbecile would recognize that this coin will go to Zcash's market cap
heard people talking about copy-pasting the text in Google Translate into some pajeet language and then again into english. This should eliminate the grammar and wording markers in the document whilst preserving the message.
Don't think that document went through that process, but it wouldn't surprise me if we'll actually see a document soon that sounds retarded as fuck but it's actually the real deal.