Stop believing in the Trinity.
Stop believing in the Trinity
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Stop "believing" in anything. You are not a child anymore. Act like it.
Why dont more humans worship the sun? Its literally God.
Its gravity is what created our world and also subsequently us. Its energy is what gave power to our ancestors to lead to us. Without it we would be nothing literally.
Yes, I have been arguing for this for months now. The Sun actually exists, it actually sustains all life with its warmth. It is the only thing like a God that has ever existed. It is right to worship the Sun. Not in a meme way but just go outside and be in awe of it. Most our ancestors were smarter than us.
Terrible post.
Humans should also worship the ocean as its our mother literally since without the ocean no living thing would be on this planet.
"Its" gravity. Look at you, so close yet so far.
Worship the true cause of gravity and the other types of force: the unmoved movers.
Sun doesn't exactly give you answers to much, or much insight. It will give you cancer though.
There had to be some human tribe that once thought the sun made our world.
Our world is literally made of the collection of matter in the disk of debris left over after the formation of the Sun.
Uhhhh Mayans?
I can't believe this, you should know that.
The problem is that everything is God, to worship just the sun is silly. The Sun is certainly a great sign of the lord's existence though, I'll give you that. It's a parable in itself, for many different reasons.
have there ever been a society that has worshiped clouds? or at least had clouds be an important part of their mythology? they bring rain and look absolutely otherwordly beautiful
Mesolithic tribes probably worshiped thunderstorms.
No thanks, I don't want to shit myself to death.
There is much we can learn about the nature of our physical reality from the Sun. Further, the Sun is a potent symbol used by many leaders through time to give themselves and followers esteem and power. The sun is brilliant and constant, bright and true. Its beauty and massive power is patently obvious even to ancients. To be like the Sun is great guidance for any man to follow.
Kek, I forgot he did that. Haha.
Appreciating clouds is certainly advisable, but it is the heat of the Sun which makes the clouds. Honor the Sun above all.
but those are scary, user
but why wouldn't some agrarians prefer the coulds that bring rain for their crops over the sun that would cause draughts?
Because most ancient people were more holistic and saw the total functions of nature as an inseparable system of interconnected parts. You cant have only rain, just as you can't have only drought. You cannot have only summer or only winter. But at the same time it would be obvious to even the most basic primitives that Sun has primacy in the natural systems of the world.
Is Santa Klaus gonna have to slap a ho?
If necessary, we will round up the virgin females.
>Stop believing in the Trinity.
You failed the minute you raised a weapon to kill someone "for God."
Why would you worship the sun? I mean, yes, appreciate it, but why worship it if there are things that the sun depends on? Worship those things. Oh wait, those things depend on other things too? Oh well now it looks like everything depends on God. So worship Him. End of discussion.
Did they kick you out of /x/ or something? We are having a rational discussion here about the virtues of the Sun as a God. Take your meme graphic and go.
Good Day Sir.
Christianity is a boring religion literally be a moralfag the religion. I would rather burn animals to death for the sun.
I am not even Christian. Most religions are pretty decent though desu. Just the politicization that fucks them.
Its so boring religion is about fun and monotheism is so boring, polytheism is better it leads to fun cultures even jewish culture was created by polytheism then they decide to make the war god their boss.
Yes that's the point entirely. Everything here on this planet, every human who as ever lived depends on the Sun. All life and energy and matter of our world comes from the sun ultimately. So worship it! What does the Sun depend on? Gravity? Gravity is inherent to its existence. Its like me telling you to worship Gods "Goodness" instead of just worshiping God. You wouldn't necessarily do that.
>Its so boring religion is about fun and monotheism is so boring
If you believe in the Big Bang then everything depends on that. What made the Big Bang? God. Worship Him. You are just worshiping something that has been created by God. Why worship the middle-man? Appreciate the middle man, worship God.
Why? We have plenty of virgin males around here.
You are making a semantic argument un which you equate a real Physical object and a theoretical physical event with an imaginary made up anthropomorphic personally that you worship. I am not claiming that the Sun is the highest power of the universe or the ultimate entity. That is the absurd way you postulate your mystical sky daddy who you cant even see or feel objectively in any way.
I am claiming that the Sun is the only valid God for mankind because it alone exists and is response for most of the attributes that are attributed to "God".
The Sun made the earth, heats it, gives energy to create and sustain life. You can pretend that there is some bearded guy pulling all the strings if you want but I have a picture of my God and you do not. So go sing and dance to your figments of other men's imaginations.
>worshiping creation instead of the creator
I do not think of God as a man in the sky, and if you do then your conception of God is terrible, and is likely the reason why you abstain from Him so much. Fine, worship the sun. It's all good. You do you. Have a good life. Don't get sunburnt.
