It really does.
It really does
Good, autism is good and it's ours only.
>autism is good and it's ours only.
>not engaged or serious about philosophy.
>Engaged and serious about philosophy.
Really makes you think.
I honestly don't know what this tard is trying to say. Philosophers shouldn't talk about philosophy?
I’ve literally never had an intellectual discussion about history or philosophy with women.
>female posts on social media for attention and pity
>male sticks to what he knows and posts with a purpose
Sounds about right.
I've had one but she was a bisexual leaning lesbian bookworm. She was cute tho.
>bisexual leaning lesbian
You should have set her in the right path again, you fucked up.
There's a real annoying pretentiousness to phil students. They think they're smarter than everyone else.
>accusing women of being fake nerds simply for not being as autistic as you
Take that kind of misogyny to
She was interested in the professor, not me.
>bisexual leaning lesbian
Surely she'd be a lesbian-leaning bisexual, not a bisexual-leaning lesbian?
Either way, really. Just knew she liked vag and cock, but preferred the former.
The professor was a she right?
Engineering and Philosophy students are the worst.
Engineering edges out philosophy though because Engineering students seem to think they're fucking experts on EVERYTHING.
No, actually. A he. The girl had a girlfriend and a crush on the professor. I probably should have tried to get in her pants, but I've had experiences with liberal bisexual women; they're not fun.
Also they think their major is the hardest and therefore the best.
Haven't laughed this hard in a while.
>Engineering and Philosophy students are the worst.
people with egghead majors like " nuclear engineering" are the worse. They think they are so much smarter and important than everyone else when the reality is that all the local power plant does is make our electric bill 5$ cheaper a month in exchange for our tap water having toxic levels of pollutants.
Literally true of everyone.
>true of everyone
no, im a history major and no history major I've met think's it's the hardest major
this attitude only sells women short
yes, that fedora doesn't realize his grandma doesn't give a shit about wittgenstein, but that is what passionate people do, they are insufferable with it and bring it up all the time
if you don't understand this I feel sorry for you and you deserve to get paid less
There is a really annoying cliche of internet philosopher, that which visits badphilosophy
it wouldn't be as bad if it was just the academics, but SRS and Drama types just beta orbit around them and snicker smugly in a disgusting way all the time.
nuclear power plant is the cleanest form of energy
not according to greenpeace
>Really makes you think.
Only if you're a man.
>What is signalling?
>she was a bisexual leaning lesbian bookworm.
The worst part of all this is you believed her.
greenpeace are a bunch of cawksuckin FAGGOTS the french did nothing wrong btw
lol if you just make they say stupid shit it's means their wrong right?
>nuclear power is bad
Try art students. You either get really based and chill people or kids who have their head so far up their own ass they can't smell anything accept their own shit which they think doesn't stink. They're also bad at art.
Women want to be famous in their present life.
Men want to be recognized by future generations.
>If I say women are nice and good at stuff maybe they will fuck me
Why do some males think this way?
To me the tweet seems tailor-made to generate contempt for both male and female philosophy students. It's written like a troll, but apparently wasn't meant to be.
>that is what passionate people do, they are insufferable
I think you have the direction right, but are making too broad of a case. A lot of passionate people are not obnoxious about the subject of their passion. They realize they are more likely to convert you by being subtle about it. It isn't the people who are simply passionate that are insufferable, it's the passionate immature people, especially if they have something to prove (e.g., nerdy kids who get no respect from the likes of the tweet's author).
Engineering is actually useful though, unlike philosophy and history and everything else.
Your post was worded dangerously clmindbe more careful with your memes
Your post was worded dangerously close to non-irony, mind your memes
Error: password incorrect
At least when mathematics students do it they're right.
This guy drew pokemon communist revolution fanfic btw
So, just prove to them that they are not as smart, what is the problem?
badphilosophy has pretty much become a hatedom for autistic transhumanist, libertarian and similar Internet personalities. It has the same social dynamics as a hatedom, except the participants aren't teenage girls and actually have postgraduate degrees. It's bizarre.
>You will be recognized by futur generations with a tweet
I hope the French bomb you again
>200 character rant about a philosophical topic
>Engaged and seriously
top kek
Philosophy is extremely fucking useful.
Philosophy credentials, on the other hand, are garbage.
is there something about challenging thought that should be discouraged?
The signifier is not the signified.
They think agreeability is inherently sexy.
female butthurt is a bottomless pit
They usually are smarter than everyone else, with the notable exception of physicists.
The only people who are butthurt about this fact are brainlets.
Now that I think about it...
My first girlfriend was a philosophy student, and she was more like the "male philosophy student" than the "female philosophy student" in the image.
The guy is "self-taught", what does he know about it?
It's a primal urge. not a well thought out logical urge.
sure, but at least they are talking about shit that they are studying. What's the point of studying a subject if you aren't going to apply it in any form?
that’s 200 more characters than the average female “philosopher.”
Apathy is a virtue nowadays
Poetry the post
Third post best post
this is the kind of shit that really touches my spaghet
what actually is the deal with /r/badphilosophy?
is it just the academic leftist hub it seems like or is there something more to it?
i have this annoying leftist friend who talks about these comics sometimes and also mentions r/badphilosophy
I really try not to talk to him about this sort of stuff, his voice takes on this overly innocent but also sort of judgmental tone when he talks about these things with me (he knows I'm pretty right wing) and I usually just sit there and nod because I really really dont want the friendship to get even worse than it already is. christ is it ever fucking annoying though. I said the word "tranny" once in regular conversation and he got mad at me (even in the context of me saying good things about said tranny). I've known him since we were 12. He's one of the few friends I have. But I hate him and he hates me. Once recently we had this weird conversation where I told him I often had sudden violent desires to beat him up and he told me instead that instead of my impotent rage he had more of a desire to snuff my existence out quietly but definitively.
shit's weird man, I don't know what to do.
existential comics on twitter:
BLAH BLAH I'm the smartest
As an art student i can confirm this
you two need to fuck eachother.
The only thing left to decide is who's gonna bottom.
The leftist obviously, they are effeminate people with an effeminate ideology.
i know what that's like, user
i had a friendship that ended up developing a dynamic like that (though it wasn't about right vs left politics)
all i can say is i got the fuck out of it, never saw the guy again, and got myself a weapon
not before we fucked though, these boys are correct
Funny how an effeminate ideology defeated "masculine right wing" ideology in the last World War.
Meant for
stalin was not effiminate nor at all a leftist in the sense everyone knows it today
Its just typical cultural marxist dogshit. Fuck males
Existential Comics probably produced more hot takes than any other twitter user. Hardcore commie. Should be removed.
>200 characters counts as a rant
Get some fucking standards.
This is why the Internet ruined Western Society.
You've probably never had much of an intellectual conversation at all.
But you have never even talked to a woman.
fucking this
i challenge you to try and imagine two women discussing literally anything important with each other, i bet you can't
I think wasting time trying to talk about 'big important things' on a day-to-day basis is just autistic
t. female/male brainlet
He has a point I feel like shooting my head everytime I engage with a western woman.
Bisexual who dated both women and men here, can confirm. Women are good only for sex, they offer absolutely no added value in a relationship. And I've never had an intelligent conversation with a female, be it my mother, my girlfriends, my classmates, coworkers. They're all dull as shit.
And if anything they will actively try to fuck you over by trying to turn you against your friends which is something men almost never do.