ITT: The closest the USA came to having a dictator(s)

>ITT: The closest the USA came to having a dictator(s)

Keep it pre-1990.

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Huey Long

George Washington


Not even joking.

Its a miracle he died in his third term and was so sickly and weak his whole life or he would have ruled for 6 or 7 terms.

>Huey Long
Came here to say that
People have no idea who that man was, what he was about, and how he operated

>McCarthy was a dictator
>McCarthy did anything wrong
but to your question, the correct answers are Andrew Jackson, Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Huey Long, and FDR

Oh noooooooooooooo, giving people healthcare and economic rights such as social security and retirement, what a dictator he was. I mean what's next, he made the economy run and put everyone back to work?! What an evil man! An evil dictator!

And? It's not like he rigged votes, he was just retardedly popular.
Most countries don't have retarded arbitrary term limits.

>stepped down voluntarily after two terms
>insisted on the title Mr. President when many wanted to call him "His Highness"

He is a dictator guys!!!!

He could have been a dictator had he wanted to.

That's how it starts. First they abuse their power to fix problems. Then after the rules have been stretched, they use the new rules that they justified with their former problem solving to do more and consolidate more power. Then they refuse to step down, and then you have a dictator. FDR was well on his way to never not running for office, but thankfully God and polio intervened.


t. triggered leftyfags

thank god he died before potsdam because he more than likely would have given stalin the entirety of Europe


Donald Trump.
>hurr durr its not 1990, present day libtard.
I don't care. Trump has become a tyrannical dictator since he began his reign in 2017. Our democracy is fucked.

>he made the economy run and put everyone back to work
WW2 did that.

I didn't say he was an "Evil" dictator. I said his rule is most like a dictators in nature. Here is what I mean. He had virtually no limit to how long he could have ruled. He would have kept winning and winning. He was willing to push to change the number of people on the Supreme court if it helped him pack it with his supporters. He was given virtually everything he ever asked for from Congress. He had to do alot of political fighting but he also had the country at a time where his style of manipulation was particularly useful. A depression and a War created alot of mandate to just get shit done and discouraged obstructionism from his adversaries. He had it most easy and could have done anything he pleased. He even had a hidden physical deformity like some classic meme ruler.

That being said I agree with almost everything he did. I just think he wielded power with as little constraint as possible for a US president. That's how I would define being a dictator. Wielding power without viable opposition. That was FDR. Again I love social Security and the WPA and all the rest.


Hope the piece of shit gets assassinated.

>but thankfully God and polio intervened

Too bad John Wilkes could't have intervened. Would've been more poetic justice for this world if he had been the one to punch Roosevelt's ticket.

I can buy that he's incompetent or that you disagree with him, but he's certainly not a dictator.

But he wasn't, therefore he wasn't our closet thing to a dictator.

>kill Trump
>one person holding the leash of the Alt-Right back is taken out of the picture
>give Alt-Right the excuse they've been looking for years make Right Wing Death Squads
>Second American Civil War starts overnight with the liquidation of leftist faggots and nigger lovers
>Day of the Rope becomes real
>America is purified of Communist vermin in a sea of blood

Thank you so much Antifa.

He denies the democratic process and openly flaunts disrespect for established voting systems to the point he questions their outcomes.

calm down Stephen

I hope you faggots would fucking try so the sane men of the world can wring your collective necks like we did the last time around.

Honorary mention because he had authoritarian tendencies

Ok. That's historically speaking, not how dictators operate if you look at it from anything but a very basic level. Trump hasn't tried to expand the presidential powers, not does he seem to want or have the ability to hold onto power indefinitely. He's not gonna be a dictator. At worst he'll be another Buchanan.

This, he’s too much of a bumbling idiot to be a dictator/fascist/whatever else. He’s like the bizarre 100% cucked comedy version of mussolini

Stop taking larping seriously leftypol. You look stupid.

>implying we aren't going to be the ones flattening Dresden this time around to rid the world of a couple hundred-thousand Antifa vermin

>Trump hasn't tried to expand the presidential powers
8 Years of Obama trying to increase the size and power of government and rule by fiat while the left cheered him for not working with Congress and now Trump is a dictator for trying to decrease government power while negotiating major changes through the legislative branch. Liberals are truly out of touch with reality.

The man is a billionaire who became the leader if the free world and currently is one of 2 men on the planet that can singlehandedly destroy civilization in an afternoon.

That does not sound like an idiot to me.

I think people like you that keep underestimating him are the idiots.

