who was in the wrong?
Yugoslav Wars
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USA and the UN
James Byron Bissett (then Canadian ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Yugoslavia, Albania, and Bulgaria) :
> "NATO and the United States claimed that more than 100,000 ethnic Albanians had been killed as the result of Serb genocide". "The forensic experts found fewer than 2,000 graves and many of the people in those graves were Serbs," Bissett said. "There were more civilians killed in Serbia by the NATO bombing campaign."
Clinton literally financed and abetted a Jihad in Europe in conjunction with promoting a revitalised fascist aggression against the Serbs promoted by Nazi Islamists and remnant ustashe but nobody cared because Yugoslavia was an unfamiliar place mainly populated by a people who, in the west at-least, were considered to be vaguely Russian and in the era immediately after the cold war, on the inertia of anti-red propaganda he didn't even have to dehumanise them.
Honestly I don't get how people are so critical of the bad intel that became the casus belli in the second gulf war when NATO war on a christian European people based on atrocities which were demonstrably invented.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was a veteran of that war. If the West let Slavs be Slavs, the World Trade Center wouldn't have come down.
Old Serbian enemies behaved like the dogs they always were, it was the West that betrayed humanity and ultimately itself.
Didn’t Yugoslavia wars start in early 90s in Croatia and NATO bombings happened in 1999 almost a decade after, probably because the West realized it was the only way to end the conflicts there
Unironically everyone
Serbia. Serbia all the way. Maybe the other sides weren't morally spotless, but Serbia was the root of all the problems.
Everyone, including the US, the EU and ESPECIALLY Germany.
The Balkans are trully a wonderland.
my question, why the fuck did people decide to create yugoslavia when those people's couldn't stop killing each other in the first place? what group decided that combining would end well?
Agreed, but Serbia was legitimately the worst
At least according to my Macedonian taxi driver who claims to be ex-Macedonian Intelligence and illegally carries a sidearm he likes to show off
He also unironically claims that Alexander the Dreat was ethnically the same as modern Macedonians
>way to end the conflicts there
>NATO having honourable intentions
Maybe you can get a black market brain from albanias yellow house you absolute brainlet.
Milosevic was trying to prevent the corporations who manufactured 9/11 from forming and they killed him in a cell and said he had a heart attack. I know he was a commie but he was fighting the darkest part of the deep state.
More or less everyone other than Slovenes, Serbs were probably the worst
Some of the first foreign troops to enter Kosovo were Russians, they orders was to protect Serbians, first thing they did was shooting Serbs.
>Maybe you can get a black market brain from albanias yellow house you absolute brainlet
Also believing literal Urban Legends from “troll Factories”
What about Americans?
tl;dr serbs which were angry at how yugoslavia turned out after 1945
Daily reminder that Serbia is the only country in Europe with an average IQ lower than 90. No wonder Serbs are Arab-tier.
Albania is even lower.
>Russians enter Yugoslavia
>ok comrades, we have to kill muslim looking ones, get ready
>everyone look like fucking T*rks
No, the average IQ in Albania is 90, while the average IQ in Serbia is 89: iq-research.info
KFOR did nothing wrong.
Wesley Clark do it again.
>If the West let Slavs be Slavs, the World Trade Center wouldn't have come down.
The ongoing support for Israel would have been justification enough for the guilty parties to do it anyway.
to kill a nation by Micheal Parenti goes into the trenches of the war, heres a lecture
Enjoy your JDAMs, Stefan.
easier to control one nation than six
Slovenia started it.
and they've never accepted their share of responsibility.
Because it was fine til Tito died
Serbs. Don't fall for their bullshit stories where they shift the blame on others. It's in their nature to act like victims.
The nationalist
The south slavs.
t. Slobodan
The Serbs
/pol/ loves them for killing Muslims but in reality they forced more Muslim refugees into Western Europe and fought a war against the Catholic Croats
Serb autism knows no bounds
Croat detected
Pretty much everyone who is not a Serbian or a Russian nationalist shares this view
It was actually Tito because he left Yugoslavia with a whole lot of half-solutions:
* The Albanians in Kosovo, Montenegro and Macedonia did have some autonomous rights, but they were not granted full republic status. Tito should have either driven them out/assimilate them or give them full independence.
