>tfw you want to be rich so bad that you start delving in occult and black magick rituals
>check my portfolio the next day
>down -6.66%
Tfw you want to be rich so bad that you start delving in occult and black magick rituals
Seek god
i chuckled
sacrifice a chicken
>black magick
>not the rich man's magick
>not hermeticism
Stay poor.
do the same ritual but in reverse
You need a mento
This, ignorant child
>tfw I actually thought about this
Expecting magic to make your gains happening not doing it for yourself like a madman
Follow this guide to be rich
Short omg x10000
Travel to thailand
Kill jun
praise kek and trips you stupid niger
True story.
>be me
>failure wagecuck
>deviant but very low status
>perform ritual that involves a prostitute, a pendant and milk, also my semen
>obtain supernatural good fortune
>started with an investment of 500, up to 13,000 in 4 months baby
>semetic jews fear my pagan gods
>christians although my brethren unable to understand my ways
>I will be a hundrednaire in the next 6 months
>I will be a millionaire in the next year
You are doing occultism wrong faggot
Thats what you get for associating with demons, cockmongler.
>I will be a hundrednaire
I unironically have a blood pact with Satan.
But I like God too. They r both my friends.
>mfw this doesnt work that way you faggot
I thought about it just today kek. Spent all morning watching youtube videos about egregores and other shit. And I've been atheist all my life. I guess getting JUST'd on a daily basis can make me beleive into anything.
I'm reading Castaneda now, trying to learn astral projections.
Also, I tried using remote viewing on shitcoins. The viewing itself wasn't that good, but it gave me the right answer eventually, which I completely ignored and got just'd again. It could've been just luck though.
Reading all that shit made me paranoid. A year ago I was a full blown sceptic and now I'm spending hours reading on David Icke's reptilian people and meditating to the point of hearing voices
Please redpill me on that. What book should I read ?
Refer to the game's subtitle.
the fuck is a hundredaire if you made 13k?
>david icke
lmao i used to watch all of that dudes videos when i was a freshman in 9th grade.
I mean 100k+naire dawg