Okay faggot, here are some "alleged" mind you, quotes of Bush before Trump was even a thing.
>Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It's just a goddamned piece of paper!
>If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator.
>Either you are with us or you're with the terrorists.

>He denies the democratic process
in what way specifically

Any examples of this actually happening?

>we'll see
>we won the majority
>illegals all voted

Nigger I don't give a fuck what you think.

In the US, or just in general?

In general, but in the US is okay too.

>thread immediately dissolved into a /pol/ and reddit dick measuring contest to see who is the most retarded.

Should we just go ahead and improve the level of discourse by spamming pregnant Anne Frank fantasies?

At least that was somewhat humorously creative instead of just rehashing the same tired shitposting that has plagued almost every board since the reddit refugees arrived. Seeing "everyone I don't like are degenerates" and "drumf is a cartoon villain" every thread is fucking terrible.

To add to the thread, I would argue that the presidential seat is already a lot closer to a dictatorship than it was previously. Almost every major president has added to the branch's power regardless of political leaning. The Patriot Act and the president's ability to conduct mini wars without congressional approval are particularly frightening.

That's still a lot better than /pol/ flooding the place.


>brainlet thinks all dictators must be evil

Here's an idea, let's try and come up with the best scenario where a nine month pregnant Anne Frank becomes President of the United States (she doesn't need to be elected, continuity of government scenarios are allowed). Winner gets a photoshop of pregnant Anne wearing a MAGA cap.

>disbanding the Electoral College
>He denies the democratic process and openly flaunts disrespect for established voting systems to the point he questions their outcomes.
>this coming from an assblasted Hillary supporter who's probably advocated at least one of the following
>encouraging faithless electors
>spreading that /tv/ fanfiction of Trump pissing on Russian prostitutes
>getting Trump declared mentally unfit for office
>spreading Jewish lies about the Russian tampering with the election
>getting Trump impeached over some bogus scandal when Obama and Bush literally armed our enemies and orchestrated false-flag attacks for their benefit
>all because he can't get over the fact Trump won the election fair and square

lmao stay mad faggot

>He denies the democratic process and openly flaunts disrespect for established voting systems to the point he questions their outcomes.
>this coming from an assblasted Hillary voter who's probably advocated at least one of the following
>disbanding the Electoral College
>He denies the democratic process and openly flaunts disrespect for established voting systems to the point he questions their outcomes.
>this coming from an assblasted Hillary supporter who's probably advocated at least one of the following
>encouraging faithless electors
>spreading that /tv/ fanfiction of Trump pissing on Russian prostitutes
>getting Trump declared mentally unfit for office
>spreading Jewish lies about the Russian tampering with the election
>getting Trump impeached over some bogus scandal when Obama and Bush literally armed our enemies and orchestrated false-flag attacks for their benefit
>all because he can't get over the fact Trump won the election fair and square

lmao stay mad faggot

Fuck off, this thread is /pol/ country now.

Sic Semper Tyrannis


He was the good kind
He was President until the final months of the war and America's wartime economic policies were largely his idea.
The New Deal was actually a way to stop communist revolution from taking hold.

>give the communists what they want and you win

Lincoln did NOTHING wrong
Just another case of Dixieniggers chimping out


>literally give niggers the vote
>doing nothing wrong

Your coonery is showing Tyrone.

>he thinks the New Deal was communism
>it just put people to work on public works projects and put restrictions on (((banks)))
>he isn't aware FDR signed the Smith Act into law in 1940 that prosecuted a lot of commies
0.02 shekels have been deposited into your account.

The CSA had the right to secede, read the Declaration of Independence and the majority of the founding fathers supported secession. If they just let them go without a war more white men would have lived on and reproduced and so on so forth so there'd be more white Americans around today than there are now. We also would be rated a lot better on many metrics without the South and all it's niggers dragging the US down.
t. copperhead

Please, he’s a trust fund kid who played with daddy’s money and came out ok, then fumbled his way into the presidency on the backs of a populist wave he didn’t build and had failed to ride in 2012. He’s a joke.

What this person said. I don't even think liberals think he is a dictator since they are constantly mocking him instead of fearing him. Call him a dictator is giving him way too much credit

So in other words, you have no real proof.
>*nation wide riots over being sore losers

Democrats have been clamoring for reform to EC even before since this isn't the first time they won the popular vote but lost the presidency

>you have no real proof
Are you serious? He claimed the election was fixed by the democrats. He remarked flippantly at being asked if he would respect a loss in the election.

I'm not making this shit up user you crazy piece of trump sucking shit.