* Bosnia was a huge ethnic clusterfuck and Tito just kind of put a lid on it and hoped for the best
* The economic disparity in Yugoslavia was enormous, Slovenia and Croatia were way ahead of everyone else and basically paying for everyone
*Tito made Yugoslavia neutral instead of integrating it in either block, and thus Yugoslavia had no real allies that had an interest in keeping it alive
* All the crimes commited during the first half of the 20th century by all ethnicities were swapt under the rug and everybody pretended they never happened, which then led to myth-building on all sides
* At the end of the day, it was the Serbs who broke Yugoslavia by trying to make it serb-dominated, but the real underlying issues were all Tito-made.
The West for interfering. Should've just locked it down
UN, EU and USA.
Literally three heads of cancerous hydra.
Yugoslavia should've just remained united so all the balkanshits would remain quite and at least less retarted.
/pol/ literally hates Serbs you pathetic rvat
The Serbians and Croatians that invaded boznia to get as much land as possible before the un drew the border lines post yugoslavian collapse. Titto was a saint and did little wrong.
Macedonia and Slovenia didn't do all that much
Croats and Bosnians did commit war crimes
Serbs were the worst offenders
NATO didn't do clean stuff, but on the other hand, it's not like Serbia would listen if NATO wouldn't have rained fire and death on the Serb
>we dindu nuffin in WWI the germans made us do it
>hurrr we didn't know what nazis were but we love sucking german cock
>ustashe were nice guise
>we dindu nuffin in WWII also
Wew it was all evil oppressive Serbs. Finally now I know. It would have been better if they never liberated your pathetic tourist theme park
The Yugoslav communist. They drew absurd borders that did not correspond to ethnic make up. They assigned "muslim" as nationality. They imported Albanians to Kosovo.
>/pol/ literally hates Serbs you pathetic rvat
Exactly the opposite.
Have you been there recently you dindu piece of kraut shit? Your asshurt squads managed to convince a whole board that we are all crypto-Turks and that the Cr*ats are ebin Nazibois
The S*rvs obviously.
Don't fall for their memes.
But I'm a Slav. I always get shat on /pol/ when I shit on Serbs.
>But i'm Slav
If you're a west Slav, it depends
>I always get shat on /pol/ when I shit on Serbs.
Nobody's gonna entertain a flat out cunt, you should see how Serbs get ganged by buttmad diaspora for nothing
Everyone who knows history knows the Serbs were right
the Vlachs.
They did all of this.
Even now they are lurking in the shadows.
They are worse than Jews.
>ethnic structure
Always cracks me up
>muh shqiptars never did no harm, they're angels
t. srb nemernik
Vlahija mare in vekilje hotare. :^)
Tito was too nice of a guy and didn't do Stalinesqued forced evictions and relocations enough?
even Stalin was too nice of a guy desu.
Everyone was, but especially the Croats and especially especially the Serbs. Tudjman should've been sent to a tribunal if he had lived long enough.
1. Bosnia-Herzegovina should no longer exist and should be divided between Serbia (Republika Srpska) and Croatia (Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia).
2. All Bosniaks should renounce Islam and convert to Croatian Catholicism or Serbian Orthodox.
3. Croatia should give Serbian Krajina to Serbia because the majority of its inhabitants are Serbs.
4. Kosovo needs to be given back to Serbia.
5. Albanians should fuck off and get out of Kosovo and Macedonia and stay in their own shithole country.
>All Bosniaks should renounce Islam and convert to Croatian Catholicism or Serbian Orthodox.
Most Bosniaks are ethnically Serb and Croat so they can be saved. They just happen to practice an evil religion that has no place in Europe.
Bosniaks used to be Bogumiles you retard. Serbian education everyone.
t. Miloševitch Retarsić
They are in their own shitty countries. Kosovo and Macedonia were part of Albania for centuries before 1912. The Great Powers split Albania up into Albania, Kosovo, and Macedonia. If the splitting never happened, there would be no wars today.
>The Russian troops ordered the Serbs to stop. The Serbs responded to this order by firing at the Russian troops
And what were the russians supposed to do, again?