The Sun created the earth and all the matter you are made of. If you have some other creator for that please point it our for me where it exists so I can see it for myself. OH WAIT YOU CANT. but I can provide you with the absolute certain position of the Creator of the World and all Life on it and where it can be observed. Go outside tomorrow at Sunrise and behold.
I will wait for you to provide the location of your God for my observation. Go ahead I will wait. Show me your creator.
God has no form. Why do you think you should be able to see things that don't have form? Have you ever taken a drug before? This life is not as simple as you think... You seem very sheltered. (Drugs not needed)
The fact that you think a universal omnipotent god would conform to your ridiculous notions that are based on your limited human perspective. God as you claim to believe couldn't be male or female or have any physical sex as definable in human terms that you can use. You dont even understand what you believe or how you believe it. You are simply not capable of understanding this entire discourse. I was raised to believe everything you were but it simply does not hold up to reason. The Sun is God this planet until you can tell me where to observe your God and witness "his" glory and verify "his" existence.
This. Worshipping anything physical other than everything makes your '''''''''''''''''''''''''''religion''''''''''''''''''''''''''' flawed
Relax, "Him" is just a way of referring to God. Doesn't mean God is male. Furthermore, many people have physical conceptions of God which they know aren't actually God but use them for a better understanding of God. This is what idols are used for. An idol is something to direct your worship toward. The sun would be another decent idol. Problem with idols is it often makes people forget what God really is.
Here is the problem. There is no evidence for a Sun based God. There is a lot of historical accounts of God's interference with reality.
>this guy unironically wants to worship only part of God's great glory
The sun is our creator literally retard.
No I dont do drugs. Polluting my mind with hallucinogens is probably what it would take to make me believe there are anthropomorphic personalities that have no form and want to have a relationship with me and impregnate virgins.
The Sun does not want to impregnate a virgin, kill Canaanites, and does not want to talk to me. Its too busy creating the earth, holding it with its gravity, giving it all the heat it needs for seasons and life to exist. Have fun worshiping your ancient meme hallucinations. I will worship something that exists.
For someone who worships you are incredibly vulgar and intolerant.
You will worship an object that God has created for us. You will sit there and claim that somehow because it's there, it was there for millions of years and also somehow that we were not created by God. Using this mentality you will use science to worship the sun. In this way, worship has lost its meaning and faith no longer has a purpose. It would be like if someone worshiped water because we are made of water or if you worshiped Atoms because they are what make up reality.
It's completely materialistic, and pointless.
>There is a lot of historical accounts of God's interference with reality.
There are alot of ancient idiots who made up alot of shit yes.
Ah so now I've found you out. You're not a theist, you're an atheist you fucking idiot.
Belief systems which rely wholly on the MATERIAL UNIVERSE are inherently flawed.
I am sorry about being vulgar. I dont worship humans. I am tired of the arrogance of mankind misplacing its thanks and worship from the Sun, a thing that exists and actually created us and giving it to made up middle eastern fantasies created to better control ancient peasants. Its frustrating to have to explain reality that is so obviously displayed and defend it against imaginary shit that cant even be seen. I want to honor my ancestors and the Sun and not abrahamic blood cults. Sorry if I offended in any way. I guess I'm mot tolerant. I will look for a way to understand how to represent my beliefs better. I didn't mean to offend.
>trips of Satan speaks
You know.nothing of my cosmology and beliefs. You apply terms theism and atheism to me that have no bearing on me. I dont believe in your God, that doesn't make me atheistic. I believe the Sun is more Godlike than anything that your made up imaginary religions can claim to be God. That doesn't make me a theist.
Nor can you conceptualize what I mean by worship. It doesn't mean asking for Devine favor or forgiveness of my Sins certainly. It does include trying to discover the truth of existence, But that also does not make me a materialist.
You have found out nothing except that you want to put me in a box you dont understand.
>your made up imaginary religions
Stop saying shit like this it makes you seem like a ridiculous person. There are reasons why people believe in God. Just as good (if not better) as your reasons for counting the sun as God. Just drop it. Worship what you want and let others do the same. Just don't go around thinking other faiths are pointless and stupid. Everyone has a reason.
>We are having a rational discussion here about the virtues of the Sun as a God.
You don't get to pick God. I am God. But worship of the sun/sun gods is an acceptable form of worship.
nut up you pansy
>y-you sound ridiculous and intolerant that's not the way of THE LORDtm
You type like a child and sound like one too.
Fuck off edgelord.
Kill yourself you schizo fuck
t. Muhammad