>He’s a joke.
>wins the Presidency

>does a terrible job at it
This speaks less about his intelligence and more about the intelligence of the republic that put him there

Wasn't there a Democrat Party official in Wisconsin admitting on camera they're rigging the primaries at least?


>Are you serious? He claimed the election was fixed by the democrats
How exactly is claiming that the election might be rigged him denying the democratic process you stupid faggot? How can you unironically bitch about this while the entirety of the democrats think a massive russian hacking conspiracy rigged the election against hillary?
How can you have a nation wide sore loser riot because your guy lost then complain about "t-trump supports might have done it to though!"

>it's niggers dragging the US down
Exactly, and it you southern retards who wanted to keep and breed the niggers.

The CSA had the right and the aesthetic, but they were downright retarded. Slavery drives down the wages of the lower class whites in the first place, so from an economic standpoint it's stupid. Then there's the moral part. Not ethical, I mean moral. We were Anglo founded, and the Anglo tradition beginning in 1066 decreed no slaves. Somehow our ancestors forgot about all that. Even before then, thralls had better treatment. CSA is glorified ancapistan at the expense of every moral.

of course, they hate actually being accountable for counties that aren't cities.

All the Russian trolls and alt right racists are making fun of me because I'm saying that Trump is a dictator and that I'm telling the truth, go blow me I'm spreading the truth about the dictator that is the Trump regime. I wouldn't be surprised if he's going to start hearding people into camps and gas hundreds of thousands of people and deport and exterminate millions of non-white people. It's going to happen I can see by 2019 or sooner maybe 2018 this year that people are going to start disappearing and be thrown in concentration camps and we're going to lose all of our rights and Trump is going to be a dictator and I'm going to be thrown in jail because I spoke out against the regime. history is going to remember the Trump dictatorship as a very bloody regime that killed millions of people. it's going to come true I know it's going to come true as long as he is president or so-called president I should say.

Are you retarded?

The first and the last. Lincoln and Trump.

I can't tell if you're being ironic or not. Can such a brainlet like this exist?

>If they just let them go without a war
Maybe you retards shouldn't have attacked the union.

What was he doing?

>How exactly is claiming that the election might be rigged him denying the democratic process
He is saying it didn't work, that it is fixed. Baselessly.


In general. I tend to see crypto-tards claiming that anyone who did any sort of competent work in government is basically a dictator, and the US is too young to have gone through the whole cycle of empires and revolutions.

you mean hate being accountable to the majority?

>muh majority
you don't really give a fuck about low population counties or states, do you?

The bastardization of the original that is the modern Electoral College in no way helps the small and rural states. It in-fact empowers a select few high population states like Virginia and Florida to decide the fate of the nation while still being minority in whole. The way the Electoral College is now is not what the Constitution set out, which was a council of selected notables from the states who would get together and hash out who to make President. Nor is it a democratic process that's based on the popular vote. It is a mockery of Justice that only serves to subvert good government and should be abolished.

I've been saying this for years now. He even does that stupid crossed arm posturing thing with his jowl.

>The CSA had the right to secede
>majority of the founding fathers supported secession
Again, nope. Not a single ex-president at the time supported it either.

All White Southerners deserve the rope.

The DoI is not law

This. Trump's success comes not from some esoteric and well-hidden genius, rather it comes from the American people's idiocy.

Anyone who looks at Donald Trump and sees anything but white-trash in a nice (if ill-fitting) suit, is a brainlet of the highest order.

They had to amend the Constitution to make secession illegal.

Gaius Marius, Sulla, Caesar, Oliver Cromwell, Mussolini, and Hitler.

>Full employment after complete mobilisation

If you cant tell him being ironic you are one yourself

Stop gerrymandering the term "dictator". Dictator has a specific meaning, namely that separation of powers doesn't exist, and only one person has judicial, executive and legislative power.

Trump does not have judicial and legislative power, in fact, he's been stopped several times by the Supreme Court for doing shit that they deemed were unconstitutional.

This guy tried to get fascist control by running for president, but got shut down.

The Deep South has a quality of life/life span similar to that of North Africa.
If they can't recover even after 153 years, I doubt they'd contribute anything of value.

>Unlawfully imprisons Japanese Americans and sises their property
> b-but muh jubz
Do you have any idea how much harder it must have been for Stalin to turn backwards feudal Russia into an industrial super power? Does that make him a hero of some sort in your eyes?
>giving people healthcare and economic rights such as social security and retirement
(citation needed)

wtf I love Rosenfeld now

You must be very new if you think that post is serious

There was a plan for a coup to install him as a dictator but he talked them out of it.

This, or FDR, easily.