>They just happen to practice an evil religion that has no place in Europe
"Muh desert cult is better than your desert cult"
Give me a fucking break
Albania wasn't even a country before 1912.
>Croatia should give Serbian Krajina to Serbia because the majority of its inhabitants are Serbs.
>but Kosovo needs to be given back to Serbia because Serbs don't live there
lmao, kill yourself with your retarded "solution"
>Kosovo needs to be given back to Serbia
I know jack shit about the balkans, but Kosovo is like 90% Albanian.
Nerve gas can solve that.
Do you even live in Serbia?
Lol, Serbia was a mistake
Clearly two NATO bombardments weren't enough
>Bosniaks used to be Bogumiles you retard
t. Saudi cleric
Crkva Bosanska and pre-Nemanjic Serbia had old believer Pagan infused Christianity which drew the ire of Hungarian Catholics who repeatedly called for a Crusade against them. Bogomils are an Orthodox BULGARIAN heresy not Bosnian.
There is not a single instance of the Bosnian Church referring to themselves as Bogomils or showing any religious similarity to that Bulgarian sect. The Bosnian Church had Slavas like the Serbian and all their patriarchs had serbian names like Radovan, Radoslav, Miroslav, Ratko, and Rastudije.
In the 15th century Crkva Bosanska entered officially into the Serbian Orthodox church which was organized by Herzog of Saint Sava, Vukcic Kosaca.
Nope. Nor am I a Serb.
Whoever sent all these balkaniggers to my country was in the wrong
Your "country" has no right to even exist, much less thrive.
It can't thrive with all of you gypsies here. It does have the right to exist though, more so than your shithole country.
That would be Serbs.
Before Syrian refugee crisis there was Bosnian refugee crisis.
Yugoshits are ruining Switzerland and Austria.
>implying albos are moving to switzerland because of the war (even tho the war wasn't situated in albania)
They live in an islamic shithole that got turned into an extention of the middle east when they started chugging Ottoman semen, same with the muslim regions in Bosnia
>"country" has no right to even exist,
nice spook. Which mythical being assigns country's their right to exist?
The great powers for letting Balkan Slavs be independent
>Unique culture
Pick one, or all of them
The albos are usually from Kosovo...
My country has the first two
No, it doesn't. It's a retarded shithole full of cuckolds who should be physically exterminated.
Albanians spread out from a small area throughout Balkans in a short time and even more through ottoman times since.they declared themselves muslim and were left alone.
The only solution to all balkanshit situation is drawing borders according to actuall ethnic lines as they are more or less the same as they were in the past and end it all and for once.
But some (jews) dont want that because they would remove an area where they could show their power (kosovo) or stire up a conflixt pretty easy (through albanian subhuman remains throughout balkans) n shieeeeerrrrttt hahahahahah
Just kidding
Remove balkan altogether subhumans they are a disgrace to Europe fucking osman rapebabies send em to asia already
The us for not nuking the whole region
I wasn't the guy you replied to I just felt the need to butt in with muh opinion
>The only solution to all balkanshit situation is drawing borders according to actuall ethnic lines
Are you fucking kidding me? Maybe when you're overrun by immigrants in a historic region you can let them annex it like the cuck you are. Meanwhile the albos declared jihad on our medieval monuments and churches just because there's a cross on top of them. They don't fucking understand it's the only thing worth saving in that shithole.
NATO and corrupt politicians in the neighbouring countries taking bribes to support them.
Still better than your third world shithole, otherwise you gypsies wouldn't be coming here in the first place
I'm not a Balkanian you Dutch non-human.
And i am not Dutch
Danish then, still a nigger of the world.
Wrong again. I guess you are just another slavshit.
>Danecuck buttblasted about his irrelevance
>slavshit calls someone else irrelevant
I am not a dane
>discount Sweden
All of my kek
I'm British, I've just read about it. It's not funny and you're exactly the sort of people who have only yourselves to blame when you feel the cold serrated teeth of a jihadist's blade against your throats.
Yugoslavia under Titoist market socialism was fine, you can blame Reagan and the IMF for ruining it all.
t. Adi Ramadi
>Macedonia and Slovenia didn't do all that much
Well Macedonia technically fought against the NLA in 2001, a war that shouldn't have happened