Will America be as gloriously remembered as Rome 1000 years from now? Will future states claim to be the Second or Third USA?
Will America be as gloriously remembered as Rome 1000 years from now...
No. Nazi germany has a better chance of being remembered fondly, and even resurrected (if in name only).
US will just be seen as a continuation of the british empire. And the only people that will differentiate the two are the nerds that say that the eastern roman empire was technically separate from the western roman empire.
Plus Napoleonic France was closer to Rome than the US ever was and will ever be.
>No. Nazi germany has a better chance of being remembered fondly, and even resurrected
t. Hans von Schicklgruber
Rome was the bedrock of all political, cultural and economic elements of european civilizations
The USA is a supersized colony that used oportunism and luck to get wealthy
>this is what krauts actually believe
>Nazi germany has a better chance of being remembered fondly, and even resurrected
Much more gloriously. People will realize that Rome just stole all of its worthwhile culture and tech from Greece and Persia, and ultimately turned to shit the second the Republic fell.
On the other hand, people will look at how the USA spearheaded political theory, science, and the world's economy and be eternally awestruck. In 1000 years everyone will be practicing American governance because it is the best form of governance.
>Will future states claim to be the Second or Third USA?
I don't think so, but future states will claim to be the new superpower should the US slip up or collapse.
The US will still be the dominant galactic power in 1000 years, so no.
>People will realize that America just stole all of its worthwhile culture and tech from Britain and France, and ultimately turned to shit the second the Republic fell.
Sounds like an apt description of US history my friend.
>British culture
You mean that culture they stole from the Germans, French, and Nordics?
>French culture
You mean that culture they stole from the Germans, Romans, Italians, Spaniards, and Nordics?
Just got done reading about Donald Trump on an American news site, then watched an episode of Breaking Bad and a bit of Archer whilst perusing through Stephen King's latest book. After that I googled on my Apple computer the reviews for the latest Star Wars movie on the American site IMDB. I laughed and drank more Coca Cola and ate some Doritos and Hawaiian pizza, wiping the crumbs on my blue jeans still stained with the semen from the American porn I watched last night.
Then I went on Veeky Forums to talk about how America has no cultural impact on the world.
Yeah, for the whole decade it existed
Britain and France deserve some credit, but America clearly blew all of them away, both geopolitically and intellecutally
>Just got done reading about Donald Trump on an American news site, then watched an episode of Breaking Bad and a bit of Archer whilst perusing through Stephen King's latest book. After that I googled on my Apple computer the reviews for the latest Star Wars movie on the American site IMDB. I laughed and drank more Coca Cola and ate some Doritos and Hawaiian pizza, wiping the crumbs on my blue jeans still stained with the semen from the American porn I watched last night.
So... you're an American?
No, but I speak American
My prediction is that by 2070, the USA will be le 20% face(with all the consequent national-cognitive impairments) and Russia will have surpassed us technologically and militarily. they'll use new anti-nuke technology to wipe out the mutt inhabitants and then take over, creating the Federation of New Russia, which will then become the greatest power once they repopulate America. from then on out America will be remembered as a once-great, but now pitiable society. also in the event that Russia or China do not surpass us, then will still be the dominant power anyways, simply because there is no one else to replace us, much to the dismay of civilizationally impotent euros