
Except the publication got delayed and Teeka never guarantees profits.

"Here’s How We’ll Make 7,000% Gains Over the Next 12–24 Months Buying It"

The founder LITERALLY SAID Teeka would write up about it. People are idiots. We're going to AT LEAST $50 by tomorrow afternoon.

>its ZEN
>posts zcash logo

holy fuck, feels great to finally catch on a moon mission

this has shot up from 13 to 20 usd in minutes. Not catching a falling knife

how high can it go

Don't be ridiculous. The market cap is TINY.

Wait until Redditfags get a hold of a PDF version, this will moon again.

Lots of room for growth. I would be concerned around 400m market cap, at least short term. Teeka is solid for LTH.

you better ask yourself how down can it go if your entry point is 19$

still hesitating , saw this yesterday but didn't listen

is it too late?

I bought the ATH again.

i sold at 14$ and now i'm regretting it, the FOMO is hard but there's way too much risk to buy back again at this price. i'm 100% sure that the pastebin here is fake (see ) but that doesn't mean that zen is not on the real palm beach report. too risky though, i'll pass

whatever pump group created that god awful floating candle at the top just ruined whatever they are fucking doing, yea have fun trading with your own members

Me too, my initial buy order at 319k sats didnt go in. I'm so fucking mad right now.

just looking at the daily this is doomed to dip , also there are only 10% coins in circulation

think ill have to pass also

what a ride the last 30 minutes have been

got in at $10 & change, got out at $20 & change

$5500 profit 25 mintues


there is no need to have a 1.5 second fade in animation on the buy and sell orders when they fill, and how come half the time you can't tell what is actually being filled without going to your orders history on another page, and why the fuck does the stop loss conditional thing not work properly (yes, i'm using it right, but it never fills the whole stop order)

Stop loss conditional has never worked with bittrex. They care about users less than apple or even facebook though we're making them orders of magnitude wealthier per user

This shits fluctuating so much just buy at 340000 sell at 370000


bought at 200 and got scared off by the shady as fuck shit those two trip fags were doing. They made it obvious they didn't know what the fuck was going on. looks like they got lucky on the call

>missed ANOTHER fucking 2x
>only missed it by 20 minutes
>this thread was posted while I was in the fucking shower


how high can this go boys , anyone have a clue , 100mm cap??

I'm buying and selling this like crazy right now. Upped my btc 10%

While you were in the shower I literally ran across town to my apartment to buy it when it was at $12 when the newsletter was confirmed

You are wet but still early friendo

>100mm cap

At minimum. 200mm by Friday.

>You are wet but still early friendo

Nah I get roasted every time I buy in late

>boght 9 at 270k
>almost sold due to fuders saying it's fake at 240k
>belived it's real and bought one more at 240k
>kinda regret not selling at 470k on cucktopia though

fuck i just fomoed...

If this goes to 200mm I swear I will suck everyone on this board's dick

how to get in on palm beach?

why need palm trees when you have biz ?

I bet on ZEN around 1pm PST, went to class, come home to an easy 2x. Thanks for the free money faggots.

Max number of ZEN coins to ever be issued 21,000,000. Coins currently in circulation: 2,304,238. Market Cap: $50.5 million.

Question. How does the company control how many coins are in circulation?

right lol , but really thiugh